kgecik Member


  • Plus, we just had SO MUCH fun together!! I wanted to be with him. We went to Nashville, Portugal, the beach, San Fran, Lake Tahoe...we just got along so well, never fought. So I'm not surprised I spent so much time giving him space... :-) I miss him.
  • @J_Surita3 Yeah, I gave him time because he had expressed fear of commitment and that it was something he was working on and had a real desire to change. In the beginning it was okay with we--I wanted a relationship with him, but wasn't so hung up on hearing the words "I love you" or anything. Plus, like you said, his…
  • @j_surita3 Yeah of course the actions speak louder than words, but there never were any words. He said he didn't have those feelings for me, but his actions completely said the opposite which is why it's so confusing and heart breaking. So would you stay with someone who never told you in almost a year that he liked you?…
  • Just like a meat market. Guys didn't read my profile. Would send msgs just saying stupid stuff. Plus the guys in my area appear to be bros or rednecks. I joined looking for hope, as in "see there are plenty of others out there" but I cancelled my accounts bc it was more of a bummer.
  • Just like a meat market. Guys didn't read my profile. Would send msgs just saying stupid stuff. Plus the guys in my area appear to be bros or rednecks. I joined looking for hope, as in "see there are plenty of others out there" but I cancelled my accounts bc it was more of a bummer.
  • My guy didn't disappear or poof as you said. Things were great. We had a few trips planned as far out as December. I felt like I needed to KNOW that he liked me (duh how basic). When he asked he clammed up so I broke it off. Haven't talked to him in 4 weeks. Sometimes even when you make the right choice it still hurts like…
  • We teach at the same school. He did tell me pretty early on he had some issues regarding commitment. I knew. We were exclusive, hung out 3-4 times a week, went on several trips together. I gave him lots of space and never pressured. We had so much fun together. But he was never able to say "I really like you" let alone…
  • French Kiss is so good!
  • Looking at your stats--great job!!! Sorry, that was for JJLive
  • Gone With The Wind, Love Actually, The Notebook
  • The good news is you have been active today: strolling, cleaning the house, etc. so as long as you stay under calories, just let it go and rest up! Don't feel too bad..weight loss is about more than just one day!
  • Oh my gosh, all I did was pump (wasn't interested in actually breastfeeding..) and I'm so glad I did it! It's time-consuming and hard but worth it! (and I was vain too and did it in part bc of the calories..)
  • My baby boy is 3 months old..I need to lose 9 lbs from the pregnancy and then I'd like to lose an additional 6! Friend me mamma! :-)