Sexy in Six R2 *closed group* Wk 2



  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What tips can you provide to help stay on track when life get's hectic?

    My theory is if you have to eat out you can find something decently healthy just search for it and I found out the hard way snacks aren't very filling! =)
  • anettabon
    anettabon Posts: 30 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What tips can you provide to help stay on track when life get's hectic?

    Wow, this is going to be good advice for me as I'm doing a pretty poor job of this now.

    My suggestion that I'm trying now, recruit someone to help. I've noticed that I've been eating not so healthy things recently, french fries, fried fish, and then losing track of how much of those things I eat. So I'm going to ask my boyfriend to help keep an eye on those impulsive decisions in tough situations (like last weekends beer festival)
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Monday QOTD

    to help with Sabotaging thoughts "like it won't matter if I have this one thing bc I'm busy and I don't have time to eat healthy right now" - think of each time something like this pops up as an opportunity to practice reacting appropriately to that situation, the more times you use your resistance muscle the stronger it will get, and in turn the more often you give in, the more likely you are to give in again.

    I say to myself, its my own fault I didn't plan appropriately for this situation, so what is the best decision I can make right now under the circumstances?

    Best defense in the first place is PLANNING my food!!! - then there are no excuses. But I keep healthy options on hand always so I can avoid falling down the slippery slope when I get lazy with my planning

    healthy options always on hand:
    multigrain cheerios and almond milk
    lean pockets
    pb and j
    canned soup
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I'm actually having a rough time with this right now, especially in my new job. I do the best I can with preparing ahead of time and finding healthy portable foods for the days I am on the road. It's been all too easy to give in to the self sabotage. So, I'm struggling. I feel great when I am able to get up early to get in my workout, I need to be more diligent in this. I do make sure I log in here every day, and it helps having my diary public to my friends bc even on my worst days, I am accountable. And that's helped more days than I can count!
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    welcome new members! and yeay for the first week! different than last round's first week. i think i lost a good 5 lbs the first week (can't remember, but it was cool) only down a pound, but hey, i'll take any loss as long as i get to my goal.


    LOG EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING THAT GOES IN YOUR MOUTH (if you're a snacker like me). I used to eat 6 meals a day. and sometimes i would eat a little more than my mid morning and mid afternoon snack and that got me.

    HAVE A CHEAT/REST DAY: didn't have that last time i was an avid MFP user. sometimes i go over a lot, sometimes it's not a whole lot.

    FRUITS: love fruits: grapes, apples (with caramel dip) oranges, prunes, strawberries (with whip cream); these are my favorites

    IF WATER'S NOT YOUR THING, GET MiO or DIET WHATEVER WITH NO CALORIES if you need a carbonated burn lolol

    WORK OUT FOR AT LEAST 20 MIN. i hear that's when you hit your fat burn zone.
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What tips can you provide to help stay on track when life get's hectic?

    Not really a tip but I remind myself everyday that I'm doing this journey for "Me" and its not to happen by itself. So I need to put me first (some times that doesn't happen until almost Midnight in my house).

    Just try to get in 30 minutes or more of exercise and make healthy meal choices.
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Great first week ladies!!

    MONDAY QOTD: What tips can you provide to help stay on track when life get's hectic?

    When I know I am going to be busy (like this week at work since it is quarter end), I preplan my meals so that I won't be tempted to run out to lunch or stop and get something on my way home from work. I also keep emergency snacks in my purse and my desk drawer at work at all times. My favorite ER snack is the 100 calorie packs of almonds. They provide some quick protein, and they don't melt. That also keeps me from going through a drive thru or visiting the vending machine at work.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Monday's QOTD: Tips for staying on track when life gets hectic...

    Wow. This is a tough one because it's usually when life interferes that I get OFF track, and don't bother getting back ON track, so this is definitely my weakness. This is the longest consistent run on fitness I've had, and I guess what has kept me going is allowing myself to be imperfect. I have to let go of my all-or-nothing attitude and know it's okay if everyday isn't perfect. I just have to keep getting up and dusting myself off, and trying again.
  • 160poundgirl
    QOTD: Plan to eat well and change it up to avoid boredom!!!

    Go team yellow!!!
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    Alright, we made it through week one! Most people seemed to say they've been lagging, stressed, sick, etc. so I'm hoping we all get back on track and kick some booty this week! I know I need a kick in the butt!

    So here's our results chart for the week. It's my first attempt to post my spreadsheet so I hope it turns out alright! Anyway, to read the chart: Each section is a team. You'll see your username, followed by your starting weight (that you gave on your registration form, or for round 1 members it's your last weigh in from round 1). After that is your goal weight for the end of the challenge, so you can constantly see what you're aiming for! Next is your current weight, what you listed on the most recent weigh in. Then you see your pounds you either gained or lost that week, and finally your TOTAL percentage of your bodyweight gained or lost. The percentage will be cumulative, meaning next week it will be the percentage of weight lost this week AND next. You'll notice some pounds/percentages have an asterisk (*) and that means you had a GAIN. If your weight loss in pounds and/or percentage are highlighted, YOU had the biggest loss for your team! So congratulations :smile: Next to your team name, you will see the totals for your team: just like your personal info, but for the whole team. Anyone who has a question with the data on the chart, just email me.


    ((TanyaPearce and laughingatchu, you both submitted your weigh ins, but I had questions and hadn't heard back from you when I posted this. Neither of your weights were counted for your teams.))

    We *DID* lose several members of Sexy in Six already. I'm working to replace them currently. The loss of a member does not affect the team's total losses, as the percentages were NOT calculated with their data.

