Sexy in Six Week 2 ***closed group***

Hey guys! Great job in week one, many of you busted your booties for some serious weight loss! Without further delay, I present your week 1 results!

Team Green: We lost a total of 25.6 pounds, making us the team with the biggest loss! We had a total of 43 days we met our challenge, giving us a FINAL SCORE of 34.2!!!! Great job Green Team! The biggest loser on the green team this week was Bachooka with a whopping 5 pound loss!

Team Purple: A total weight loss of 20.4 pounds, coming in second place! You logged completed challenges for 47 days, giving your team a FINAL SCORE of 29.8! Nicely done, Team Purple! Your MVP this week was kristyann86 with an impressive 5.8 pound loss. Nice!

Team Blue: Coming in third place this week, you guys lost a combined 18 pounds. You completed the challenge a total of 48 days, giving you a FINAL SCORE of 27.6!! Canidoit11 logged a huge 6.2 pound loss this week! **caidoit11 had the biggest loss of everyone this week!!!!** Way to go!

Team Pink: There were a few big gains this week, putting your team in last place. You pulled in a total loss of .2 pounds. You completed the challenges a total of 43 days, giving you a FINAL SCORE of 8.8! Dezedeze had the biggest loss on the team with 2.8 pounds. Great job!

If anyone has any questions with the way scoring is done or if you think there are any errors, please email me! Many people logged their weight change incorrectly, so I'm not sure if you were using a mid-week weigh in or if I have incorrect data. Anyone interested in their specifics for the week, let me know!

****Week 2****
So here we are, the second week of the challenge! Can Team Green hold their place at the top of the pack? Will Team Pink come back swinging from their loss? Let's find out!!! Good luck to all teams and to each individual!

The challenge I want everyone to reach for this week is one of my biggest struggles, and one many people have a rough time with: WATER!!! This week, I want everyone to drink 8+ cups of water.
*Note* the water can be flavored, but it DOES NOT COUNT if it has calories and sugar!!! I want you to really push to get as close to pure, plain water as possible!

The questions for this week go to:
Monday: AB2720
Tuesday: almille
Wednesday: bachooka
Thursday: leamatthew
Friday: Bella1Hub

Have a great week, everyone! Don't forget your 8+ a day and the questions of the day!


  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    GREAT JOB GREEN! WE ROCK!!! All teams, keep up the good work. We are doing fantastic. Great job all team winners, and a big shoutout to caidoit11 who really rocked it! Let's keep up our awesomeness girls!
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Good job everyone!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Yay!!! I'm a winner!!!

    K for the water thing... Can I count my tea? I don't use sweetener...
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Yay!!! I'm a winner!!!

    K for the water thing... Can I count my tea? I don't use sweetener...

    Tea still has calories! While it's not many (and I'm sure tea helps boost the water intake) it will not count. Try to push yourself to drink plain water, or a flavored water that has NO calories or sugar.

    We're trying to really push ourselves this week with the water consumption! I know it'll be hard for me since I usually drink tea and coffee!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Thank goodness for lime and lemon juice!! lol. CONGRATS to all the big losers (, You all rocked it! Looks like I'm steppin up my game this week! I am doing a 5 mile/day challenge, so that will help! Keep up the good work!!! And, thanks peanut for all you do :)
  • kaleighmorgan
    Great job everybody!! Let's step up our game, Pink Team :) I'm in it to win it this week (since I'm both in town with a real laptop AND I now know there's a weekly discussion group), so I'm ready to drop some pounds.

    Let's see it, ladies! :)
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    WOOOOOOHHHHOOOOOOO GO TEAM PURPLE!!! 2ND PLACE :-) not too far behind!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Yay!!! I'm a winner!!!

    K for the water thing... Can I count my tea? I don't use sweetener...

    Tea still has calories! While it's not many (and I'm sure tea helps boost the water intake) it will not count. Try to push yourself to drink plain water, or a flavored water that has NO calories or sugar.

    We're trying to really push ourselves this week with the water consumption! I know it'll be hard for me since I usually drink tea and coffee!

    Ugh... I hate water...
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Congrats ladies!
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    I know this may be stupid..... but does powerade zero count. It doesn't have sugar or calories :happy:
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    But the carbs in it will still be there correct...?
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    But the carbs in it will still be there correct...?
    Under carbs it has less than 1g
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    hmmm... I dunno... But I'm gonna assume that if my tea (which is zero calories) is a no go... your powerade will be as well. :P
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Great job everyone!!!! I'm definitely gonna turn it up this week and not only hit my 8 a day . . . . . but AT LEAST 11 minutes of sweating per/day :) PURPLE POWER :)
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    hmmm... I dunno... But I'm gonna assume that if my tea (which is zero calories) is a no go... your powerade will be as well. :P

    But she said tea has calories..... I can't do this challenge, I need all the help I can get. lol
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Water suggestions: MiO makes water enhancers. They have no anything in it (at least for the recommended serving size) and it tastes wonderful. I try to drink my water mostly plain, but I usually have about half of my daily water intake with MiO in it to change things up a bit.

    Lemon is also a great (natural) water addition. I love water with a bit of water in it. I've also read that you can cut the lemons and peel them, then freeze them and use them as ice cubes in your water. I haven't tried that yet, but it sounds wonderful.

    And, ladies, you can still have your tea, coffee, powerade, whatever - just have it in ADDITION to your 8 glasses of water a day. C'mon, we can do this.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    **********ALL MEMBERS PLEASE READ**********

    LADIES, water is water!!!! Tea doesn't count, coffee doesn't count, gatorade and powerade don't count. Neither do diet sodas, coffee, juices, etc. WATER!

    As kimi said, there are water additives that have 0 calories, 0 sugars... You can look at your local grocery stores for flavored water. I'm drinking a grape water right now that has NO sodium, NO sugar, NO carbs, NO calories, NO caffiene, etc.

    This is a challenge, meaning it won't be easy. We are all supposed to be drinking 8 glasses a day, this is NOT a hard challenge! I'm not asking you to run a marathon every day. I'm not asking you to do anything you shouldn't be doing already. I can understand not liking water, I don't particularly care for it either. BUT this whole challenge is about PUSHING each other and ourselves to be healthier and lose weight. Switching to water will help. If you are unable or unwilling to TRY, then email me and you can quit the challenge. But you'll only be cheating yourself out of the support system to be a better, healthier you.

    It's water, ladies. Water.... Please don't complain about it. Either do the challenge, or don't.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I love water with a bit of water in it.

    HAHAHA!!! :laugh: Laughing at myself. If that isn't a sign that we are all supposed to be drinking more water then I don't know what is. I meant, "I love water with a bit of lemon in it" but water with water works too :wink: , that is what we are supposed to be drinking after all.
  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    I like water...I'm game for this challenge.
    C'mon team PINK...let's get it together!
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    I love water and usually don't have any difficulty in getting in several glasses, however tomorrow and Tuesday my family will be in the car 4 hours each way for a short visit to Niagara Falls. And when we are there we'll be doing the touristy stuff and doing lots of walking so I won't always have a washroom handy lol. Hmmm I'll have to figure something out, it would be just too ironic to be around so much darn water and not being able to drink my daily quota! :tongue: