Women over 40



  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I am 57 and I lost 27lbs in around 9 months and no I did not find it any harder. In fact I found it a lot easier than other times of trying to lose weight throughout my lifetime, due mainly to using MFP, being consistent, weighing EVERYTHING and weightlifting.

    This is very spooky. I was just about to write this almost word for word :smile:
  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    For me at 51, it has definitely been harder, but I feel there are factors other than the fact that I am older and menopausal. I am struggling with a lifetime of eating whatever I want, in whatever quantities I wanted, pain not dealt with over many years that made exercising difficult, and a height of barely 5'1" that gives me not a lot of wiggle room if I want to stay at a deficit yet still meet protein and fat goals. So trying to change habits at my age has been hard, but I am going in the right direction. It is just so damn easy to fall back into old habits, especially with food and overeating. Tracking my food on MFP has been so important, and really what has made me lose the weight I have so far.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    Another voice for "it doesn't seem harder". I'm 51. Weight loss at any age is challenging, but I wouldn't say I found it more challenging because of my age. My focus and determination is definitely better than it was in my 20's.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    I'm 46 and don't really notice a big difference. Truely, the key is to be consistent.

    42 here and i agree. i think the difficulty comes in because the older you get usually the more ingrained you are in your bad habits which might make it harder to be consistent in making lifestyle changes
  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    I'm 53 and have lost over 60 lbs in the last 2 1/2 years. The last 24 lbs have come off while using MFP. I eat at a reasonable deficit and lift heavy weights.
  • tottie06
    tottie06 Posts: 259 Member
    Will be 40 in Dec. And yes, it's harder for me too! All that I am working to lose now (30lbs) was gained only recently ...during the past 4 years. I used to always hover at a certain weight. But then the pounds just piled on like crazy! That's ok, I will just count everything and work harder. But it's shocking how I could gain that fast.
  • zerryz
    zerryz Posts: 168 Member
    51 here, and yeah, it was easier for me to lose when I was in my 20's and 30's. In retrospect, maybe it was not easier, but simply faster: In other words, I didn't need to remain consistent as long as I have to now, to lose the same amount of weight. Staying consistent over a longer period of time is definitely more challenging and requires more discipline for me. So yeah, harder now. But still possible. Especially with new convenient tools such as MFP. Add me if you'd like. And good luck.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I'm 51. It can definitely be done!
  • teelynn35
    teelynn35 Posts: 239 Member
    I think it's been way harder for me this time around/ I lost 30 lbs a couple years, got lazy gained 20 back. I'm having a heck of a time losing it. I'm 45
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    I'm 45. It takes longer to take it off, and I have to work harder to maintain weight loss. I love to workout, so that definitely helps. I have also increased my protein intake and decreased my carbs some.

    Anyone can feel free to send me a friend request. I love having women in their 40's and up as MFP buddies!
  • meagsdionne
    meagsdionne Posts: 47 Member
    42 and feeling your pain. I hit 40 and my metabolism shut down. I use to be able to eat whatever I wanted now I have to be so careful!!!
  • I have found the older we get the more difficult it is. Staying consistent is the key. Have some fun with exercise. I am a member of Curves & lost 25 lbs so far would like to get down 2 more pants sizes. It's moving slow but as long as it still moves I am happy. Zumba is also fun, and I am involved in pilstes with my church.:smile:
  • Op I agree it is harder you have to be more disciplined for sure especially if your one of the unlucky s that experience estrogen dominance as we head towards the big M...I hear a lot of woman actually lose weight easier after the big M due to lack of estrogen....Once we hit this age and beyond it all depends...some have no problem because hormones are balanced some struggle..I suffered with estrogen dominance for awhile, I had to get that fixed ( balanced) before I could even consider losing weight.....and I quit smoking two whammys.. I can't eat like I did in my twenties and I'm sure these other posters whom says its a breeze to lose in the forties don't either..I can almost guarantee it...lol. Watching calories ,exercise and discipline a lot of discipline it will start to come off
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I'm 47 and it seems like it takes about twice as long to lose 5 lbs as it used to. However, if I stick with my calories it does come off.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Op I agree it is harder you have to be more disciplined for sure especially if your one of the unlucky s that experience estrogen dominance as we head towards the big M...I hear a lot of woman actually lose weight easier after the big M due to lack of estrogen....Once we hit this age and beyond it all depends...some have no problem because hormones are balanced some struggle..I suffered with estrogen dominance for awhile, I had to get that fixed ( balanced) before I could even consider losing weight.....and I quit smoking two whammys.. I can't eat like I did in my twenties and I'm sure these other posters whom says its a breeze to lose in the forties don't either..I can almost guarantee it...lol. Watching calories ,exercise and discipline a lot of discipline it will start to come off

