Is anyone watching carbs? Please help.

jenlob Posts: 21 Member
edited October 1 in Health and Weight Loss
I started MFP 16 days ago. I have lost 12 Lbs so far. I am wondering if anyone is watching carbs? I lost weight on Atkins in the past and it was pretty easy. I did gain some of it back but that is becasue I was stupid and started eating a lot of carbs agin. My body loves carbs and craves them in the worst way and then I pack on the pounds. I have found that the only way for me to loose is to reduce my carbs by a lot. I really like this site becasue it is really easy to put in food for the day. I try to stay close to my calorie total for the day as well but sometimes don't get there. Am I really screwing up doing it this way? I am losing but want to make sure that I keep it off. Help! I have about 80 more pounds to lose and I really want to be successful this time around. I just turned 40 this July and it hit me like a ton of bricks! I am a stress eater and I am trying to change that. So far I haven't been all that hungry so it has been easy to make good food decisions. I do eat more protein, some cheese, lots of veggies but not a lot of fruit right now. I try to sneak some fruit in here and there in small amounts since there are more carbs in fruits. I would love any feedback as I am worried that I am really doing this wrong. Help please! :flowerforyou:


  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    this is what I do and it works really well for me. The only thing I have to say is make sure you are getting as much healthy lean proteins.
  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    You lost 12 lbs in 16 days and you are asking if you are doing this wrong? I don't get it.
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    Great job on the weight loss!! I don't 'count carbs' but I know that I need to NOT over do them...otherwise I will puff up like crazy!! :) I try to always chose the 'best' or at least the 'better' option when it comes to food...and have found that keeping my carbs in check makes for less cravings! :D Good luck!
  • jenlob
    jenlob Posts: 21 Member
    Well I really want to keep it off this time around. I gained some of it back before. Also I just started watching my carbs 16 days ago. You always loose more in the first week to 2 weeks. I want to make sure that I continue losing.
  • I eat natural carbs that are in fruit and Veg but try to limit my breads, pasta, potatoes and Rice as I find this is what makes me pile on the pounds. I personally find Atkins hard as it makes me feel ill. I eat Chicken and Fish but am not a large meat eater and I think all the fatty foods on the Atkins diet should be limited as it will help you lose weight is also not that great for your health due to the high fat cotent in some of the foods. I am really trying to eat a balanced diet but I do find watching the carbs beneficial.
  • jenlob
    jenlob Posts: 21 Member
    Yeah, I agree about the fat. I'm never at my goal for fat becasue I eat a lot of chicken and some fish. I do have the occasional burger though. I am always over on my fiber goal which I think helps some.
  • Chirrup
    Chirrup Posts: 7
    Good for you! :-D .........12 pounds is a great start (mostly water weight at first, though). I'm in a local medically-based weight loss program in addition to record-keeping with MFP. They suggest keeping carbs balanced throughout the day to prevent blood sugar spikes, which induce cravings. Try to keep carbs around 25 per meal, eat 5 meals per day around 3-4 hours apart ("meal" = 150 or more calories), aim for 20-25 grams protein at each meal. This absolutely will eliminate cravings! I used to be a slave to carb cravings ... would eat everything in the kitchen, 'way past the point of being full, and keep on eating because nothing would satisfy me. Potato chips were my favorite carbs. The only things we cannot have on this program are white potatoes (in any form) and regular soft drinks .... because both are worse than eating spoonfuls of table sugar as far as spiking your blood glucose. As long as you balance your carbs throughout the day, don't go too long between meals, and watch your calorie total for the day, you should lose weight steadily and break that carb dependence. Good luck!!! :-)
  • I am going through a weight loss class at my local gym. They tell me to stay under 130 carbs a day minus your fiber.
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    That's exactly what I do as well. By limiting carbs we force our bodies to draw energy from fat, so I make sure that I take in no more than 100g carbs even though it's more like 50-60g and that my protein is always double that. I also eat a lot of fat but only good fats e.g. oils, nuts, fish.
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    I try to keep my carbs at about 100 per day also. I avoid starchy vegetables, baked goods, and anything white (flour, sugar, potatoes, rice, etc.).
  • Gwooh
    Gwooh Posts: 80 Member
    I'm on phase one of the south beach diet. This is the toughest thing I have ever had to do. I LOVE CARBS!!!!! God bless those with worse addictions. I can say that its getting a bit easier on day 3. I'm only have 20 carbs per day.
  • THCamel
    THCamel Posts: 54 Member
    That's a great result in two weeks....well done!

