Sexy in Six Week 2 ***closed group***



  • Magic_Girl
    Magic_Girl Posts: 158
    Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch?

    When it comes to food I have to think to myself, "Are you willing to burn off that one slice of large cheese pizza worth 290 calories? or Do you want to spend 30 minutes running for those 2 cookies?" This usually works for me MOST of the time, but it can be hard sometimes when your family brings home cookies, ice cream, your favorite Chinese food, etc... If I know my parents are going to buy fast food then I would quickly make myself a healthy meal before they come home so I would be full and less tempted to eat the "bad" food. As for exercise, it usually isn't hard for me ANYMORE to get up off my butt. When I do feel like I'm not in the mood to exercise I call my boyfriend and tell him I want to go to the gym with him and EVERY time I go to the gym I always make sure I do my 30 minutes on the arc trainer or elliptical trainer FIRST! Every time I do that I ALWAYS get pumped and do at least 30 minutes more and if we have time then I do strength training with my boyfriend 'til the gym closes. Again, at home it is harder for me to find the willpower and if it gets too bad then I call my boyfriend. He is my number one support system. He will call me every 10 or 20 minutes to check up on me and always tells me to never give up. If I slip he motivates me to work harder the next day. I'm grateful to have such a supportive person in my life, but MFP helps too because I SEE the difference in my eating habits and I exercise a lot more frequently since I started.
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member

    Anxiously waiting for the Wednesday question too!!! :)
  • leamatthew
    leamatthew Posts: 162
    Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch?

    Sorry a bit late with this one!

    I just need to look at my older pictures, also when im hungry but no i cant be i have a gflass of water and a nap! seems to go away after thet!
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch?

    sorry i am late on this :(

    My favorite trick to get my impulses under control is play with my dog or take her for a walk, she is always in the mood to play so it makes it easy on me she always tries to get me off the couch and she is very successful with it i try to control the snacks is keep drinking my water or look in the fridge and saw eww no lol
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Whoa!! Sorry guys I'm a little late on the wednesday QOTD!!!

    Wednesday QOTD: What was the hardest change you had to make in order to lose weight?

    Mine was having to give up going out for dinner every weekend, It was just what me and my friends did to socialize and same with me and my hubby. I didn't totally give it up, but I have definately put it into the in moderation category. :)
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    Wednesday QOTD: What was the hardest change you had to make in order to lose weight?

    PORTION control, and taking the easy way out with ordering food
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: What was the hardest change you had to make in order to lose weight?

    I have definitely cut back on the number of times I ate out with my friends during the week. I wanted to go out with them but I knew it would not be good for my diet. Also, I had to cut back on the snacks. I tend to snack on things as I study but I realized that I snacked a little too much. I've learned to control what I eat and think twice before eating anything. Another big change was that I had to make sure I always had time to get in some form of exercise, even if it was for 20 min.
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    Hardest change was definately portion control. I was always in an environment where u stop eating when ur full and about to explode. Now I check the serving suggestions. It's still hard when the only reason I'm eating is bc something tastes good but I get thru it somehow.
  • BrightEyedandHealthy
    Wednesday QOTD:

    For me it's definitely portion control. I love eating huge plates of food so the hardest part for me is to actually pay attention to how many calories I want to eat vs. how many calories I actually need. Also, not drinking on the weekends and not having a couple of beers in the evenings sometimes sucks!!!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Wednesday: Definitely WHAT I ate more than how much I ate. I drank wayyyy too many calories in the form of high calorie coffee drinks and pop, too much fat and tooooo much white flour/refined sugar products. That and pushing myself to my limits in my workouts. I get comfortable and tend to want to stay there, so that is what I'm working on now....pushing myself. I still have pain and injuries that temporarily don't allow me to do all I would like to do, but I am working on modifying where I can. That is my newest challenge!!!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    wednesday QOTD

    My MIND. I had to learn to BELIEVE that I could do it, and stop being LAZY about making positive changes!!
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: What was the hardest change you had to make in order to lose weight?

    Portion Control. I finally realized how much I was eating in sitting. I still have a hard time saying no even though I’m full.

    I’ve been drilled as a child to eat until the plate is clean. I just have learn to put less on my plate and not go for seconds. It definitely

    helps to have smaller plates.
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112

    1) Working out. I just... didn't do it before.
    2) Portion control. I'll never forget when I found out how small a serving of ice cream and cereal was. I'd been eating about four servings of each every time I had either.
    3) Cutting out empty calories - like soda. I was a soda fanatic. now I can't imagine "wasting" all those calories on non-solid food.
  • almille
    almille Posts: 89
    I've had to give up laziness and accept discomfort to push myself. I've always used discomfort as an excuse, declaring that I was 'listening to my body to avoid injury' and therefore avoided running or heat.
  • leamatthew
    leamatthew Posts: 162
    Wednesday QOTD: What was the hardest change you had to make in order to lose weight?

    Snacking when im bored, i used to snack LOADS but found it was cause i was bored and not hungry, also if i was shopping for example i would have to have somethign nice for the journey home, usually in form of a cream cake or crisps.

    Now if i HAVE to have something i go for a fruit bag
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: We all have challenging days. What is your favorite trick to get your impulses under control? How do you put down the snacks and get yourself off the couch?
    Sorry I'm so late!!!!! Well the main way I put down the snacks is to think about my calories I have left for the day. If the numbers are getting tight, I think about how long it'll take on the treadmill to reverse the calories. I've had a king sized hersheys bar sitting on my kitchen counter for 2 weeks. I keep eyeballing it, but think 370 calories is way too damn long on the treadmill for *that*!!! (yes, i know i can just eat 1 or 2 squares, but the all or nothing mindset has kept me from eating it all!)
    Wednesday QOTD: What was the hardest change you had to make in order to lose weight?
    my mind. I knew what to do, how to do it. i just needed to care and find the motivation. that's been the hardest thing, being motivated to eat less and move more. it's still really hard. some days i just want a basket of chicken and fries, a pile of tacos, a blue cheese burger, whatever and I want to quit. But it's a constant battle to stay motivated.
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: What was the hardest change you had to make in order to lose weight?

    For me it was to get up off my butt and exercise! I went from religiously riding my stationary bike every night to just quitting to play online game for a year. We all know how much good THAT does!
    So now I am back to business and working my butt off (for real!)
  • NicholeAJ
    Wednesday QOTD: What was the hardest change you had to make in order to lose weight?

    Late night eating and portion control, there is nothing better than a huge meal at 9pm right?
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member

    Firstly, just to say how many helpful hints and insights I have just read - thank you! Oh , and I have laughed too!
    With me, I think I am just discovering the exercise / eating relationship.I'm actually walking more quickly because I KNOW that will make a difference - still to discover the joys of the elliptical trainer though. But I AM taking on board some of the encouragements I have received about going to the gym, so maybe one day.... I have also wanted to eat til I will burst - good idea, small plates. So small portions, yes definitely. Well, and the other thing is WATER!! I have never drank so much water - but I am feeling good on it! That's quite a new and big thing for me.....