future fitbit competor

Just read an interesting article about a future device coming out in march. For those thinking of a fitbit, this might be worth waiting for.

Happy Thanksgiving.


  • lutterby
    lutterby Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks for that Mike.

    This is well timed as I have been thinking about a Fitbit all week... have now joined the misfits that are 'team Shine'
    It looks gorgeous how could you not jump ship....

    Happy Thanksgiving to you
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I love the wireless upload by laying it out on the phone. I'm not sure I would pick it over something else that tackles the motivation factor. It's not enough to tell me I'm close to meeting my own personal goal. The point is to motivate me to go further. That's the only thing I didn't see addressed with this product.