Filling breakfasts



  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    I eat egg beaters but I buy the egg beaters egg whites. I have high cholesterol so I limit it. I still eat yolks time to time but not as often. These were an good substitute. =)

    Egg white omelets is my favorite. Loaded with veggies. Of course, breakfast muffins would be excellent and portable.

  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    draznyth wrote: »
    draznyth wrote: »
    jgnatca wrote: »

    If you don't have access to Egg Beaters, just use eggs. If you must keep it low-cal, cook the egg whites only.

    Wow, I just googled this and it looks brilliant. Aww, man. There goes another super practical protein source I don't have access to where I live. Along with PB2 <=(

    I can't afford to go through that many egg I feel kinda guilty for wasting the yolk, hehe (I don't always, but sometimes I just need the whites!)

    Hope you have access to this,OP

    Not sure why you'd ditch the best-tasting part of the egg just to save a few calories :disappointed:

    Not to mention how much more $$ it costs to do that compared to buying 12 or 18 eggs.

    Because I'm a female, I'm short and I have to eat at a deficit to lose weight. I don't get too many cals. So at the end of the day, when I still need some grams of protein, but don't have many calories to spare, I really only need the whites.

    Like I said, I don't always do this (I usually have 2 eggs... or 1 egg, 2 whites) and when I do, I feel bad about wasting the yolk. It's exactly what I said. So that egg beaters thing sounded like a great alternative. Which I guess is why people buy it.

    Get it? Man, peolpe can be judgy about other people's business...

    Lol I don't really care what you personally do with your 1200 cal a day. No judgment here.

    Just offering my suggestion to OP, rather than wasting a bunch of money on Egg Beaters or throwing egg yolks down the drain. :mrgreen:<3

    Haha fair enough. I jumped rather quickly, but, in my defense, I'm having bad day. A bad day I say!

    Cheers = )

    I was quick to defend eggs. They make the sun shine. :sunglasses:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited April 2015
    For me 'filling' will depend on what time of the month it is, but typically...

    - low carb/high fiber tortilla with cheese, egg, and ham/sausage/bacon
    - oatmeal with nut butter (got to be one serving though)
    - two fried eggs with 150g of refried beans
    - two eggs, hash browns, and bacon
    - whole wheat English muffin with ricotta (at least part skim) and honey

    I need the fat and fiber to be full, pretty much.
  • arditarose wrote: »
    Quest bar. 12 tablespoons of egg beaters, mixed with a laughing cow cheese, and a slice of bacon.

    Do you scramble this or Put it in a wrap
  • 3ferbqtqcrlm.jpg

    Please let me know what this is? And I need the recipe immediately... Please?????
  • newmeadow wrote: »
    cocoavirgo wrote: »

    Please let me know what this is? And I need the recipe immediately... Please?????

    They look like Ore Ida Tator Tots wrapped in bacon?
    I need this is my life
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i make this almost every other week, and i have it for breakfast 6 days in a row with a slice or two of bread.

    it's a kale and chorizo frittata, but you can substitute any kind of sausage and leafy green for the recipe.
  • hncary
    hncary Posts: 176 Member
    I like to do a 3 egg omelette with soem chopped up tomato and spinach cooked into the egg and some white cheddar cheese, ham, and sauteed mushrooms and onions inside. Then if you need more a light english muffin, a mini bagel, or some fruit on the side.
  • robynmclaren98
    robynmclaren98 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm a big fan of my protein oatmeal.
    1 tbsp slivered almonds
    1 tsp ground flax
    1 tsp whole flax
    1/8 cup porridge oats
    1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
    1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
    Throw it all in a coffee cup at work, zap it in the microwave until its nice and thick and creamy, and...yummy breakfast, no mess no fuss :)
  • gero76
    gero76 Posts: 6 Member
    i make this almost every other week, and i have it for breakfast 6 days in a row with a slice or two of bread.

    it's a kale and chorizo frittata, but you can substitute any kind of sausage and leafy green for the recipe.

