

  • I too am trying to gain weight. I recently had an operation to remove an ovary tumour, along with a lot of fluid. Before hand, i just thought i was fat. But afterwards, i just dropped 10 pounds. I'm at least wanting to get that 10lbs back. But i'm finding it very hard, and difficult. and i do agree, that just tracking what…
  • 20 5'6 CW: 110 GW: 120 Back in the summer i weighed at 136. and recently found out that i had a ovary tumour, where the liquid from it, was actually making me look like i was fat. Well brain thought i was. So obviously i dieted before hand. (in november i weighed 125) And so when i had the operation last week or so, i lost…
  • yeah i have not that so long ago today actually. i bought like my favourite ice creams at the store today, as they were cheap. and obviously after my lunch i couldn't help myself. and i've still got cravings for them now. but i'm not going to. oh god help me...
  • well to help anyone, here is a list, of "all" workout links on the internet. etc. and thats what i do from time to time. also finding new workouts to do on the internet.
  • once i've woken up, and had a pee. routined to do it every day now. i did record if i go up and down. but i've started to only to do it when there is a change. and is worth too record. (average to every other day)
  • i haven't rewarded my self yet. well not properly. but i am thinking about the skinny jeans i've wanted for a long time when i reach my goal weight.
  • i get big cravings for ice cream. i haven't got over it. i still have a bowl for pudding every evening. but i still manage the rest of my meals so that i am getting to my calorie goal. also if i'm ever tempted to go into the shop to buy sweets or chocolate. i think about how i want to look in a couple months, and well most…
  • it is so true. i'm at the beginning stage of weight loss. but when i sleep more i loose weight, compared to when i don't. ;D i usually have 8-9 hours sleep, and even a couple hours during the day. from being exhausted. annoyingly, it's going to lack when i go back to college, of only getting 6-7 hours sleep a day. :/
  • the sweat doesn't bother me. its the getting out of bed or stop what i'm doing thing, thats stops me from exercising.
  • i shouldn't think it would be. cause your body needs the rest. and its not like your getting less that 8 hours per day. because you are. so no, i doubt it would be .
  • i've got a tefal actifryer. and i just add the calories from the packet of chips. as i dont put any oil with it.a