Hi from the UK

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this, just started today! I've lost 2 stone over the past year or so and am finding it increasing difficult to lose the last stone so would welcome your support. Fingers cross I will be thin by Christmas!! Good luck to you all x


  • carly_lauren
    well done - i have put two stone on so am looking to lose about 2.5 stone by christmas! Good luck with that last stome you have done so well!
  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome. I'm from the UK as well. Have lost 3 1/2 stone (50lb) since Jan 2011. Got another stone to go. Losing weigh has never been easier for me since joining here. Think I will struggle with maintaining though.
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    Congrats on your 2 stone loss. That's quite an accomplishment. You're on the right path to losing the final stone. I'm happy to provide interatlantic encouragement and support along your journey! :happy:
  • eaglemonster
    eaglemonster Posts: 156 Member
    Well done on your 2 stone. Stick with MFP it will help, also should be good for long term maintenance.

    Good Luck
  • missiG11
    missiG11 Posts: 18
    Thanks everyone : )