IF, Keto, and Total Calorie Intake - Could use some help



  • hamasehfallah
    Oh ok cool, sorry if i misunderstood :) you don't come off as a ****! no worries.

    Didn't know about the carb refeed though - thanks for mentioning that! That's a good idea. I guess it's kind of the same thing as my #3 (a relaxed meal once a week). Haha it might sound too good to be true but i think it's important to just have a meal every once in awhile where you're not paying attention to calories and macros! I come from a background of ED - so i try and do everything in moderation lest i slip back into unhealthy patterns.

    As far as your original question. !500 calories a day for a guy....that is pretty low. Obviously you'll lose weight on this but you will lose a lot of muscle and its just not healthy for an active male to be eating this much (do you eat back your workout calories to reach a net calorie intake of 1500 or are you just eating 1500 TOTAL?). I'm a female at 5'5 and 1500 is how much i eat lol. You don't HAVE to lose muscle while on a cut, but you WILL if you're only eating 1500. Up the calories to keep as much LBM as possible while cutting.

    hope that helped :)
  • hamasehfallah
    P.S. i like the hodgetwins too. i mean, there is a TON of broscience on their channel so nowadays i mostly just watch for entertainment because they are hilarious
  • brillmer
    brillmer Posts: 1,268 Member
    Oh ok cool, sorry if i misunderstood :) you don't come off as a ****! no worries.

    Didn't know about the carb refeed though - thanks for mentioning that! That's a good idea. I guess it's kind of the same thing as my #3 (a relaxed meal once a week). Haha it might sound too good to be true but i think it's important to just have a meal every once in awhile where you're not paying attention to calories and macros! I come from a background of ED - so i try and do everything in moderation lest i slip back into unhealthy patterns.

    As far as your original question. !500 calories a day for a guy....that is pretty low. Obviously you'll lose weight on this but you will lose a lot of muscle and its just not healthy for an active male to be eating this much (do you eat back your workout calories to reach a net calorie intake of 1500 or are you just eating 1500 TOTAL?). I'm a female at 5'5 and 1500 is how much i eat lol. You don't HAVE to lose muscle while on a cut, but you WILL if you're only eating 1500. Up the calories to keep as much LBM as possible while cutting.

    hope that helped :)

    That does help, very much. I am glad you didn't take it in an offensive way lol.

    I get all my fitness tips from my buddy Jack, he runs www.thehealthygamer.com

    He is the one who put me on the current regiment I am on.. And he says the same thing.. That I need to try and increase my calories to at LEAST 2000 per day. It's just ****ing hard sometimes! Lol. He is just outta town so when I would usually ask him this stuff, I can't :P So I was hoping the wonderful people of MFP could help me out.

    And yeahhhhhhhhhhhh....... I don't eat back my calories after a workout.. So it's even less :( I should also add in I am pretty short, 5'7".

    I guess I really just need to eat more lol (what an awesome problem to have eh?) I'll start forcing more of those oils/butters/fats into my daily intake.

    and PS, I started watching hodgetwins just to get an idea of some basics.. what intermittent fasting is and how it works. I've watched a lot of their 'bro science'.. and to be honest.. a lot of it is actually moderately helpful.

    They just became slightly too annoying with their face dancing at the start :P

    Thanks for all your help though, it is very much appreciated.
  • hamasehfallah
    No problem! And haha yeah POOR YOU, YOU HAVE TO EAT MORE! I'm sure every girl on MFP WISHES that was their problem.

    It's probably hard because when most people go super low carb, they lose their appetite. How long have you been doing keto? Sorry i could scroll back up and check but im being lazy and don't want to hit the "back" button :P

    I know that sometimes, after awhile on keto, a person's hunger will return and they will be able to resume eating a healthy amount of calories. However, just my personal advice, if you notice that it is CONSISTENTLY hard for you to be eating your minimum calories, you might want to consider going off of keto and back on a more rounded 30P/40C/30F split of macros. Just because in the long run it would be more beneficial to your body/metabolism/muscle gain to be eating enough calories than to remain in a state of "ketosis"
  • brillmer
    brillmer Posts: 1,268 Member
    I have only been doing keto since March 25th (the start of the jewish holiday passover, where you arent allowed to eat wheat).

    I don't even know if I am actually in ketosis or not. I really am just trying to limit the amount of starchy, refined, processed carbs.. and all carbs in general.

    For the last 2 weeks my carbs are around 20g-30g a day.

    For the 7 months prior, they were around 50g-100g a day.

    And yeah, basically that's where I am at now. I am going to try to continue this for another few weeks, while upping my total calories to closer to 2000 per day. If it doesn't work, I'll just go back to a carb cycling or just up my total % of carb intake.

    Thanks again for your input.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Keep in mind that you dont just get calories from the food you eat but also from the fat you burn. When your body needs more cals it will tell you.
    ^^ THIS. You are the first person I've seen put my thoughts to words. This is why the "starvation myth" is so bogus. Our calories "coming in" are not limited to only those we ingest. With the exception of sub-6/7/8% bodyfat people, we ALL have an abundance of calories available, in stored resources, whenever our bodies need them. You will FEEL the need to eat more if you NEED to.