( o Y o )Top Heavy Women Trying To Even Things U

"Top Heavy Women Trying To Even Things Up A Bit!!":blushing:

Hope I don't get in trouble for this (hehe) Hey ladies, you, out there with the android shape (bigger top half, lower bottom half) I wanted to start a forum just for us who are trying to get in shape and even things up a bit without surgery, etc. We know what we all go through with the bouncing and sports bra shopping, the running pains- you know what I'm talking about! Also, those who are top heavy and have lost weight, feel free to join in too and help us girls out. Who's with me?!


  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    I'm 26 and I've been top heavy all my life thanks to my mother's side of the family. As I started gaining weight, it became a bit of a problem because my hips never did catch up lol. However, I do have a "dip" in my waist so depending on what I wear I can pull off the coveted hourglass figure but the truth remains, I want my top heavyness not to be so heavy! This includes my arms, I have huge, chunky football arms, and my gut. My bottom half has gotten a bit fatter as I've gained weight and I've always had nice legs so I don't really mind them. I know you can't spot reduce but I'd like to even things up a bit. I did lose weight too fast not to long ago which resulted in a bit of "loose skin" problems up top so I know they can be reduced. It's not bad, but I'd like to be a fitter me all over.
  • happybunnysbabe57
    happybunnysbabe57 Posts: 191 Member
    i am the same way and even though i am losing weight stuff still makes me look fat cuz i have big girls and belly and smaller waist so i look fat no matter what cuz my top dont match my bottm. i am glade u started this and would love to join..
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    I ahve massive boobs, and NO butt so I look uber strange
  • hesse_v
    hesse_v Posts: 31 Member
  • hesse_v
    hesse_v Posts: 31 Member
    :) I completely understand!!! I am a fairly petite person, (5'2 and 118 lbs) and clothes shopping for DD's is HARD! Attempting to shop for my biggest body part is no easy task.
    And then the sports bra's! I used to have to wear two when I would run. :P That is, until I found Under Armour brand sports bras. Those work like no other! But they can't be worn long because they tend to make it hard to breath.

    :) I know exactly where you are coming from! Feel free to friend me!
  • bbrwneyes
    bbrwneyes Posts: 45 Member
    WOW, someone who I can finally identify with. I always refer to myself as an upside down coke bottle b/c of the shape I have. I have tried to figure out what exercises I can do in order to even things up. Any advice/information/support will be greatly appreciated!

  • diane423
    diane423 Posts: 48
    I so feel you, I am top heavy as well flat booty but great legs. When i was younger i was evenly spread out lol... Now after 2 kids and gaining 40lbs I now look like a turkey leg. Well i have been trying to get on this losing weight thing and exercising thing but i keep goin back to my old ways. I so wanna join your group maybe you guys can inspire me...
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    Hey ladies, and welcome! I guess my only advice is to just do cardio. It will blast the fat and wherever you lose it is where you lose it lol. Being the shape that we are, you can't spot reduce (actually you can't do that period) so I suppose having big boobs is better than none at all :)
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    I ahve massive boobs, and NO butt so I look uber strange

    Same here!!!! My friend said I have a 6 o'clock butt :(
  • shelbygeorge29
    shelbygeorge29 Posts: 263 Member
    I ahve massive boobs, and NO butt so I look uber strange

    Me too!!! Totally flat a$$ed I am . . .
  • I have a little bit of a booty, but my boobs have ALWAYS been out of proportion with the rest of my body. And I completely agree with some of the other ladies who said that even when skinny, they look bigger because of their chest. Even when I wore a size 3/4, I had this problem. So I was wondering... Do any of you know of any tricks or hints to look slimmer even with the bigger boobs???
  • Mitchlou84
    Mitchlou84 Posts: 135
    I have GG boobs, chunky upper arms and a huge tummy, then slim hips and a small bum! Look ridiculous!!

    Wrap tops make you look slimmer with big boobs, make sure the top is stretchy so is comes in under them rather than just falling
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    I have a nice butt (not too big, but not small either) and DH loves it! I have nice legs too but big arms, a tummy, and big 40F boobs and possibly bigger. Even if I lost weight, as soon as I have kids they are going to balloon because that's how it is with the women on my mom's side. My mom went through a reduction because she was having back problems and they were J's. She went down to about a DDD but she had more of an actual hourglass figure with hips and a big butt. I may not ever get much hips until after I have children but at least I know my boobs get a bit smaller when I lose weight. I'd like to shrink my upper body and just come out even. I'm already slouching and it's really annoying trying to find bras and swimsuits. Not to mention if I ever went without a bra in public Lord knows my boobs would draw unwanted attention.
  • Oh wow, finally a forum I can relate to!!

    I've always been top heavy, again a trait inherited from my mother's side of the family. Even at my skinniest I was still rocking the Jessica Rabbit look and was once even told I looked like I was going to topple over at any moment!!

    I've put on about 3 stone over the last couple of years but as many of you have pointed out, it's all gone up top (where I reallllly didn't need it to go!) and on my belly. My bum and legs have stayed quite thing and so have my arms so I just a little bit odd at the moment, if I'm honest!

    I'm trying to motivate myself to start a good cardio workout, the Jillian Michael's DVD's are great for that but it's just the motivation I'm lacking so any support from you guys would be great!

    Has anybody got any cardio tips they can share? I.e. which exercises are best to get rid of the old boobaloobas? :)

  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    YAY a forum thread that literally 'fits' me - pardon the pun!

    I've always been top heavy... much to my annoyance! I'm quite short - 5'4'' on a good day - and am around 130-odd lbs... however I have 32E/F boobs which is a COMPLETE nightmare. Being short is one things - being short with boobs and an *kitten* is quite another! Suffice it to say I HATE clothes shopping... particularly for shirts.

    The annoying thing as you've said is it's impossible to 'spot reduce' so I'm just hoping the running/cardio works out - I'd love to lose some off my chest... and it would make running so much easier. I'm in NZ and it's a nightmare finding a sports bra that allows me to breathe/doesn't make me look like I'm trying to look like a porn star in the gym :(
  • Hey ladies! How are you guys doing? I'm doing the 30DS (shred) with I hope some amazing results as well as a Leslie Sansone video. I'll post my results and pics in early to mid NOV. Hope you are all doing well!
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    CAN I JOIN THIS THREAD PLZ?! This is sooo me, except for instead of having big boobs, I have wide shoulders and a wide back and NO HIPS. It's so hard to find inspiring photos of healthy people to aspire to when nobody is a reverse triangleee!
  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    Def have this issue...anyone find a decent sports bra that is super supportive and won't break the bank???
  • You sure can join. I exercise in my regular bra :( Def need a sportsbra too. I know they sell them custom online.
  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    I've been using two regular bras, one is slightly smaller--then put my regular one over it. It helps, but I know there has to be something better that doesn't break the bank.