Sexy in Six Round 2 ***closed group*** Week 3



  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Hi Everyone -

    I'm Chris! I did Sexy in Six Round 1 but I had things going on and couldn't commit completely to my team. BUT now I'm back with vengeance! So I'm on the Black Team and I'm so happy to see how close everyone has gotten here. This challenge is one of the best because after I left, I put on back the weight and got too caught up in life.

    This week I'm weighing in at my highest at 156. It's that time of the month so I think it's a lot of water weight. Anyway, I'm going hardcore with my teammates on the BLACK TEAM to reach my goal of 148.


    MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with??

    I swear by P90X. I did it for 3 weeks once and EVERYONE NOTICED. Even my Professor (lady of course). I just don't have time to do 1 hour everyday or I get tired of listening to Tony's voice. But if I put some great music in the background I can bang it out.
    I think I'll do it today actually. I'm going to try some of your ideas though!

    Thanks and go BLACK TEAM!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with??

    I was doing one of Leslie Sansone's walks (3 or 4 miles ) every morning then doing something else in the afternoon/evening lately its been the 30 ds, or one of the biggest loser workouts I must be the Queen of Exercise dvds. I get bored easily with the same workout so I mix it up a lot.
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks Maggie!!

    I don't necessarily have any combos, but i love to :go to spin class, go to zumba, run outside, run on the treadmill and ride my bike!!! sometimes i'll do the elliptical, and i just finished 10 session of strength training with a PT...loved it but don't know if i can still afford it right now...maybe the rentals will float me a loan ;)
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    this is rando but i love to run STAIRS outside! like in parks and stuff :D
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    Monday QOTD- workout combos

    I have to admit that i took the summer off from exercising. I work for an agricultural company in a sweet corn breeding program. What that means is I am out in the field ALL day starting in the spring and finishing in the fall. I try to get cardio in 3 times a week-doing anything and everything. I completed the C25K this spring, I like the walk away the pounds, shred videos, outside sports like mountain biking, hiking...anything really! :) I also think you need strength regularly and try to do 2-3 days per week. I also love pilates! I think variety is key! Then you don't get stuck working one thing or getting in a rut. it's more fun that way and your body doesn't get used to what you're doing-and stop burning.
  • MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with??

    I go to the gym to workout. I just can't find the motivation to workout at home. I enjoy doing the arc trainer (similar to the elliptical), treadmill, and strength training. I do at least 30 - 60 minutes of cardio and the rest of the time I'm at the gym I do strength workouts. I'm starting the C25K today for the first time (treadmill version). I try not to have more than 1 or 2 rest days a week (depending on school work and my level of soreness). :)
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    WELCOME to our new members! I just started last week and let me tell you- this is a bunch of amazing women having a great (and sometiems brutal :P) time supporting each other. Perhaps more importantl, WELCOME TO THE NEW YELLOW TEAM MEMBERS! We have created our own thread to support each other in particular. Go here: and it will also show you how to add our awesome banner to your signature, if you'd like.

    To the Yellow Team: ladies, we did great! I know there were some struggles but it's all good. Here's a new week and a new day to do better. Keep it going and remember to reach out for support! we're here for you 150%!
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with??

    I am a HUGE fan of at-home workout DVDs. Two years ago I bought a few of them called 10-Minute Solutions. My two favorites are "Pilates for Weight Loss" and "Blast Off Belly Fat!". The pilates is great because it's sort of like "power pilates". you're burning calories and sculpting muscle at the same time. The "belly fat" one is great too. Great calorie burn (for me, it's 300 cals in 30 minutes!) and boy do those abs start showing if you work at it. The instructor, Suzanne Bowen, isn't annoying either. I actually like her. She tells me i can do it and i do! ;)
    So those are my first two things that i use on a daily basis. I usually do 30 minutes of one or the other DVDs but oftentimes combine them. I realized that i really needed to up my cardio to burn fat so i'm learning new ways to do that. I use my apartment complex's gym (totally new for me to actually get my *kitten* over there). As hard as it is, the Elliptical is amazing- 350 cals in 30 minutes- so that's one i'm trying to get in there! the stationary bike is also awesome (and when school starts it's something i can read while i'm doing so i get to kill two birds with one stone). Lastly, the c25k workout, a plan to help you train your body to be able to run. Go here to learn more: It's doable no matter who you are and very empowering when you realize that!
    I have also begun power walking on my work breaks to keep the blood flowing and metabolism up!
    So, bottom line, for me it's a combo of cardio that i enjoy for at least 30 minutes a day and strength training and calisthenics for about 30 minutes. Soon I'm sarting Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred too.
    I'm loving my exercise time more and more every day!
  • Team Yellow- we still ROCK!!! I know we can do better :):) coz we are just awesome like that!!

    I work out at the gymn- i do Zumba, Shabam (modern dance) and Body step. Thanks to the challenge last week, i got on the treadmill and really exited at the possibilities. I will keep up with the running (i consider 4.5-5.0 running even though MFP calls it walking) and try get in some strength training.

    exited about week # 3. I really want to do well!!!
  • drgirl1023
    drgirl1023 Posts: 97 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with??

    I usually do 1 - 2 miles jogging Monday thru Friday and also I try to Tae Bo for my arms maybe 3 times a week. On Saturday I go to the gym to do weights for my body overall. I am seeing results but I will start to do something else in the future - maybe p90x! Will see!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    With me, rather like with Joseph, 'Any exercise will do....'
  • anettabon
    anettabon Posts: 30 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with??
    Running!!! My best results come from long distance running or circuits or interval training.

    (sorry about this week blue team, it was a really rough weekend, but this week, I'm pumped and ready!)
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with??
    With my motivation these days, ANY exercise is a win! I like to do kickboxing and I like (so far!) my Exerbeat, which lets you do party games like swim, toss pizzas, box, dance, and lots of other things. (You can feel your heart and your muscles working! It's only $20 + shipping on Amazon, so not a bad alternative to WiiFit.)

    Also, we are once again restocked of members! So please give your new teammates a warm welcome and send them friend requests so you can encourage them!
    Team Black- canidoit11
    Team Yellow- mommy2squish
    Team Red- thardin323
    Team Blue- knight76306
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Hey Mommy2Squish! Welcome to the Yellow Team! Just so you know, we kick *kitten* ;o)
    Check out our Yellow Team thread:
    Great to have you- we're all here to support you whatever you need! :flowerforyou:
  • MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with??

    I love CrossFit type exercises because I enjoy the combination of cardio and strength. I.E. burpees, 2k row + squats, anything that keeps my mind of either strict cardio or strength :)
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with??

    Over the past two years I've become a fan of workout videos as well...that 30 minutes saved by not going to the gym often means the difference between workout and no workout for me!

    In general one of my absolute favorite workouts is a really long (like, over 5 miles) walk. When I have time I do that every day. I definitely don't have time all that often though!!!

    And GO BLUE TEAM!!! Yeah!! Last four days have been INSANE at work and so I'm barely hanging is shot, but tomorrow's my last day on service so I'll be back in full force! Hopefully I won't have lost too much ground...
  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    Posting this a little early :)
    Tuesday QOTD: How many cheat days/rest days do you allow your bodies and how would you describe your cheat days?

    I get one cheat day a week, usually Sundays. I still log my foods...just so I'm aware, but always at the end of the day. I also don't usually count any exercise I do unless it's something major. If I want to lounge around all day, I do. I figure I won't burn out as fast that way and it gives me a little time to repair and prepare for the following week.
  • MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with??
    I see my best results when I can consistently do 30 day shred. (key word: consistently.)

    Tuesday QOTD: How many cheat days/rest days do you allow your bodies and how would you describe your cheat days?
    I dont really have "cheat days". I feel like if I deprive myself of something that I really want, I won't be as successful in the long run. Granted it gets me in trouble sometimes, especially when I go days/weeks at a time when I just want everything that's bad for me. My full out cheat days are normally terrible, and it doesnt start until the afternoon, I will let myself get a 32 oz dr pepper, normally a box of hot tamales, mcdonalds for dinner, ice cream or whatnot for dessert. It's baad.
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 233 Member
    Hi Everyone!!! Glad I could join.

    MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with??

    I worked with a personal trainer at the first of the year. So, combo and strength and cardio. Switched over to cardio over the summer, which I found out is not good for me. Put some weight back on. So, looks like for me weight training seems to be the ticket.

    Tuesday QOTD: How many cheat days/rest days do you allow your bodies and how would you describe your cheat days?

    The program I'm doing now (Jamie Eason's 12 week program) , Phase 2 - 1 rest day a week. Cheat day? Not so much - they get me in trouble! It turns into an all out food free for all.
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    cheat days are sunday. sometimes i log them, sometimes i don't. rest days are also on sunday. sometimes cheat days might be friday or saturday, but i try to save it for sunday.

    i eat normal meals. what i do is snack. i still think about choosing the better foods, but i also give myself leadway when wanting something i've been craving.