Nique85 Member


  • I know this is old, but my husband was stationed in Salt Lake but we lived in Layton close to Hill AFB. Surprisingly I met a lot or army wives on base. They have groups you can go to on base and a nice gym. Perhaps you can meet some workout buddies there.
  • You look awesome! Keep it up! Your stomach is looking good! :)
  • I will join you, I just started so this will be great! I'm also aiming for 3-5 times a week. i have a 10 month old and a 3 year old.
  • I am a SAHM and EBF too. I want to lose 27 pounds, but love to lose more than that. I'm a military spouse too, and can totally relate.
  • Or it could have been a chemical pregnancy
  • You are an inspiration!!!
  • Great video! I subscribed!
  • I gained 26 pounds. I've lost 21 so far (6 weeks postpartum).
  • I know what you mean! I have a toddler and a 5 week old. Getting in a routine has been more challenging than I anticipated. But one thing I do manage to squeeze in is walks. It's the only way me and my toddler won't kill each other during the day! LOL. I put my baby is a carrier (I wear him) and I put her in a stroller and…
  • Thanks ladies for the responses. I was just making sure I wasn't being overly sensitive. I do plan on going on more play dates. You guys are right I shouldn't stop going because of one kid. Next time (if he does it again) I will say something.
  • You can do it! This is the most I've ever weighed. With my daughter I got up to 250lbs at delivery. With this baby (3 weeks postpartum) I got up to 233. I don't know how much I weigh now. But depression can make it very hard to lose weight. With my daughter I could never get below 203. So now, I just look at this as a new…
  • I've been eating 2100 calories a day, so I hope that's not too much to lose weight. MFP gives me 1600 + Breastfeeding calories. I'm only 3 weeks postpartum. So I don't know if it's helping me loss weight or not. I will see at my 6 week check up. Add me if you would like!
  • I have been drinking it, and I made it into an unsweetened iced tea. The taste really doesn't bother me, and it's not to hard for me to get down 4-6 cups a day. I can't wait to hear from others on how it worked for them. I also started taking the evening primrose oil. I'm 35 weeks yesterday and at 37 weeks I'm going to see…
  • I have been having trouble sleeping as well. Mainly because my hips hurt so bad and I have to pee a lot. I also stopped working at 33 weeks I was a preschool teacher and it was taking a toll on me. However, now I'm home with my two year old so I still "work" all day. I hope it improves because I just feel my body becoming…
  • I don't know if you are apart of Facebook but they have this group that is called VBAC Community Facts. They can answer most of your questions and most of the women have experienced the same thing you are going through. Second, my doctor has told me the same thing about if I don't go by 41 weeks automatic c-section and she…
  • It's supposed to help soften your cervix to prepare it for labor. Some say it's not safe for women hoping for a VBAC because it thins out their blood. But then I read that as long as it's the cold pressed kind it's safe. It's still really up in the air because there isn't a lot of research on it.
  • 33/34 weeks up 20 lbs. Hopefully no more than 25-27 lbs.
  • My doctor just told me to start drinking this next week. She say 5-6 cups a day, and taking evening primrose oil. I found the Vitamin Shoppe sells the tea and I'm going to go get some tomorrow. I'm hoping for a VBAC as well. So crossing fingers that this stuff works.
  • Congrats ladies. I'm also in my final stretch! 6-8 more weeks to go! I'm hoping my lil guy comes a littler early. I'm aiming for a VBAC so I really hope it all works out.
  • Hi there! I also started this pregnancy off overweight. 207. So I set my calorie goals to loss .5 a week. which put me at 1700 calories. In your first trimester you don't need much. I only gained 5 lbs in my first trimester. In the second trimester I upped it to 1800-1900 calories. 1300-1600 does seem on the low side,…
  • With my first I gained over 50lbs. I started at 185-190lbs ended pregnancy weighing 248. I was also very swollen. I didn't eat bad food choices but I ate a lot! Too much of a good thing can also be bad. I'm sure I was netting around 2500- 3000 calories a day. I was eating small meal that were very high in calories. And a…
  • If anyone wants to try it I found a link on youtube it has all of the months. I'm doing month 8 now.
  • 31 weeks - 17lbs I really hope I can get my gains under control for the rest of the pregnancy.
  • I think the ladies gave a lot of good advice. I never had anyone give me dirty looks are anything. However, I could tell a few of my family members were uncomfortable when I pulled my boob out (that's the only time I didn't feel the need to cover up). In public I used a nursing cover. But my best advice is to wear easy…
  • 5'3 starting weight - 208 current weight 30 weeks - 218 +10lbs goal is 15 lbs
  • If my post irritate you so much then ignore it. I'm just writing this stuff on here for myself, not you. It's not that serious. This is how I'm counting my weight gain, like a said if it bothers you so much just ignore it.
  • I guess I should change it then. But I'm counting from when I first weighed it at my doctors office.
  • Height 5'3 Starting weight- 6 weeks-214 11 weeks-207 15 weeks-208.8 21 weeks - 211 26 weeks- 214 total 7-8 lbs so far. I'm hoping to only gain 7-8 more pounds. I hope I can do this.
  • I remember that happened with my daughter. Towards the end of my pregnancy my blood pressure was consistently high. I didn't have pre eclampsia, but I think it was because I was always very anxious before I went to the doctor.