New! Just had a baby!

Hi Everyone!

I am new to this site.. I used to use the daily plate, but a friend recommended this one.

I just had my first baby 2 weeks ago.. I worked hard during the pregnancy to watch what I was eating and stay within my doctors weight gain guidelines.. I only ended up gaining 24lbs.. (I was 195 before I got pregnant, so already on the curvy side)

I am now down all the pregnancy weight and about 4 pounds.. I am ready to start tracking my food again like I was before I got pregnant.. not quite reaydy for exercising tho :) still healing..

I was looking to make some friends and find some support!!




  • cassondraragan
    cassondraragan Posts: 233 Member
    Hi! Welcome! Definitely take it easy with the exercise : ) Feel free to friend me!
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    friend me too...Im getting rid of baby weight 2 years later...we can do it!
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    Did you see that breast-feeding is an option in the exercise logs? It burns SO MANY calories!!! I can't wait to have my baby so I can use the heck out of those burned cals! Congrats!
  • I just had a baby 3 weeks ago, and need to loose the rest of this baby weight. Would love to be friends, feel free to add me.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I lost 50 lbs using this site before getting pregnant. I can't wait to have this little guy in almost three months and get back to it. Sadly Ive already gained way too much. I too am going to take advantage of the breast feeding option on the exercise log! lol No point in wasting that huh?
  • ckenning
    ckenning Posts: 71
    I had my 4th child 4 months ago. I too have weight to lose! I love this site, it's helped keep me on track with my weight loss. Feel free to friend me!
  • MrsTomkins
    MrsTomkins Posts: 64 Member
    I hadn't seen that!

    I have been super unsuccessful getting her to latch.. but I have been pumping.. and pumping and pumping lol

    it is a lot of extra work but I know it is better for her, and selfishly I know it will help me lose weight :)
  • melicr
    melicr Posts: 11 Member
    Hi new mom here too.. well with my second, 6 weeks ago.. I want to lose 18 lbs (12 lbs will put me in my pre-prego weight). I also workout during my pregnancy and started working out 2 weeks ago.

    "I want to get back in shape not just lose weight "
  • kgecik
    kgecik Posts: 17 Member
    My baby boy is 3 months old..I need to lose 9 lbs from the pregnancy and then I'd like to lose an additional 6! Friend me mamma! :-)
  • kgecik
    kgecik Posts: 17 Member
    Oh my gosh, all I did was pump (wasn't interested in actually breastfeeding..) and I'm so glad I did it! It's time-consuming and hard but worth it! (and I was vain too and did it in part bc of the calories..)