Sexy in Six R2 *closed group* Wk 2



  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Wednesday QOTD (sorry, a little late!!): It depends for me. My schedule is so variable, that when I'm on a streak of 12-hour days I'll usually convert to taking the stairs. Working in a hospital with patients on all units really helps...back when I used to wear a pedometer I'd log 10,000-12,000 steps per day easily at work! I don't count it in my exercise, mostly cause I don't know how, but it's nice to know I'm moving.

    Thursday QOTD: STOMACH.:sad: My mom, aunt, cousin and I all have the same stomach (we call it the "genetic stomach" :laugh: ). Unfortunately it's true that "great abs are made in the kitchen," so other than the usual stuff there's not much I can do about it. BUT, I've noticed that cutting way back on carbs has actually caused me to lose almost 2 inches off my waist, even though the scale is staying put. Redistribution???:noway:

    And GO BLUE TEAM!!! I've got about 9.5 miles with a sprint session in store for today...may also take the dog out and make it a longer walk if the rain stops! Stupid rain.
  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    QOTD: How do you motivate yourself to work out when you have a busy schedule?
    I have a crazy busy schedule even though I'm home all day. Between the kids, the house, the dogs, the hubby and running 2 businesses from home, my workout is usually the first thing to suffer...then the housework. I will put my wii fit on free run and jog upstairs while I pick up the house or try to keep my daughter entertained.

    Thursday QOTD: My belly and thighs are my trouble zones...always have been. I'm doing the 200 sit up challenge and up to 154 so far on week 3!!! I plan on doing the 200 squat challenge too so I can work on my legs/butt.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Thursday QOTD
    What would you consider your most trouble area of your body and what form of exercise do you do to focus on that part?

    My stomach. Definitely my stomach. Right now, I do mostly cardio to get my total body fat down to a manageable level. I do some strength, but focus most of my energy on the high calorie burners. When I get that down, I will do more ab exercises to tighten and tone.

    I will be absolutely giddy if I end up with a toned stomach for the first time in my life :)
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Wednesday QOTD (sorry, a little late!!): It depends for me. My schedule is so variable, that when I'm on a streak of 12-hour days I'll usually convert to taking the stairs. Working in a hospital with patients on all units really helps...back when I used to wear a pedometer I'd log 10,000-12,000 steps per day easily at work! I don't count it in my exercise, mostly cause I don't know how, but it's nice to know I'm moving.

    Thursday QOTD: STOMACH.:sad: My mom, aunt, cousin and I all have the same stomach (we call it the "genetic stomach" :laugh: ). Unfortunately it's true that "great abs are made in the kitchen," so other than the usual stuff there's not much I can do about it. BUT, I've noticed that cutting way back on carbs has actually caused me to lose almost 2 inches off my waist, even though the scale is staying put. Redistribution???:noway:

    And GO BLUE TEAM!!! I've got about 9.5 miles with a sprint session in store for today...may also take the dog out and make it a longer walk if the rain stops! Stupid rain.

    My mom has worked in a hospital her whole life and it's definitely true that it is a place that makes you WALK! I would recommend paying attention to a few things one day to help you determine how to count it (because it should count). Be aware of your speed as you walk (leisurely pace, moderate, like you would do if you were walking a dog, for example) and also just note the time it takes you to get from destination to destination. Pay attention to these things for just a day or two (it's a little extra work) and then you can accurately record your movement. Maybe eve strap on that pedometer again ;) Hope this helps!
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Thursday QOTD
    What would you consider your most trouble area of your body and what form of exercise do you do to focus on that part?

    I would say my trouble area, like a lot of people, is my stomach. In order to focus on that, I realized that I couldn't just do calisthenics and expect the fat to come off to reveal my amazing toned abs! What I do now is make sure that I'm getting at least a 1/2 hour of cardio per day, to burn fat. No matter what type of cardio it is (on the elliptical, a stationary bike, walking, etc) I make a very conscious point to pull my abs in as I do each exercise. Even just strolling you can feel the extra work in your core. I also do at least 20-30 minutes of vigorous calisthenics (I have a DVD that I use) that target your core areas including waist, abdominal wall, obliques, etc. Feels great when I'm sore after that! Still, cardio is the most important thing to keep in mind. :)
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    Thursday QOTD
    What would you consider your most trouble area of your body and what form of exercise do you do to focus on that part?

    Mine used to be my thighs. I used to always love my legs growing up. My stomach was never flat, but my legs were awesome (5'10" with a 35" inseam). But I seemed to gain all of my weight in my thighs, butt, and stomach. Thankfully, my legs are getting back to awesomeness with the help of running and spinning. My thighs are actually noticeably thinner. Wahoo!

