klyvers512 Member


  • It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you…
  • Tuesday QOTD: I think we all struggle with eating well, especially when eating out. How do you deal with restaurants and get-togethers? I always think ahead to how many calories I should try to stay around. Moderation is key for sure!! If I'm unsure of the calories, I try to figure it out (no smart phone apps here. And I…
  • MONDAY QOTD: PERSONAL TRAINER/ CHEF Trainer: Jillian Michaels because she's tough. Chef: Jaime Oliver because he's hot :)
  • Way to go!! Excited about this week's double challenge...I'm pairing it up with a personal challenge of jogging 10 miles. Hoping for some better results next week!
  • Impromptu: Friends that have lost weight...wanting to be an inspiration for others....and wanting to be healthy for my daughter. Real: Never really thought about it before. Although I do picture myself looking pretty awesome for my high school reunion and dancing up the night away to every song they play :)
  • Posting this a little early :) Tuesday QOTD: How many cheat days/rest days do you allow your bodies and how would you describe your cheat days? I get one cheat day a week, usually Sundays. I still log my foods...just so I'm aware, but always at the end of the day. I also don't usually count any exercise I do unless it's…
  • QOTD: Monday I've been doing 30DS, Celebrity Fit Club Boot Camp Workout, and JM: Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. I like mixing it up. I've also been using the wii fit, but not as much as I should :)
  • Friday: I LOVE eating Italian food...the pasta, the sauce...the CHEESE! YUMMMMMM!! I try to limit a big dinner to every other week and will start including salads first to fill up some of the stomach room.
  • QOTD: How do you motivate yourself to work out when you have a busy schedule? I have a crazy busy schedule even though I'm home all day. Between the kids, the house, the dogs, the hubby and running 2 businesses from home, my workout is usually the first thing to suffer...then the housework. I will put my wii fit on free…
  • MONDAY QOTD: What tips can you provide to help stay on track when life get's hectic? Just remember tomorrow is another day to do better and work harder. Sometimes you can't control what life throws at you, so just be ready for anything! As mentioned before, planning meals is a good way, and have some back-ups just in case!…
  • Thursday: I eat a lot of steamed veggies now, but add some cheese to make them taste better :) Friday: Recipe....from txifonly (here on MFP) Hubby and daughter both enjoyed this special treat! 131 Calories per serving ain't too bad either. Oreo Cream Dessert - Serves 12 @ 131 calories each. Ingredients: 9 Reduced Fat Oreo…
  • Tuesday QOTD: Wanted something yellow and healthy looking :) Wednesday: Pizza!! We get it about once a week now and I could probably eat half of it alone! It's so good though.
  • Hey Everyone! I'm Kristin, originally from FL, I now live in NC thanks to the hubby! This is my 3rd challenge (2nd on MFP) and I started one between my mommy group (I lost 4 pounds in the last 4 weeks). Today is Day 1 of 3 more challenge groups for me! This one, a 6-week one in the Mommy group and then also a toning…
  • Wednesday! YAY! QOTD: In what ways has MFP helped you lose weight? Is it the motivation of strangers (some of which became friendships!), food trackers...Is there anything you wish MFP could/would do that it doesn't now? (an no, I don't work for them...lol) I love motivation I get from the ladies! I've not met anyone who…
  • Great job ladies! Let's all have good losses this week! Monday: I don't have one..I have big boobs and a big butt/hips...If I had to pick someone, just on a whim, I'd say kate winslet. I love her curves and confidence. TUESDAY QOTD: Most of us are losing weight because we don't like our bodies or we want to be healthier…
  • Monday: pets We have 2 rescued dogs. Sprite, is a basenji/boxer mix and has been my baby since 2004. Loki-Pokey (Emily calls him Pickle) turned 3 this year and is a pit mix. Both are amazing, so smart and just great dogs. Tuesday QOTD : Since food related rewards are contradictory to what we are trying to achieve - What…
  • Wednesday: Freebie :) I would love to able to workout without interruptions from my hubby and 2 year old. Thursday QOTD: Ever since you started on your weight loss journey, what has been your biggest obstacle and how did you over come it Biggest is eating right and still being full...water has helped a lot, but I need to…
  • So, for your Tuesday QOTD: What is your top NSV target? To be more self confident is the top one. Others include: to be under my pre-pregnancy weight, need a new wardrobe
  • Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there? It doesn't apply just to dieting/calorie counting…
  • Great Job ladies :) Pink Team!!! We are rocking! Let's take this week too and show them we're here for business!!
  • Jumping jacks is going to be the death of me if I don't get these bad boys contained! lol
  • I've been using two regular bras, one is slightly smaller--then put my regular one over it. It helps, but I know there has to be something better that doesn't break the bank.
  • Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever? I'm mixing up videos and bouncing between 30 Day Shred,…
  • Monday’s QoTD: Name your top pantry staples that you've added to your repertoire since starting your journey and how you most often use them. Please be specific. Frozen steamable veggies...nuke 'em and add some cheese and it's an easy and filling snack.
  • Def have this issue...anyone find a decent sports bra that is super supportive and won't break the bank???
  • Friday QOTD : It is my experience that my most successful days are those where I have planned and logged all my foods in advance. Do you plan and log your daily menu in advance? Do you find it helps? Please share your experiences and any suggestions you might have to help us fit planning ahead into our already busy lives I…
  • Monday QOTD: So we all know we're all here to lose weight and we all said why we want to lose the weight, but how did you get to the point where you realized you had to do something about it and what made you realize this?? After having my daughter, I realized I needed to step up my game and lose some weight. The "just had…
  • I like water...I'm game for this challenge. C'mon team PINK...let's get it together!
  • THURSDAY QOTD: What is your favorite food and/or exercise "discovery" since starting this journey? Food: Definitely how much food I can have and still be under my calories. I love eating steamed veggies and don't feel a bit bad putting cheese slice to melt. Smoothies too! I add broccoli in my fruit smoothies and that helps…