Does anyone have binge moments?



  • robynroo
    robynroo Posts: 11
    yeah i have not that so long ago today actually.
    i bought like my favourite ice creams at the store today, as they were cheap.
    and obviously after my lunch i couldn't help myself.
    and i've still got cravings for them now. but i'm not going to.

    oh god help me...
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    Yep, I find I can not have one bite or I lose control.

    Some people can eat a little and be fine, but not me.

    I'm up 8 pounds from vacation and other things, and now i'm trying to refocus and lose those extra pounds.
  • twilight_princess
    twilight_princess Posts: 270 Member
    Congrats on hitting your weight target!

    Yes, I do have a problem with binge moments. I really enjoy exercise but sometimes I have to work so hard to burn off a binge. When it happens I simply don't care about the hard work I've done or the consequences of putting on weight all I want to do is EAT, EAT and EAT.

    I do everything everyone suggests to overcome the feelings but I still have the urge to binge.