

  • the "you HAVE to eat something within 30 minutes of your workout" myth is complete and utter bull****. as long as at the end of your day you are meeting your macronutrient needs of protein, carbs & fat to meet whatever your goal is (building muscle or losing weight) then it doesn't matter when you eat. Or really, it…
  • isn't it kind of funny how people are faster to listen to whatever a computer tells them to do (in this case a BMD machine) instead of listening to what their bodies are clearly telling them? welcome to the 21st century :huh:
  • ^^ i dont think you understand what Vegan means? It means no animal products. Isopure protein is a why product, which comes from milk. Aka not vegan. anywaaaayss, I was vegan for 2 years. I got my protein through soy milk (i know they say soy is bad for you but i had 1 serving a day for 2 years and never noticed any bad…
  • You can't eat over 1200 calories aday? The most you've ever been able to get down is 750? I do not mean this in a rude way AT ALL, but honestly, you did not gain the weight that you are trying to lose by eating only 750 calories a day. 750 calories a day is what 105lb anorexics eat. By eating this much you are just…
  • I think your daily calorie intake might be too low (i dont know how tall you are though or how much you weigh....) while this would result in weight loss at first you'd eventually stall out Go here: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ Enter your info (be honest with yourself about activity level, dont over or…
  • Oh I also take a powdered BCAA supplement to supplement my high activity levels
  • If you are cutting calories to the point where you are unable to get enough vital nutrients, you are cutting too much calories. If you are eating a well balanced diet and are getting a daily intake of varied vegetables and fruits, you honestly do NOT need a multi vitamin. However, if you are eating basically the same thing…
  • You also need to get an ACCURATE estimate of how much you are eating. Traditional measuring cups are actually quite off, and youre usually eating more than you think. I'd suggest buying a food scale.
  • go here: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ accurately fill out your weight, height and activity level (don't underestimate your activity, but dont over estimate either). Look at the value it gives you for your TDEE. Eat at a 20% reduction of this. DON'T eat back your workout calories, as these are already…
  • ^^ this. exactly this. Also, if all you are doing is running and not weight lifting, a portion of your rapid weight loss can also be muscle (especially if you arent eating enough carbohydrates pre-run to fuel your muscle glycogen stores). Cardio doesn't burn as much muscle as people make it out to, but it still burns SOME…
  • Oh and my calories are split in a 40C/30P/30F split. I weigh all my food and track macros so its pretty accurate.
  • You'll probably be a little shocked and think your 20% reduction calories are too high, but trust me it works. I've been doing it and i've been losing weight (even though - compared to what i thought i should be eating to "diet", 1800 calories seemed like so much - i feel super full on 1800 calories and still lose weight…
  • is turbo fire the only workouts you do? If so i would try incorporating weight lifting at a gym. Weight lifting is so amazing for weight loss and body composition. And also maybe try adding in some cardio 2-3 times a week. Either an easy paced jog for 30-40 minutes or 1 hour of walking (those are best for fat loss and…
  • haha sorry it just helps to know as much info as possible :) So right now, you are losing 1lb per week? If so that isn't a plateau at all! that is a healthy steady weight loss. That means you are effectively eliminating 3,500 calories a week. I know it sucks because it feels like such slow loss, but that's the way it goes.…
  • Actually I wouldn't necessarily say that the MFP is low in protein. At least it wasn't for me. I had a DEXA scan and showed up as 99lbs of LEAN body mass - my MFP is set at 1500 cals with 40C/30P/30F - targeting me at 113g of protein. That is well over 1g of protein per pound of LBM, which is good if you are in a caloric…
  • Let's stop nit picking you guys. I mean really. I'm sure we all know what OP meant when she used the term "processed" Yes, it is processed. If you are trying to eat "less processed" oats then I would suggest buying bob's redmill gluten free oatmeal or steel cut oats. You can flavor it yourself at home with cinnamon and…
  • 1) How tall are you? 2) Male? Female? Age? 3) do you know your BMR? Do you know your TDEE? If so, what are they? 4) Exactly how long have you been at 1500 calories? 5) How often do you workout? And what type of workouts? (strengh or cardio or both?) 6) Do you eat back your workout calories ? need to know all of this before…
  • weight loss is a caloric deficit over a EXTENDED period of time....so yes that is fine
  • No problem! And haha yeah POOR YOU, YOU HAVE TO EAT MORE! I'm sure every girl on MFP WISHES that was their problem. It's probably hard because when most people go super low carb, they lose their appetite. How long have you been doing keto? Sorry i could scroll back up and check but im being lazy and don't want to hit the…
  • P.S. i like the hodgetwins too. i mean, there is a TON of broscience on their channel so nowadays i mostly just watch for entertainment because they are hilarious
  • Oh ok cool, sorry if i misunderstood :) you don't come off as a ****! no worries. Didn't know about the carb refeed though - thanks for mentioning that! That's a good idea. I guess it's kind of the same thing as my #3 (a relaxed meal once a week). Haha it might sound too good to be true but i think it's important to just…
  • I have no idea what evolve shakes are but if you are trying to lose weight it comes down to a caloric deficit (not an extremely high one - mind you). But if you are eating these shakes and still at a healthy deficit, then yes you will lose weight. No food product will "make" you lose weight though. If you're in a rush in…
  • Your hair, skiin & nails are a direct reflection of the health of your body. So of course since you are eating healthier it is improving :) Also if your diet is rich in good fats & you are getting enough protein - that is super good for your hair. The SAD (standard american diet) is very low in good fats and protein. It is…
  • Agree with the person who told you to stop switching your diet every few weeks. Consistency is key. Pick a diet that works for you that is well rounded macro wise (extremely low carb, high fat diets aren't sustainable long term. they just aren't. plus carbs improve workout performance and promote muscle growth). Weight…
  • Sodium is an essential nutrient - however too much of it can lead to high blood pressure which can lead to various other diseases. It's easy to get too much sodium if you eat a lot of packaged & processed foods. Make sure to read the labels & add the sodium amounts into MFP. And also make sure you are getting an ACCURATE…
  • no....erections occur when the blood in your body flows to your penis. this doesn't effect your weight at all. it's not like your body is getting some magical infusion of blood out of nowhere into your ****. as a grown man im sure you already knew this....i feel as if this thread was a troll to see if women would actually…
  • Also looked more closely at your daily calorie intake. You are definitely eating too much. I'd suggest eating 2,000 calories a day, and working out. Don't eat back your workout calories. If you eat 2,000 calories of the foods you HAVE been eating, you are going to feel extremely hungry ALL the time. Because the food you…
  • I just looked at your food diary. You are eating WAY too much processed foods and processed sugars! I know its hard to give it up (your body is literally addicted to these) But seriously...if you want to see REAL weight loss cut that stuff out! like, now! Whole foods, whole foods, whole foods! Cannot stress it enough.
  • You are probably eating too much. The BMR/TDEE calculators online are just not accurate, sorry. I mean they can give you SOMEWHAT of an idea, but they usually WAY overestimate. Also, you need to stop eating back all of your workout calories - or at least only eat back maybe 1/2 of them. No, you won't go into "starvation…
  • If you really want to know if you are gaining muscle or not, just start measuring yourself and taking pictures. If you are not losing on the scale, but your measurments are going down and you look slimmer in your pictures, you are gaining muscle and losing fat. If NOTHING it changing, then you are not losing fat OR gaining…