lutterby Member


  • I also had lots of ear infections as a child and am missing ranges in my hearing in one ear. I have done alot of work on bosu's to help improve my balance, stuff like squats, lunges, pushups, standing on one leg and changing it over to the other, on the bosu. Its all about using your core to create stability on an uneven…
  • I have found a range of clothes with pockets which I use.... when you're a girl, pockets are rare. My run top has a cleavage pocket in it, I think its called wondergirl top, their skirts also have pockets on leg. They are called skirt sports.... most of their clothes come with pockets, which I like.
  • +1 In my 20s, I use to eat tonnes, I think I had the metabolism of a horse... and my energy levels meant I never stopped. I had one fulltime job, one parttime job and studied fulltime at uni as well as had an active social life. In my 30's, one job, studied parttime and average social life Now in my 40's, I have slowed…
  • I'm pretty new to the BeachBody hype (just found this post and only now is it beginning to make sense) and feeling quite naive about it atm. I just thought T25 was an exercise programme... ooops. I asked a couple of questions about T25 recently and got a few pm's telling me about so&so being a coach and another one about a…
  • I am with a few people here and agree you should see a doctor. Three months of sharp pain is telling you something is wrong. I notice you mention you dont have insurance so cant see a doctor, but surely there are free/low cost medical clinic available for the non-insured (I'm Australian and we have a different medical care…
  • Thanks for the reply. I guess I'll get the eating plan when he gets back. I will give it a go this afternoon, if its too strenuous I'll delay for a week and a half as I have something on next weekend One more Question...Just want to confirm that for alpha and beta (none of the cds say gamma), all I need are the cds and…
    in T25 Comment by lutterby November 2013
  • Hi all, Just another newbie type enquiry and looking for some advice. A colleague passed some Focus t25 cds and a resistance band to me last week, he felt he wasnt fit enough and he said there were some books that he would bring in, but he has gone on holidays for 3 weeks. So does anyone know what the books are? I am…
    in T25 Comment by lutterby October 2013
  • Take a different tack, and just believe you do look weird at the gym and people are acknowledging your difference. When Im at the gym, I rarely make eye contact, I put on my headphones and tune out to everybody else... yes I know I prob look weird, Im the only one in a skirt, I huff and puff loudly, and sweat buckets, but…
  • I bought my polar secondhand on ebay for $45 which incl postage from usa, that was 3yrs ago and its still going strong, only had to change the battery once
  • Thanks for that Mike. This is well timed as I have been thinking about a Fitbit all week... have now joined the misfits that are 'team Shine' It looks gorgeous how could you not jump ship.... Happy Thanksgiving to you