Sexy in Six Round 2 ***closed group*** Week 3

Great job in week two ladies! So many of you stepped up to the plate and kicked some butt! Let's keep this going and push through week 3!


We lost a few members this week. thardin323 will be joining the Red Team, so please give her a warm welcome! I'll be posting our other new members as they join.

So, this week let's do a food related challenge. You all (hopefully!) have changed your diaries to reflect the sub-groups you want to focus on (ie. sodium, sugar, fat, carbs, etc.) This week, I want everyone to try to stay within their sub-category ranges. So however your diary is set up, try to be mindful and stay below your goals across the board! (If you don't know how to change the diary settings to show personalized sub-categories, email me!)

QOTDs this week go to:
Monday: sakus32
Tuesday: klyvers
Wednesday: arcticbear
Thursday: emd0019
Friday: StacyAC999

Great job everyone! Let's really make this next week count!
PS. Great job to all our biggest losers, both in pounds and percents! And also to the Blue Team, who's leading the pack!


  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Great challenge! And congrats to all who kicked BUTT! I did not but its a new week! This one will be rough, but that's why its a challenge. Actually, I have iron as one of my subcategories, I watch it so I can get the number higher than mfp standard due to I try to push for red there. Ready to kick some Red Team booty this week! Welcome thardin! I'm thrilled my friend has decided to join us and is on my team!
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Love this week's challenge!!

    For clarification, is the blue team leading the pack this week, or you mean overall from week 1+ 2 combined?? do we find out what team did the best in the end??

    congrats everyone for last week!!

    Red team-SORRY!!!! Cnd Thxgiving + a friend visiting for three days + mom visiting = TONS of meals out = major weight gain ;)

    anyways, to combat that and to save money, if anyone wants to join me, i'm challenge myself not to eat any food out with the exception of movie popcorn on Saturday until next Monday!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member

    Please make your new teammember mommy2squish feel at home! :flowerforyou:
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    For clarification, is the blue team leading the pack this week, or you mean overall from week 1+ 2 combined?? do we find out what team did the best in the end??

    Blue team has lost the highest percentage of body weight from week 1 AND week 2 combined! All the percentages (teams and individuals) show the cumulative percentage lost! So each week, that's the percent overall, not just from the week! :smile:
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    That was a good round and congrats to all the biggest losers :)

    I am excited for this week--it is really going to keep me in line. Alright Black team...lets go for it this week and take it home :wink:
  • kaleighmorgan
    Le sigh. I guess I'm going to have to BRING IT and try to stay under my sugar goal (I ALWAYS go over) :( My goal is to try and lose 1-2 lbs this week. So at best 148.8. Let's see if I can do it!
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    ALRIGHT BLUE TEAM!! WOOOOHHHHHOOOOOO!!!!! i did lose this week (only .2, but i'll take it!) awesome! congrats biggest losers! good luck this week everyone!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    First a big warm Yellow Team Welcome to mommy2squish glad your on our team.

    A fantastic week Ladies and a big congrats to the losers( should be the winners) this week. I'm hoping to lose 2.5 lbs this week I want the scale to have a big old 1 in front of the number. Not sure how my exercise will go this week, my personal trainer still wants to see me tomorrow crutches and all.
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Kudos to the Blue Team on the results this week!!! To my yellow team, great job ladies :) I am going to post the QOTD early since I won't be around until tomorrow afternoon.

    MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with??

    I see the best results w/low mileage running/pylo or HITT exercises and core work. Generally what I do is 3-4 miles, 30 jump burpees, 120 crunches. 3 - 4x per week . . . . . . . i contribute my 4lb weightloss in one week to this combo and great eating . . . . ahhhhhh maybe I will do that this week :)
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    right now, i exercise 6 times a week. mon-sat, i do leslie sansone vids (3 miles). on mons, and thurs, i use ankle weights around my wrists and get strength training while i do the vid. on tues and fris, i use ankle weights on my ankles to get leg strength training. (btw, these are 1 lb weights). on weds and sats, i don't use weights. mon-fri i do 50 sit ups. and on saturday, no sit ups (just the vid w/o weights). and sunday is my rest day. so far, it's working. i'll switch it up sometimes by jogging during the 15 min mile instead of walking. as long as i keep seeing results, i'm sticking with this. when i plateau, i'll do something different: maybe taebo :)
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with??

    I do any combination throughout the week of p90x, insanity, c25k, or just going to the gym in general... and daily with my husband, we try to do 100 push ups, 200 sit ups/crunches, planks, reverse planks, and 100 squats- but we don't always do them all so I'm hoping starting today- I can give him that push to be motivated with me and start taking it very serious. Hoping to put up a big number this week and get out of the 200s!
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with?

    My best results unfortunately aren't in terms of weight-loss, because the weight is slow coming off, but I feel the strongest with a one hour combo of treadmill, elliptical and floor exercises with free weights and calisthenics.
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member

    I really liked last week;s challenge so I am going to start using distance in my weekly work outs. typically I run at least 4 days per week and walk 2 days, I do strength training with 10 minute target toning 2-4 days. My goal for this week was to run 10 miles (3 of my miles last week were walking) and then add on from there!!!
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with??

    What seems to work best for me is a combination of outdoor running, with at least one day of flat running and one day of running in my neighborhood with hills, and spinning. I've added strength, but don't do it enough to tell if that's helping yet. Hoping to kick it up this week and see.

    Really excited about this week's challenge. My problem is always sodium, and I had already decided to challenge myself to cut back on processed foods this week and stay below my sodium numbers, so this is perfect timing!
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Great job everyone!! And a special shout out to my blue team - Way to go!!!

    MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with??

    For me right now, it is all about the cardio. I still have a decent amount of fat to burn. I have had a lot of success jogging/walking (c25k three times a week followed by a brisk walk and just a brisk walk on the days that I don't have c25k).

    I am stressing right now as I hurt my ankle on Saturday so no walking/jogging for me. I am going to have to pick up my weights and focus on my arms this week. I will probably force some crunches too. Any other suggestions for exercises I can do at home that don't require pressure on my ankle? I can stand on it just fine but walking, jumping, etc. are not an option.

    Happy Monday everyone!!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I do Leslie Sansone videos primarily as well. What works is using the toning band and throwing in some push ups (modified due to injury), leg lifts to strengthen my knee and ab work. I just started trying pilates....hard core but I love the challenge and even though the scale is evil lately my waist is under 40 inches for the 1st time in forever!
  • mommy2squish
    mommy2squish Posts: 126 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with??

    Right now I am doing the 30 day shread in combination with walking. And of course have to add chasing after a 14 month old!

    Guess im just going to jump right in just want to say hello to everyone!!! Feel free to add me as a friend and im excited to do this challenge along side of you girls!!!
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    COME ON RED TEAM!!! We can do this! Let's kick some FLAB!
    Red team-SORRY!!!! Cnd Thxgiving + a friend visiting for three days + mom visiting = TONS of meals out = major weight gain ;)

    anyways, to combat that and to save money, if anyone wants to join me, i'm challenge myself not to eat any food out with the exception of movie popcorn on Saturday until next Monday!

    No worries! It's in the past, don't let it get you down! All that weight is just going to fall off this week no that you're back on track! xx
  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    QOTD: Monday

    I've been doing 30DS, Celebrity Fit Club Boot Camp Workout, and JM: Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. I like mixing it up. I've also been using the wii fit, but not as much as I should :)
  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with??

    Mainly cardio here, too. I want to start amping it up, running more than walking, etc. I do want to start adding in some weights, too. The hardest part is working in the time committment, I seem to be all over the place with reponsibilities.