

  • Thanks girls really appreciate the advice. Congrats to you too anrmitchell! I think you are right, hopefully when the sickness improves I can start to eat more healthily and increase my exercise a bit! I am not eating loads of sweets or anything just quite a bit more food and carbs than i do usually. I usually do boxing…
  • yeah i know what you mean i do buy fresh fishcakes and not frozen ones. Its hard when you work 2 jobs and are studying to always eat fresh things. My boyfriend doesnt eat anything other than fish cakes so feel bad constantly making him cook something seperate! Thanks for the tips!
  • I don't want to cut back completely and I have always eaten quite a bit of fruit and veg my main issue has been really eating lots of bread and pasta as its easy and I think like my mum i have a bit of an intolerance to it. My main problem is since a young age I used to swim competitively and are encouragd to to eat lots…
  • oops i just made it public :)
  • yeah me too I have been left with Calories everyday and I havent been to the gym this week as I have been doing overtime at work. I have two classes on saturday and one on sunday so I know I wont manage to eat the exercise calories. I am eating much lower calorie foods and if I snack it is on fruits or low fat yogurts.…
  • I do the same I get up around 8 and then eat my breakfast around 9:15. I usually have a water before I leave home. Do you find if you eat earlier at home you get hungry earlier for lunch? I always end up snacking more if I eat at home too
  • I eat natural carbs that are in fruit and Veg but try to limit my breads, pasta, potatoes and Rice as I find this is what makes me pile on the pounds. I personally find Atkins hard as it makes me feel ill. I eat Chicken and Fish but am not a large meat eater and I think all the fatty foods on the Atkins diet should be…
  • well done - i have put two stone on so am looking to lose about 2.5 stone by christmas! Good luck with that last stome you have done so well!
  • I will join in - i joined today so Tuesday will be my first full week on MFP hoping to lose around 3-5lb :) I am going on holiday on 21 September and am hoping to make it 14lb by then :) ......5 weeks! If anyone has any pointers for keeping the weight gain on holiday to a minimum let me know. I am going to try and do 40…
  • good luck meraid, just do it in a healthy way and you will be fine x
  • Good luck Eileen. I am new on here too. I am 27 and the heaviest I have ever been. I am looking to lose about 30lbs to 35lbs and seem to find sticking to a diet really hard. My boyfriend likes to eat lots and loves chocolate and cakes and just general bad food and this makes it hard fro me to stick to a diet. When I lived…