Sexy in Six Round 2 ***closed group*** Week 3



  • TanyaPearce
    Good job blue team.
    QOTD: I found dancing to be very beneficial and fun. Any of the Wii games and they make a zumba that will kick your butt. It is said zumba burns up to 800 calories in and hour session.
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Tuesday QOTD :Cheat Days - great question seeing as I PIGGED out on Pizza Hut last night - it was good but I need to check myself on the cheating FOR SURE.

    I started giving myself weekends, then just sundays, but I'm starting to think I need to cut out the cheat days for a while, at least until I get the weight off that I'm looking to get off. weekends have been seeming to set me back, so I'm up for the non grocery challenge that another Red Teamer is doing right now - force me to plan my foods and stick to it. It is hard bc eating out is one of my favorite things. My hubs and I ALWAYS spit and entree and maybe have a side salad or soup, but still that stuff adds up SOOOO fast!!

    I'm having a hard time with the challenge this week staying under sugars seems impossible, and I don't feel like i'm over doing it. I"ve been trying to log my food in the morning so I can assess and adjust but it doesn't seem to be working.
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: How many cheat days/rest days do you allow your bodies and how would you describe your cheat days?

    I seem to give myself the days that my husband is home, about 2-3 weekends a month, but we walk during those days. When he's not home, I work out every day but Sunday and go for a walk on that day. My "cheat" days are just the ones where I'm not as concerned with what I'm eating/drinking. I'll have an extra glass or two of wine, but I don't go nuts with the food usually.
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: How many cheat days/rest days do you allow your bodies and how would you describe your cheat days?

    I don't have a set cheat day. When I have plans like I did last weekend (dinner party at my cousin's house), those types of days become my cheat days.

    As for rest days, I try to do at least some type of exercise, even if it is just walking the pups, every day.
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Tuesday QOTD: How many cheat days/rest days do you allow your bodies and how would you describe your cheat days?

    This is a hard question for me to answer right now since everyday feels like a "cheat" day b/c I'm not exercising. When I was training for the 1/2 marathon, I only rested a two days before my long runs and those "rests" were actually sprint days. When training for a specific event or goal, I don't usually stray far w/food.

    In general, i usually run/HIIT in the same day and then have an active rest day which could mean walking or biking w/the kids, but not the same exercise as the day before.
  • 160poundgirl
    Tuesday QOTD: I usually do not plan for cheat days (its all been 3 weeks- that may change) but i do find that i slack much over the weekend. Sundays are impossible for working out but i have managed to work out 2 out of 3 Saturdays. I hope to stay consistent, not deny myself BUT also not cheat so that it can truly be a lifestyle change.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: I don't plan "cheat" or "off" days. I feel like this is a lifestyle change and that is something i can keep doing day in and day out! that being said, i do allow myself the treats that i want, in moderation. My biggest weakness is a Venti Iced Chai Tea Latte from Starbucks. MMMMM! I used to have one every morning, sometimes twice a day! since taking that out of my diet, i find i only want it sporadically now. If i do find myself craving it, I do two things: 1. plan it into my day by entering into my diary before i drink it and 2. get a Grande sixe instead of a Venti, which I have found to be perfectly satisfying (who knew!) I'm really trying to lose a good amount of weight before the end of the year so i don't take breaks from exercise BUT what i do instead is change the intensity. Instead of running, biking, doing my really tough mat exercises, etc, I do just my pilates exercises (mostly for flexibility) and some light walking, just to keep my metabolism revved.
    So all in all, cheat days aren't something i work into my plan. I instead plan the treats and exercise appropriately to balance things out. And I don't beat myself up (i try not to at least)! My fiancee brought me my FAVORITE candy bar ever, (Mounds! Dark chocolate and coconut, mmmm hmmmm!) and i let myself enjoy it with no guilt because i'm working damn hard! moderation moderation moderation :)
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    Tuesday QOTD- I try really hard not to have full out cheat days. On the other side I try not to deprive myself! I eat what I want-within reason-while trying to pick better choices. If I want something, I plan the rest of the day around it to fit it in and have a controlled amount. Most of the time this theory works pretty well! Can't say ALL of the time. I found that this summer while traveling for work and eating out 3 meals a day it was pretty hard to portion control and make the right choices.
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: I don't plan "cheat" or "off" days. I feel like this is a lifestyle change and that is something i can keep doing day in and day out! that being said, i do allow myself the treats that i want, in moderation. My biggest weakness is a Venti Iced Chai Tea Latte from Starbucks. MMMMM! I used to have one every morning, sometimes twice a day! since taking that out of my diet, i find i only want it sporadically now. If i do find myself craving it, I do two things: 1. plan it into my day by entering into my diary before i drink it and 2. get a Grande sixe instead of a Venti, which I have found to be perfectly satisfying (who knew!) I'm really trying to lose a good amount of weight before the end of the year so i don't take breaks from exercise BUT what i do instead is change the intensity. Instead of running, biking, doing my really tough mat exercises, etc, I do just my pilates exercises (mostly for flexibility) and some light walking, just to keep my metabolism revved.
    So all in all, cheat days aren't something i work into my plan. I instead plan the treats and exercise appropriately to balance things out. And I don't beat myself up (i try not to at least)! My fiancee brought me my FAVORITE candy bar ever, (Mounds! Dark chocolate and coconut, mmmm hmmmm!) and i let myself enjoy it with no guilt because i'm working damn hard! moderation moderation moderation :)