    That looks so nice how do u make it?
  • bkolegraff
    bkolegraff Posts: 14 Member
    gero76 wrote: »
    I'm the type of person that likes to eat within 30 mins of waking up
    I find if I eat a good filling breakfast & I mean FILLING then it can keep me going for hours! If any1 has suggestions on nice filling breakie slow calorie I'd be most grateful

    I make chilled "Swiss Oatmeal". You make it the night before, and its good for 2-3 days. Very filing. Has oatmeal, milk (I use almond milk) apples, bannanas, raisons, and low-fat yogurt. Corner Bakery also sells it for $4.50 a bowl (350 calories). Let me know if you want more, or jsut google "Swiss oatmeal."
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited April 2015
    halencak3 wrote: »
    For me oatmeal fills me up and I can last until lunch time. If I eat eggs or yogurt or fruit, I'm hungry shortly after. I also eat my oatmeal plain, no added stuff (but that's for consuming less calories)

    Oatmeal rules as a hunger killer for me as well. This is my favorite way to have oatmeal: Baked Carrot Cake Oatmeal. Super easy to make and very nutritious. I've gotten rave reviews and every person has asked for the recipe. Best topped with vanilla Greek yogurt, I think. I make it on the weekend and then cut the pan into squares for an easy breakfast during the week.
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    Today I had 2 hard boiled eggs, 2 string cheese, a banana and a glass of milk. I wasn't hungry for at least 5 hours.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    gero76 wrote: »
    i make this almost every other week, and i have it for breakfast 6 days in a row with a slice or two of bread.

    it's a kale and chorizo frittata, but you can substitute any kind of sausage and leafy green for the recipe.

    That looks so nice how do u make it?

    Are you kidding? I posted the link to the recipe.
  • JessieLMay
    JessieLMay Posts: 146 Member
    edited April 2015
    Im usually the person who can never get full. But earlier I made a sandwich that actually kept me satisfied for awhile.
    I took a light multi-grain english muffin, and filled it with 1 fried egg, 1 slice of sargentos cheese, 1 slice of hormel canadian bacon, and 1 slice of bacon and it was 352 calories.It had 24g of protein, and 8g of fiber. Of course if you can spare more calories, you can add another piece or 2 of the candian bacon or the regular bacon, but it won't cost you too much more. This might be a new go-to meal for me.
  • JessieLMay
    JessieLMay Posts: 146 Member
    Another one is "overnight oatmeal". I used this recipe, but instead, I use vanilla greek yogurt and whole milk. 355 calories, 18g of protein, and 15g of fiber. Next time after heating it up, I'm putting raisins in it to make it perfect. lol
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    One of my staples is plain Greek yogurt topped with berries, pecans and a drizzle of honey.
  • Karen_Clark
    Karen_Clark Posts: 2 Member
    I've been mixing 1/2 cup Fiber One cereal into vanilla 80-cal Greek Yogurt, maybe a sliced banana or something too - very filling and super yummy. I will also sometimes have it for dessert!
  • Last night I made a batch of the mini whole wheat egg sandwiches that I found on the MFP blog, although I substituted the ham for bacon:

    Since one of those wouldn't be enough, I also made a small "muffin" type thing (I'm using the term pretty loosely here!) out of spinach, zucchini, corn, goat cheese, green onion and flax eggs, and squished that between some flaxseed flat bread. Total is about 350 calories.
  • dawne000
    dawne000 Posts: 44 Member
    Sounds like a weird combo but it's really good, filling & high protein (26g).
    *1c plain 0% fat Greek yogurt
    *1 small apple, diced
    *1c diced celery
    *1/4 c chopped walnuts
    *honey or Stevia to taste

    Mix it all up and enjoy! You get a protein, a veggie, fruit & a healthy fat serving all in one!

  • SophiaSerrao
    SophiaSerrao Posts: 234 Member
    dawne000 wrote: »
    Sounds like a weird combo but it's really good, filling & high protein (26g).
    *1c plain 0% fat Greek yogurt
    *1 small apple, diced
    *1c diced celery
    *1/4 c chopped walnuts
    *honey or Stevia to taste

    Mix it all up and enjoy! You get a protein, a veggie, fruit & a healthy fat serving all in one!

    I've seen weirder, lol.

    Hey, I do a snack that's very similar to yours :). It just swaps the celery for carrot and grates it all:

    1C plain Greek yogurt
    1 small apple, grated
    1 small carrot, grated
    1/4C chopped walnuts
    stevia/honey/brown sugar to taste
    maybe some cinnamon

    = )

    (The original recipe uses condensed milk instead of yogurt, but those are calories I simply can't afford.)
  • dawne000
    dawne000 Posts: 44 Member
    dawne000 wrote: »
    Sounds like a weird combo but it's really good, filling & high protein (26g).
    *1c plain 0% fat Greek yogurt
    *1 small apple, diced
    *1c diced celery
    *1/4 c chopped walnuts
    *honey or Stevia to taste

    Mix it all up and enjoy! You get a protein, a veggie, fruit & a healthy fat serving all in one!

