

  • Couldn't of said it better myself. I too have only been here a short while and have lost over 20 lbs, give it a shot and you will surprise yourself. Anybody on here, please feel free to friend request me. I know I could use the support and I am more than happy to cheer you on as well!!
  • Cookies are my weakness and those look grubbin!
  • Green tea is good but I would aim for the sugar free types. Those Arizona drinks are addicting but not necessarily good for you.
  • Been on here 3 weeks and lost 9 lbs
  • Welcome!! I am still new to this as well, I have been on MFP for 3 weeks now and have already lost 9 pounds. I have done WW and liked it but didn't see the results I see here. I think having all of the support of all of these great people on here and having the real numbers in your face makes all the difference in the…
  • I prefer the Kashi, but it does drive my sugar way up. The healthiest is probably the oatmeal, I know it is supposed to help bring up your good cholesterol readings.
  • Welcome!! This site has a lot to offer, I know you will do well. If you need any help or support feel free to add me.
  • Welcome!! I too have struggled with weight my whole life and it wasn't until recently that I found out that my thyroid was jacked up. I would like to hide behind that and put the blame there but it isn't going to help me a bit. Have done weight watchers, but I really like MFP!! Have been on here just a little over two…
  • 2.5 lbs!! Congrats, you are doing great. I too am new to this, only two weeks under my belt. Feel free to add me if would like some support!!
    in Hello Comment by jstewmo August 2011
  • Pizza and that damn couch
  • I totally hear you. I too work 12 hour shifts with an hour commute and the times that I work dayshifts is hard to fit anything in other then saying hello to my family for an hour or so then off to bed to get up by 3am to start the next day. I have tried to force in a work out once I got home but it is something really hard…
  • I don't know how it compares to FB yet but I do know that I can eat Cheetos while FBing!