    I've been low carbing since May and it's worked well enough for me so far... I load up on supplements though, there's lots of good foods being missed out on.
  • CLA2801
    CLA2801 Posts: 50 Member
    I watch them. I try to stay under 100 per day but that does not always work out.
    I'm on phase one of the south beach diet. This is the toughest thing I have ever had to do. I LOVE CARBS!!!!! God bless those with worse addictions. I can say that its getting a bit easier on day 3. I'm only have 20 carbs per day.

    Why only 20 carbs a day on SB? You are allowed to have beans, dairy, unlimited veg on Phase one--NO need to count carbs.
  • I count carbs all the fact I was on a weight loss program 5-6 yrs ago that only allowed 50 carbs a day and the weight fell off of me, that was the good news. The bad news was that I couldn't deprive myself of almost everything I love that has carbs in it. This plan says to eat 160 carbs a seems like a lot, so I am going to try to stay under 70 and see how I do. You have had great success so far, stick to it and keep tracking....seeing what you've eaten and what impact it has on your body is such a good tool. Good Luck
  • jklmum
    jklmum Posts: 27
    Yep, watching them too. Going back into induction on Atkins and then slowly going to work carbs back in. It is the only thing that has worked for me. I am the person that can gain 10lbs in one week and not have them come back off, but with watching carbs the lbs come off, I feel better, i'm not hungry all the time and I even have a better skin complexion!! It's not for everyone, but it sure is for me!
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    I just saw your post after I just asked a similar question.

    I loved Atkins but find now that I am down to my last 10lbs it is not coming off so I think I need to do a combo of lower carb and low calorie...just not sure how much of each will work for me to lose.

    For those who have said you watch your carbs you could actual carbs or net carbs?
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    I actually track carbs but it doesnt determine my diet by any means. Eating alot of carbs, drinking plenty of beer didn't hinder weight loss. I cut back on beer by about 2/3 weekly. I still have 8 or so cold ones a week. If you eat natural meaning no processed/boxed foods carbs aren't a problem. I eat 2-3 cups of white rice every day. I rarely eat bread and i don't eat candy or drink soda pop. Simple changes makes for HUGE results. Low carb diets a bound for failure. Sure you can lose weight with it but most low carbers gain it all back when they start eating a normal diet and there body doesn't know how to handle carbs properly.
  • THCamel
    THCamel Posts: 54 Member
    I just saw your post after I just asked a similar question.

    I loved Atkins but find now that I am down to my last 10lbs it is not coming off so I think I need to do a combo of lower carb and low calorie...just not sure how much of each will work for me to lose.

    For those who have said you watch your carbs you could actual carbs or net carbs?

    Net carbs, I exclude the dietary fibre
  • Gwooh
    Gwooh Posts: 80 Member
    I watch them. I try to stay under 100 per day but that does not always work out.
    I'm on phase one of the south beach diet. This is the toughest thing I have ever had to do. I LOVE CARBS!!!!! God bless those with worse addictions. I can say that its getting a bit easier on day 3. I'm only have 20 carbs per day.

    Why only 20 carbs a day on SB? You are allowed to have beans, dairy, unlimited veg on Phase one--NO need to count carbs.

    I misunderstand what I read! I still would like to keep my carb count low...if it doesn't hurt anything?
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