    Our challenge this week is to move TEN MILES. You can do 2 miles a day, ten miles in one day. How you break it up throughout the week is up to you. Wanna walk? Run? Bike? Swim? A little of each? Move however you want. Anyway you wanna do it is fine! Be sure to keep track of how far you went each day in your exercise notes, that way at the end of the week you can add it all up. And finally, the questions this week go to:
    MON- TanyaPearce
    TUES- chocolattahottie
    THURS- drgirl1023
    FRI- heaverchell

    Have a great week guys! Lets really kick it up a notch!

    ********************This is a reminder that anyone who does NOT submit their weigh in by the deadline will be removed from the challenge!!!! Also, you are supposed to be interacting on the Questions of the Day EVERYDAY! If you aren't active on our thread, you may be removed as well. It takes 5 minutes to anwer a question. If your teammates are taking the time to follow the rules, be considerate and show them the same respect!********************

    Hi peanut,

    I'm not able to see the stats from last week for some reason....photobucket picture shows it's missing. thought it was something funny with my work computer but it's doing the same thing on my home computer! what am i doing wrong??



    UPDATE-odd-after the repost it's showing up!! :)
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Guys, I am SOOOOO SORRY you all are only just now getting a question. TanyaPearce posted it on a seperate thread. So I am posting it here for everyone to answer. (And for those who are in other countries and it's already nearing midnight, I'm super sorry to you!)

    MONDAY QOTD: What tips can you provide to help stay on track when life get's hectic?

    Ummmm, keep trying each and every day. If you can't get to they gym, try and stay in your calorie range. A slip up is a slip up, and a week isn't a month or a year. Don't stress to much and get back on the horse as soon as possible.
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What tips can you provide to help stay on track when life get's hectic?

    This is a good question! Life ALWAYS gets in the way! And it's really really easy to scrap the diet just because other things are going on. My husband and I joke around and always tell each other "read the book." I can't tell you how many times I've heard that in the last couple of years. "the book" is The Beck Diet Solution. She talks about being in control of the situation and having back up plans for all of the hard times. Does this stop me from making poor choices? Not always. But at least I realize it when I do! It's a start!

    On a more tactical level-I try to plan the next days meals the night before so at least if things go in the toilet I already had it planned and don't have to think about it! Actually relieves a little stress!
    My life is always hectic! I figure either in my free time I can relax (which is what I would muuuch rather do) Or I can exercise and feel sooo much better about myself!
  • TanyaPearce
    Welcome. Good luck!
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member

    LOG EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING THAT GOES IN YOUR MOUTH (if you're a snacker like me). I used to eat 6 meals a day. and sometimes i would eat a little more than my mid morning and mid afternoon snack and that got me.
    Monday QOTD: Tips for staying on track

    - Plan meals ahead as much as possible, taking away the need to "think" about what to eat for me eliminates the "staring at the open cupboard/fridge and hoping something will jump out at me" syndrome which usually gets me into trouble calorie-wise
    - I try to exercise in the morning cuz if I don't do it then life may get in the way and it may just not happen
    - As noted above, LOG EVERY SINGLE THING THAT GOES IN YOUR MOUTH!! I snacked my way into carrying 70 extra lbs...
    - If you are over your calorie allotment for the day and have to eat something, make sure you have lots of YUMMY stuff available, if cerery and carrot sticks won't do it for you. Frozen grapes, favourite flavoured crackers, 100 cal Oreo thinsations loll...something that will satisfy you but won't destroy your efforts
  • mbw2586
    mbw2586 Posts: 88
    MONDAY QOTD: What tips can you provide to help stay on track when life get's hectic?

    I am excited for the responses to this question, as I struggle with this. On the downside, I don't have too many tips :/

    I do agree with a lot of you on the topic of meal planning! I've noticed that during my most successful times, I was spot on about planning out my meals. If I knew I would be going out to eat, I would try to see what my options were beforehand in an attempt to avoid ordering a default meal (see: burger and fries) under pressure.

    When I think that hitting the drive-thru is a good idea because I simply don't have the energy to cook, I think of the other things I would probably do that evening that would waste time, being unproductive. If I have 20 minutes to sit on the computer or watch tv, then I have 20 minutes to make something quick and healthy.
  • TanyaPearce
    I sent you an email about my weight being correct at 175 (175.4 to be exact). Starting 2 1/2 weeks ago was 189. Week before last was 176 and now it is 175.4. I put it on the spread sheet as starting 176 and current 175.4. I dont know what I did wrong. Hopefully I will do it right next week.

  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What tips can you provide to help stay on track when life get's hectic?

    Plan plan plan, and bring snacks with you! I always bring my lunch to work, because the stuff at the cafeteria is not healthy and has way too big of portion size.

    Also, give yourself a break when things get hectic. I sound like a broken record, but it's persistance, not perfection!
  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What tips can you provide to help stay on track when life get's hectic?

    Just remember tomorrow is another day to do better and work harder.
    Sometimes you can't control what life throws at you, so just be ready for anything! As mentioned before, planning meals is a good way, and have some back-ups just in case! I'm not one of those people who meal plans weekly because I don't know if I'll be in the mood for pork chops on Thursday or fish on Friday...BUT I do like to have an idea of what I do have and maybe keep some meals in mind.
  • chocolattahottie
    Monday QOTD

    I take a cheat meal, and historically I hate the cheat meal and it makes me guilty and I go workout.

    I relax, do deep breathing and I really think things through so that I don't emotionally eat.