    Ummm.....I more or less can eat the same when I have a commensurate activity level. Nice to insinuate that some of us are lying.

    ETA: some women are more prone to insulin resistance, especially after menopause. To counteract that, exercise and incorporate some restistance training (it will also help your metabolism and bone density). Some women may find it easier to lose weight by being careful with carbs also...but not all.
  • lutterby
    lutterby Posts: 61 Member
    I use to be able to eat whatever I wanted now I have to be so careful!!!
    In my 20s, I use to eat tonnes, I think I had the metabolism of a horse... and my energy levels meant I never stopped. I had one fulltime job, one parttime job and studied fulltime at uni as well as had an active social life.
    In my 30's, one job, studied parttime and average social life
    Now in my 40's, I have slowed down, one job, a fairly quiet social life, and just cant eat anywhere near that amount. I have nowhere near that level of energy.... and when I look back at it, I can see why I find it harder to lose weight and keep it off.
    Just remember consistency is the key
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Op I agree it is harder you have to be more disciplined for sure especially if your one of the unlucky s that experience estrogen dominance as we head towards the big M...I hear a lot of woman actually lose weight easier after the big M due to lack of estrogen....Once we hit this age and beyond it all depends...some have no problem because hormones are balanced some struggle..I suffered with estrogen dominance for awhile, I had to get that fixed ( balanced) before I could even consider losing weight.....and I quit smoking two whammys.. I can't eat like I did in my twenties and I'm sure these other posters whom says its a breeze to lose in the forties don't either..I can almost guarantee it...lol. Watching calories ,exercise and discipline a lot of discipline it will start to come off
    guarantee what, you say?
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Op I agree it is harder you have to be more disciplined for sure especially if your one of the unlucky s that experience estrogen dominance as we head towards the big M...I hear a lot of woman actually lose weight easier after the big M due to lack of estrogen....Once we hit this age and beyond it all depends...some have no problem because hormones are balanced some struggle..I suffered with estrogen dominance for awhile, I had to get that fixed ( balanced) before I could even consider losing weight.....and I quit smoking two whammys.. I can't eat like I did in my twenties and I'm sure these other posters whom says its a breeze to lose in the forties don't either..I can almost guarantee it...lol. Watching calories ,exercise and discipline a lot of discipline it will start to come off

    actually, since you're calling us liars...

    given the same amount of exercise, I eat pretty much the same I did in my 20's.

    the ones who think their metabolism shut down, just stopped moving as much.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Op I agree it is harder you have to be more disciplined for sure especially if your one of the unlucky s that experience estrogen dominance as we head towards the big M...I hear a lot of woman actually lose weight easier after the big M due to lack of estrogen....Once we hit this age and beyond it all depends...some have no problem because hormones are balanced some struggle..I suffered with estrogen dominance for awhile, I had to get that fixed ( balanced) before I could even consider losing weight.....and I quit smoking two whammys.. I can't eat like I did in my twenties and I'm sure these other posters whom says its a breeze to lose in the forties don't either..I can almost guarantee it...lol. Watching calories ,exercise and discipline a lot of discipline it will start to come off

    actually, since you're calling us liars...

    given the same amount of exercise, I eat pretty much the same I did in my 20's.

    the ones who think their metabolism shut down, just stopped moving as much.
    Or, perhaps midlife affects folks differently. Just a thought.
  • I am 41 & I haven't found it any harder to lose the weight but I have found it is easier to put the weight on!