    My new trouble area is my stomach. I've started doing some ab exercises but I hate them. So, I'm hoping that running 2-3x a week and spinning 2x a week and weights 1-2x a week will help with that...

    And I did another 19.6 miles this morning. Love spinning. :)
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Thursday QOTD - What would you consider your most trouble area of your body and what form of exercise do you do to focus on that part?

    I carry my weight in my stomach and thighs. Right now I am more focused on cardio to burn overall fat. I recently took up running (c25k) and am at the point where I now run the entire time. The days that I don't run, I walk fast. I will do squats, lunges, crunches, in front of the television sometimes and figured I would start focusing more on building muscle this winter when running outside becomes more difficult.
  • Wed QOTD: Well I go to a 24hour gym, so I can go workout anytime no matter how late. The only thing I need to do is get myself motivated enough to get in the car and drive to the gym. Once I'm in the gym, I always workout for at least 30-60 minutes. The only excuses I'm allowed to have are "I'm way too sore to workout" and "I have lots of homework to do!" And by sore I mean, not being able to move! :laugh:

    Thursday QOTD: My trouble areas are my thighs! I finally was able to lose about a half an inch from both of them! I think it's b/c I'm bottom heavy. My belly also is slow to lose inches, but not as bad as my thighs. I'm starting to do more strength exercises for my thighs and legs. Leg press, leg extensions, etc. Also I heard that spinning helps too, so I'm going to try it. :bigsmile:
  • mbw2586
    mbw2586 Posts: 88
    Thursday QOTD - What would you consider your most trouble area of your body and what form of exercise do you do to focus on that part?

    Definitely my stomach, which I blame on having had 2 children so close together. Also, my thighs seemed to want all the baby fat and, boy, are they greedy!

    My main form of exercise, besides walking/jogging, is a kickboxing class, where a bit of strength training is done and the focus varies from class to class. I feel like it's a great way to get cardio and strength in everytime, and I belive it's slowly working on my entire body as a whole.
  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    Wednesday QOD: I try to fit it in however possible. At work, I park way away from my building (about a 10 minute walk), so no matter what, I'll at least get that. Plus, having a dog makes me get out and walk her.

    Thursday QOD: Totally my belly. I'm trying a bunch of different things, but because a lot of it is stretched out skin, I don't know how good it can get.
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    Thursday QOTD
    What would you consider your most trouble area of your body and what form of exercise do you do to focus on that part?

    My stomach- I have this baby pouch that I feel like will never go away no matter how thin I get! I do as many crunches and situps as I can... but I feel like lately I've been lazy with that stuff.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    What day do we weight in??
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Thursday QOTD
    What would you consider your most trouble area of your body and what form of exercise do you do to focus on that part?

    I seem to pack on the pounds evenly, the weight seems to creep up without even realizing it, So I'm just forcusing on lots of cardio trying to get bigger calorie burns. Off to meet my personal trainer in a few and see what he has planned for me today. Have a great day everyone.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Thursday QOTD: What would you consider your most trouble area of your body and what form of exercise do you do to focus on that part?

    My stomach is my trouble spot too. I'd blame it on my baby, but I've never had a flat belly! :laugh: so far I've been focused on losing fat in general, so most of my exercise is cardio. But I think it's time for me to start thinking about toning a little more. I'm almost to "healthy" and should be 2 pounds from my 2/3 mark at weigh in tomorrow. I'll never look slim if I don't start toning muscles.
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I can't even blame my pouch on babies. No kids. My stomach stretch marks are from packing on the pounds too quickly. Boo.
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Well, not really to do with losing weight - but I have developed vitiligo - horrible! If I stay out in the sun, I get extra dark patches and pale/burning patches. And now my hair is thinning in certain patches too!!!! So, I'm hoping to get a body to die for so that the face and hair are less noticeable!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Thursday QOTD
    What would you consider your most trouble area of your body and what form of exercise do you do to focus on that part?

    My belly :( sometimes i feel like everything else is skinny except for that!! i used to not like my arms either but lately i'm pretty happy with them. Remember ladies you can't "spot" reduce the just have to lose weight and let you body do what it does!! of course you can build muscle and then will help you to look more fit! i have much more toned legs since i've started running. With my trainer for my core we do planks and leg lifts..lay on your back, lift both legs in the air, and slowly lower one down, and back up, then'll feel this in your abs like crazy!!!
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    Thursday QOTD
    What would you consider your most trouble area of your body and what form of exercise do you do to focus on that part?

    I would have to say my whole bottom half. It's the combo hips/thighs/butt. Because I know you can't really spot reduce I don't do really much different. I added walking to my routine so that it could target some of that but I know it will all reduce in size as the lbs drop.
  • On Friday