    I've seen weirder, lol.

    Hey, I do a snack that's very similar to yours :). It just swaps the celery for carrot and grates it all:

    1C plain Greek yogurt
    1 small apple, grated
    1 small carrot, grated
    1/4C chopped walnuts
    stevia/honey/brown sugar to taste
    maybe some cinnamon

    = )

    (The original recipe uses condensed milk instead of yogurt, but those are calories I simply can't afford.)

    I'll have to try it with carrots! Sounds good!!! :)
  • Michelle4588
    Michelle4588 Posts: 271 Member
    try overnight oatmeal recipes, eat them right out of the fridge, room temp or heated. I prefer room temp.
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    edited April 2015
    i eat english muffin, turkey sausage, egg and 80 cal worth of cheese everyday. about 300 calorie sandwich.
    satisfying and lasts me until lunch.
  • missball
    missball Posts: 21 Member
    Low calorie to one person is not the same as another!
    My breakfast of choice works out at ~300kcal...
    Overnight oats:
    In bowl/mug/container .. 50g muesli, soak in enough fruit juice (orange works well) to cover. In the morning, add 3tbs/80g low fat Greek yogurt and a big pile of fruit (I usually use mango or strawberries), mix it all up and Ta Da!... A lovely healthy, balanced, super tasty breakfast that will not only leave you feeling full til lunchtime but also make you feel generally super.
    Give it a go. I tried it out a couple of weeks ago cynically but have stuck with it cause its fab.
  • animalldy
    animalldy Posts: 140 Member
    Egg white oatmeal is the best and TONS of protein.
    1/2 c oatmeal
    1/2 c water
    3/4 c egg whites
    Combine the above, microwave for 75 seconds, stir. Microwave for 30 seconds, stir, repeat until cooked thru.
    Top with almond milk, fresh fruit and cinnamon.
  • eandersonfeb23
    eandersonfeb23 Posts: 1 Member
    I like to make an open face sandwich of a slice of Ezekial Sprouted Wheat bread with a 1/2 tbsp of real butter, 1 egg (fried in Extra Virgin Unrefined Coconut Oil), 2 slices of nitrate free bacon or sausage links and 1 piece of real cheese. Everything takes less than 3 minutes to do and it's a great balance of protein, fat & carbohydrates! Need more carbs? Do two slices of bread.
  • peterjens
    peterjens Posts: 235 Member
    edited April 2015
    gero76 wrote: »
    If any1 has suggestions on nice filling breakie slow calorie I'd be most grateful

    One serving greek yogurt, one scoop protein powder, and one serving Fiber One. Stir it together. Reminds me of mortar - thick and filling. LOTS of protein.

    Edit: 343 calories, 43 carbs, 7 fat, 42 protein, 14 fiber and 0 sugar
  • SophiaSerrao
    SophiaSerrao Posts: 234 Member
    dawne000 wrote: »
    dawne000 wrote: »
    Sounds like a weird combo but it's really good, filling & high protein (26g).
    *1c plain 0% fat Greek yogurt
    *1 small apple, diced
    *1c diced celery
    *1/4 c chopped walnuts
    *honey or Stevia to taste

    Mix it all up and enjoy! You get a protein, a veggie, fruit & a healthy fat serving all in one!

    I've seen weirder, lol.

    Hey, I do a snack that's very similar to yours :). It just swaps the celery for carrot and grates it all:

    1C plain Greek yogurt
    1 small apple, grated
    1 small carrot, grated
    1/4C chopped walnuts
    stevia/honey/brown sugar to taste
    maybe some cinnamon

    = )

    (The original recipe uses condensed milk instead of yogurt, but those are calories I simply can't afford.)

    I'll have to try it with carrots! Sounds good!!! :)

    And I'll try the celery!! Diced. :smiley:
  • kickassbarbie
    kickassbarbie Posts: 286 Member
    4 eggs scrambled (tastes good either half egg white only or all whites if your tight on calories)
    1 serving smoked salmon
    1 giant handful of spinach
    1 table spoon of flax seed
    Squeeze of lemon

    Scramble eggs then add the rest all chopped up, low calorie, super filling, super yummy, pretty big and chocca with protein and goodness! Takes about 4mins.