    Love it! I agree completely that moderation is the key-and not just for being healthy! :) i also love your point about going down in intensity-what a great idea!
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: I don't plan "cheat" or "off" days. I feel like this is a lifestyle change and that is something i can keep doing day in and day out! that being said, i do allow myself the treats that i want, in moderation. My biggest weakness is a Venti Iced Chai Tea Latte from Starbucks. MMMMM! I used to have one every morning, sometimes twice a day! since taking that out of my diet, i find i only want it sporadically now. If i do find myself craving it, I do two things: 1. plan it into my day by entering into my diary before i drink it and 2. get a Grande sixe instead of a Venti, which I have found to be perfectly satisfying (who knew!) I'm really trying to lose a good amount of weight before the end of the year so i don't take breaks from exercise BUT what i do instead is change the intensity. Instead of running, biking, doing my really tough mat exercises, etc, I do just my pilates exercises (mostly for flexibility) and some light walking, just to keep my metabolism revved.
    So all in all, cheat days aren't something i work into my plan. I instead plan the treats and exercise appropriately to balance things out. And I don't beat myself up (i try not to at least)! My fiancee brought me my FAVORITE candy bar ever, (Mounds! Dark chocolate and coconut, mmmm hmmmm!) and i let myself enjoy it with no guilt because i'm working damn hard! moderation moderation moderation :)

    Love it! I agree completely that moderation is the key-and not just for being healthy! :) i also love your point about going down in intensity-what a great idea!

    thanks emily! i just think any type f movement in your day can benefit your body and just because it's a more relaxed day, doesn't mean i still can't be good to me! that's how i'm starting to see my exercise- my own time to do something healthy for myself, all alone (nice sometimes!)

    keep rocking it, to all teams!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: How many cheat days/rest days do you allow your bodies and how would you describe your cheat days?

    I don't really plan cheat days. I let life hand them to me as I need them :laugh: If I'm going out to the bar or a party with friends, I may allow myself to go a little over. Just going out to dinner isn't enough for me to blow my calories. Some days I just have zero motivation and need a kick in the butt so I take a day to regroup. They happen a few times a month, no more than once a week.
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    I have to quote Peanut :D

    "I don't really plan cheat days. I let life hand them to me as I need them "

    That's exactly how would respond to this question!!! Lately I haven't been on my game at all, but when I am, I try to let life dictate if i'm going out to my fav resto or if i'm going to a potluck, and it's very difficult to count, or very hard to resist.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Tuesday QOTD

    I usually end up having one cheat day/meal a week, due to cravings, and while I don't let them guilt me out, I am usually ready to get right back on the healthy horse by the next day, at the latest.

    Like today, I had Chinese for lunch. I feel like a bloated tick right now, so I'm more than ready for a good workout and nice, low-key, low sodium dinner tonight.

    This is a big improvement, because six months ago I would have developed an Ima Failure attitude and quit. I'm growing, mentally. It's slow progress, but it's happening :)
  • drgirl1023
    drgirl1023 Posts: 112 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: How many cheat days/rest days do you allow your bodies and how would you describe your cheat days?

    Usually my cheat/off day is Saturday because I am with my family. I don't go to crazy because I know of the hard work that I have to put into the next days to burn what I have consume. I do Saturdays with moderation!!! Sunday thru Friday I work hard and I find it really easy Monday thru Friday not to cheat because I am at work and on Sundays is my day to do all my housework so my mind is not on cheating!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: How many cheat days/rest days do you allow your bodies and how would you describe your cheat days?

    I try not to have planned cheat days, I seem to have no control when I do and I need control in my life. My rest days are usually Sunday but I still try to do something just might not be as much as the rest of the week.
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    I don't like cheat days because I don't feel so great after. Usually/ideally if I know an event is coming up I like to plan ahead. For example, Thankgiving, during that whole week I'll have light meals, exercise a little harder etc. This way on Thanksgiving I can indulge, light walking that day and not feel horrible.

    Rest days are usually Sundays. I'm going to make those active rest days though and at least walk.
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: How many cheat days/rest days do you allow your bodies and how would you describe your cheat days?

    I don't mean to give myself cheat days- but it looks like I have one almost every Sunday- and I usually have Pizza because I'm a little addicted.
    Rest days- I try to work out every day, but of course that doesn't always happen.... but I at least go for a walk/hike/ site seeing with my family if I'm not going to get a good workout.
  • TanyaPearce
    Welcome back to the Black Team! Glad to have you!!!!!!!!
  • TanyaPearce
    Tues QOTD: cheat days
    I dont really plan cheat days they just kinda happen and here lately too often. And that is beacuse I am not planning my exercise and meals like I should. I am learning that when I stick with the program I feel so much better. But I also have learned that if I am really craving something to have a little bit of whatever it is because if I dont I over induldge.
    I have heard that if you do strength training you need to rotate muscle groups and have a couple days of rest to let your muscles to heal. But I think cardio should be done in some form every day.....atleast that is my goal. But if you are tired sometimes giving yourself the weekened off is just the little boost of energy you need to get back on track. So I guess it just depends on the person.
  • anettabon
    anettabon Posts: 30 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: How many cheat days/rest days do you allow your bodies and how would you describe your cheat days?

    I usually give myself 1 rest day where I don't work out. As for cheating foodwise, I try and schedule my long runs / workouts on the days where I know I'm more likely to overdo, like beer festival days and potlucks that I go to. I haven't been doing well with regulating that recently, but I've started to put together a weekly plan and that's working better.