BeachBody Coaches Leave Me Alone! (lol)



  • RyanJK85
    RyanJK85 Posts: 580 Member
    I have one friend that is, but she doesnt ever ask...just said if we ever want to learn about it, ask
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    I haven't gotten any. Nobody loves me. Lol. Thank goodness
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Heck I give correct info for FREE and ask nothing in return. No gimmicks, no scams, just straight up correct accurate info I've learned from clinical studies and journals of medicine, science and physiology.

    Most coaches will just inform you of what they did and expect it to work for others.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I give free advice and more often than not people who have a similar situation to me seek me out. We relate and I share what has worked for me and I always make sure to tell them I'm not an expert about anything other than being a teacher (my real profession). To be honest teachers make great BB coaches because we know how to listen and help people in a supportive way even though I'm not an expert. Thanks for sharing sir. I've been following your posts for a while and you always give excellent advice. Everyone can and should have their own opinion about BB coaches. I dislike some of them as well lol. I feel very comfortable in my own skin regarding what I do.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    but if you are not trying to sell something, why do you feel that one needs to put it straight out there asap? I wouldn't want to scare people off thinking that the only reason why i friended them, etc is to sell something b/c i am a coach. That is the last thing for me.

    It's the last thing, but it is a thing. It's called full disclosure. People have the right to know if you're befriending them to make a profit, even if it's only a small part of the reason why you're befriending them.

    1st off it's NOT the reason at all why i friend people, i actually get more friend requests then i put out! I became a coach for my own discounts, not to sell stuff, but if someone i know in the end wants to try a item i have used or use b/c i am getting great results from, then great. but i don't push anything. I don't think it's proper to "disclose" something right off the hop if it's not the reason why you want to be friends with others, they will learn things about you along the way just like you learn about them along the way. I would hate to have people choose not be be friends with me just b/c i am a coach for my own reasons. I don't want to be judged... i am honest and want to provide support to who i can. That is why i have it in my profile, if they really read it and want to learn about me, they will know on their own without me having to throw it out there!

    It is proper to disclose, because it is ethical. You stand to potentially profit financially from your reviews and information about products. The person you are speaking with has a right to know that and should be able to take that into consideration when communicating with you about products. Also, BeachBody states that coaches are REQUIRED to disclose their status when discussing the product line. Just because you aren't actively pushing the products doesn't mean you are excused from the ethical obligations, and you can get reported to BeachBody for non-compliance. A person shouldn't have to click on your profile or do anything else to determine your status. And frankly, if someone sent me a friend request because we'd discussed BB products and I found out later that they were a coach as I "got to know them," I would unfriend them immediately, because I would always be left wondering if they made the friendship request because they were genuinely supportive or because they were hoping to build a friendship that they could parlay into a business relationship. There's an old saying, "when people show you who they are, believe them." If the person I'm seeing doesn't feel that being honest and upfront about who they are is important, then I've seen all I need to see. I'm not going to waste my time digging deeper to find out if they are nice person or a supportive person or a good parent or a wonderful listener. I'm not going to not be friends with someone who discloses their coach status, but I absolutely won't be friends with someone who hides it and will block them on the site.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    well i don't hide it, and yes if i am discussing any BB products i do tell them i am a coach, but just b/c someone friended me and is asking me advice, why do i need to throw it out there in their face i am a coach right away when they are asking for advice... it may never have to do with exercise, maybe only nutrition, how many cals to eat etc. .. some friends i have had on here since i started 2 years ago, i have found just to motivate each other and never discuss what exercise we are doing, etc just chit chat and keep each other accountable for doing good... our friendship may never go near what i do with BB ever, most of the time it doesn't at all.

    each to their own. I am not hiding anything at all, i find everything has a time and place for things. when i feel it's a good time to mention i am a coach , i will and do. if someone doesn't want to be my friend b/c of what i do then so be it. I do it for myself and not for others, so if people can't over look that then they are losing someone who can be supportive to them during their journey, a friend...
  • lutterby
    lutterby Posts: 61 Member
    ....a bunch of "guidelines"' for their group (that I didn't even asked him about and now he's all up in my @$$ telling me what to do) and says in the end that I must be from US or Canada.

    I'm pretty new to the BeachBody hype (just found this post and only now is it beginning to make sense) and feeling quite naive about it atm. I just thought T25 was an exercise programme... ooops.

    I asked a couple of questions about T25 recently and got a few pm's telling me about so&so being a coach and another one about a group of others doing T25 and I was welcome to join... I did and got a message about instructions for step 1... replied as requested and never heard back from the first poster or the group owner.

