exercise and long shifts?

I work 12hr shifts 3-4 days a week and cant fit in any exercise on those days because I have an hour to travel each way to work, when I get home there is only time to prepare food for next day and get 8hrs sleep. I do swim on my days off but feel bad because I am stuck behind a desk for the 12hrs I am in work :( I tend to eat more on my work days because the day starts at 6am and finish at 11pm. Just wondering how other shift workers manage their exercise and if you think it is ok just to excercise 3-4 days a week?


  • baby74
    baby74 Posts: 5 Member
    I work 12hr days also, I get about 5 1/2- 6hrs of sleep on the days that I work. My day also starts at 6am, but I don't have much of a drive going home, and my gym is right around the corner. I TRY to make a goal of 30mins of something cardio on the days that I work. That way I feel like I DID something. Then on my days off, I do cardio and strength training, an hours worth of workout. My days work on a two day rotation, sitting at a desk most the day but up running around sometimes too. If I just get in a 15-20min walk during my lunch or a break, I feel better. My ankles don't seem to swell up so much from just sitting.
  • danssmith
    I have a couple of 15 hour days a week. I try to do 2 hours work out twice over the other days and a couple of 1 hours. Then on the long days I walk in my breaks, nothing much but a half hour over the day.
  • Primrose1960
    Primrose1960 Posts: 55 Member
    thanks Baby74, in reality I could fit in a half hour walk on my break but just hate feeling hot and bothered and my make up dripping off my face as I deal with the poor public who have to look at me!
  • Primrose1960
    Primrose1960 Posts: 55 Member
    thanks Danssmith, yeah I could realistically fit in a half hour walk during break.
  • baby74
    baby74 Posts: 5 Member
    Where I work, if it's hot outside, I walk inside (hospital). And just do a casual walk, and climb stairs (3flights)....I don't walk outside in my uniform when it's steamy out. I am with you on the sweating and having these people who are already sick, don't want to see or smell me. ;) do you have a big inside area to walk around?
  • jstewmo
    jstewmo Posts: 13
    I totally hear you. I too work 12 hour shifts with an hour commute and the times that I work dayshifts is hard to fit anything in other then saying hello to my family for an hour or so then off to bed to get up by 3am to start the next day. I have tried to force in a work out once I got home but it is something really hard to do when you are already exhausted and have limited time. Thing to remember is that this is our life and we need to do the best we can to make the best of our situation. Sometimes all you can do is try to eat right, try to get some sort of exercise at work (if possible), and if all we have is 3-4 days a week to work out...then make those days count.

    Glad to know I am not alone!!
  • Primrose1960
    Primrose1960 Posts: 55 Member
    work in the airport so there is no excuse not to walk inside on my break! Cant be in the sun at all for health reasons so its the only way to do it, only problem is that people keep stopping me and asking for directions when they see my uniform, dont know if that annoys me more than when I go swimming and people stand around chatting and I bang into them. I cant see them because I can only do the back stroke because of my bad back. I will have to get wing mirrors for the swimming pool.
  • frenchprairiegirl
    frenchprairiegirl Posts: 173 Member
    I'm a shift worker as well (10 -12 hr shifts, 2 days 2 nights then off for 4, with a 40 min commute each way)
    I am lucky enough to have a gym at work. Since I can eat at my work station, I spend my hour meal break in the gym. That gives
    me a minimum of 45 min of cardio per day plus I work out in my basement at home (treadmill, weights, bike outside) and exercise outside on nice days (family hikes)
    I'm committed to my fitness goal and no longer make excuses why "I can't.." I just do!
  • tarazena
    tarazena Posts: 93 Member
    Yeah- I've worked 12 hours shifts and it is NOT easy to get exercise in...with eating dinner, shower, getting lunch ready for the next day etc. it can be almost impossible.
    Like I've heard on here many times before...not every way is right for every one so for you it might mean forgoing workouts once in awhile on those days and doing really good ones on your day off.
    I usually will try to make a big dish of food on the day you are off so you can have that part ready..and if you can do 15-20min when you get home...just something..it will help. If not, don't beat yourself up..just keep it steady on your days off.
    I also- ok don't laugh- go in the bathroom at work (it's a large one stall room) and do 5 minutes of something in there..for real ...it will just give your body a little boost before sitting again. Ex- I do jumping jacks, lunges, squats (nothing on the ground..gross), tricep dips off the sink etc..for real..it is a nice little energizer and I feel strange doing this in front of my coworkers etc. so I head for the bathroom and no one has any clue. Then do a little stretch...give yourself permission to not wear yourself out... : )
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I work a full time job and a part time job September through May and between the two sometimes end up working/driving 12 hours in one day. On those days I might do a 20 minute pilates DVD during a break since it doesn't get me too sweaty and I can still look presentable for work. Sometimes I jump rope for 20 minutes at the end of the day. You could also do this first thing in the morning -- I don't because I'm NOT a morning person. You'd be surprised how many calories you can burn in a short amount of time jumping rope. It also helps to have a treadmill at home. I started walking and had to work up to being able to jog. Sometimes I do 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the evening.
  • Txnurse97
    Txnurse97 Posts: 275 Member
    I work 12 hour shifts 3 days a week, and since I'm a nurse, I'm on my feet a lot. But I don't count that as exercise since it is not aerobic or cardiovascular. So I just make sure I get at least an hour in on my days off.
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    I walk on my breaks. Outside if the weather cooperates, around the building if need be. Even when I do make it to the gym or work out at home, I still walk.
  • craftykimmer
    craftykimmer Posts: 37 Member
    I sympathize with you. I bet you just feel like a break on your breaks too! Not exercise. I think I would just concentrate on weight training in small spaces of time throughout the day. It won't get you sweaty but will tone your muscles and that will raise your metabolism to burn more calories.

    Do chair dips for your triceps, push ups by using your desk for your hands instead of the floor (not as hard) Sit back on your chair and lift your legs for your abdomen. Lunges in place for your thighs... You get the idea..
  • looking4au
    looking4au Posts: 85 Member
    I have the same work and commute schedule. I do my exercise at lunch. I either walk or am fortunate enough to have a gym at the hospital where I work. My challenge is on my days off. Seems like my off days are filled with family/home stuff.