    I'm in Australia, and got the disks from a friend who found it too difficult, but I guess that just means I've been banished from joining in. :tongue:
  • sherylplouffe
    I hear your pain. I myself am a Beachbody Coach but it disappoints me to hear when other coaches or reps don't first and foremost just help, inspire and motivate people. The reason we become coaches (or at least the reason we should) is to help and inspire others to exercise and take care of themselves with the ultimate goal to help end the trend of obesity. If someone happens to want to do that using a BB product, great! If not, that's cool. I just happen to love their products but there are many ways to stay in shape as we know. To each their own. Bottom line, don't be in it for the money. Be in it to make add value to people's lives.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Back from the dead, so I'll be in for round 2.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Join the cult and drink the Kool-Aid

    ex-sales rep from the quote above--->its shakeology! hehehehehe
  • Joyce_D
    Joyce_D Posts: 25
    First of all, Beachbody is not a pyramid scheme. the only commission they earn is off direct sales. If they get you to sign up under them they quit getting commissions from you.

    2nd, Coach is the word they use for sales representative. It isn't because they are experts, it is because they are goign to be there to guide you using the expertts from Beachbody and motivate you along the same path they are traveling.

    Being a beachbody coach does not make you pushy, or scum. That is the individual. I have fitness roups for people who never purchase a beachbody product and then I have some for people who have purchased from me or already own one. I just want to help and motivate. I know how hard it is to lose weight and how discouraging it can be.

    Quit judging everyone by the few you see on here, who, by the way, are not allowed to sell their stuff or advertise on here.
  • pdean1756
    pdean1756 Posts: 6 Member
    Is there any site left regarding fitness that is NOT full of Beachbody coaches trying to say that they are here to help me my wallet for some really yummy crap in a bag or Tupperware bowls...came here to get away but they are everywhere annoying. Worst part about it I was one, until I figured out the company line, invite invite invite, then you can make those sales, but first make em a coach ! UGH It is a complicated MLM that without the bag of protein powder would be a pyramid scheme. 1000 coaches out of what 250K coaches make enough to be able to work form home...wake up. You are not anything but a salesman for a mufti-million dollar company making that money off of your sweat and hopes. Oh and the secret to all of these challenge groups is make like you give a crap about people, your not in it for the money, blah blah blah, don't let any of them fool you. They ARE ALL IN IT FOR THE MONEY! They pay fees to be a coach, so they help you for free and pay to help you??\Along with trolling the internet for countless hours trying to invite you to a closed group whee they can bombard you to become a coach ?? YES THEY ARE HERE TO HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT IN YOUR WALLET!
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    2 BB Coaches called me fat and ugly (and that I'll stay that way too) because I said that if I did want a coach, I'd ask my friend or one of my fitness instructors friends.
  • pdean1756
    pdean1756 Posts: 6 Member
    I am sad to here that...but it does not surprise me, they are very defensive and cult like. BTW they know jack about you, you can do anything you want without a Beachbody Coach!
  • JoanneC1216
    JoanneC1216 Posts: 166
    Tell em' you already have a coach and poof they're gone :smile:
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    If i get a request from someone who I find out is a BB coach and doesn't put that out up front and they try to sneakily sell me something, they get deleted pretty quickly. Aint nobody got time for that.
  • pdean1756
    pdean1756 Posts: 6 Member
    Back from the dead, so I'll be in for round 2.

    Mind if I join you?

    BB Salespeople (I think we should all stop calling them coaches) are the scum of the fitness world.

    You say you want to help people? Cool. So do I. I lost a lot of weight using a free app called MyFitnessPal. I learned a lot from the people here who give advice and support FOR FREE. So I do the same in return.

    If you're here to sell overpriced, crappy shakes to people I have nothing but contempt for you. And I have no problem saying that.

    I have yet to see a single success thread that credits Shakeology. Not one.

    But I see plenty of people making their first post talking about how great the product is. Salespeople, nothing more. They should be reported and banned and jeered on their way out the door.
  • pdean1756
    pdean1756 Posts: 6 Member
    Perfect ...could not have said it better...
  • NaturallyandProperly
    NaturallyandProperly Posts: 138 Member
    but they seem so nice and helpful! lol

    I also wanted to let you know that I’m starting my next 90-day Beachbody Accountability Challenge Group on March 17th (its the Spring into Fitness Challenge for March) and have space for just a few more people! It’s going to just be a SMALL group of us in the “challenge” for better accountability and support to each other. We focus on Fitness, Nutrition, Meal Planning and Accountability. I’m letting my friends & family members have first dibs before I do mass invite to all my Facebook friends. It may not be something you need, or not right now, but do you want me to send you the details?

    I look forward to hearing back from you soon - Have a GREAT Week!

    Seriously? SERIOUSLY?

    Seriously NO! I apologize if anyone thought I was advertising. I was hoping you read this as sarcastic and then gave you a quote of one of the recent emails I got from one of those "coaches" . No need to report me the MFP authorities lol! This post got me in "trouble".... I will insert proper italics and quotes next time. Sheesh... :bigsmile: