Fight2bFiT Member


  • Starting off 2x a week should be a good start. Upper and lower days. Then you can break it down to muscle groups when you are more comfortable and have a good idea of what you are doing. It's important to do cardio after a weight training session due to the energy that you need should be expended on the weights, not the…
  • They are right. You can't spot ruduce but you can tone and focus on areas. They say "abs are made in the kitchen". So if you want to reduce the elasticity in your skin and loose the belly jelly then you MUST eat clean, no processed foods and water water water!!! Ab work and weights help a loT. But it's 80% of what you eat.
  • I love plyo stuff. Like squats. Lunges. Jumping jacks. Step ups. Dips. Push-ups. Etc. also check out the website awesome site that shows u how to do hard stuff that really sculpts your body. Always Remeber do something that PUSHES you beyond what may feel easy or comfortable (as long as you aren't hurting…
  • have you (or anyone else on here that wants to know what to do for sagginess) eaten SUPER clean before? and for longer than a month straight?
  • haha, yea i know, sux, but that not only loses the weight but it produces self discipline and a healthy lifestyle, who woulda thunk??!?! LOL:)
  • i am a personal trainer and have been around a lot of people who have/are competeing in bodybuilding, who get ripped up and have that defined and sexy body, and let me tell you, its NOT by a magical shake. i think a lot of these stories are the sellers themelves trying to sell the product. and ANYONE who eats crap and…
  • hello there! when i first started back in 2009, i was 55lbs from goal weight and had flabby everything. but i can honestly tell you what works (but a LOT of women dont like to hear it).....ready? TRAINING. so a lot of ladies like to be on the tredmill for hours, or do cardio as their main concern, you…
  • I love all your posts! i know if you want it it can be done. a lot of people say "Well stop worrying about the number on the scale and worry about how you feel and what you see in the mirror". and i get that. but i like my weight around the 140s. i was small, thin, but still curvy, and i was in a size 9 pants!, right now i…
  • thats about what i have! count me in and add me if ya want!
  • i really enjoy seeing progress pictures! you look good! thanks for sharing and inspiring! keep up the good work!
  • thank you. so if i was to add in weights, this wouldnt be to build, just to maintain until i decide to "bulk/build", what would the significate difference be? the calorie intake? the # of days lifting? the lbs lifted? i want ANYTHING but to maintain or gain in WEIGHT right now
  • funny that you said this because thats what i was going to do. i wrote it on here but i guess it didnt post. i was going to just do this cardio thing for about a month and with it i was going to do "10min challenges", such as pushups or squats. do them for full 10 minutes as many as i could and the followin week make sure…
  • and with no results, i mean as far as weight goe. the mirror doesnt lie, this i understand, but i HATE weighing the same!!!!
  • thank you everyone. it really has to do with jus making a choice and no matter what sticking it through. i can easily give into my crazings, but if i just resist, drink some water, i am sure i can do it. i did before, and i think i am more determined this time around. thanks for the posts you guys!!!
  • yea i got that book on hold for me at the library. looking forward to reading it. also check out "you are your gym" by mark lauren.
  • this is a good thread. i started on MFP last year, lost about 30 pounds and then gained some back (some depper issues) i am on here starting all over again in a sense. and i never understood the whole eatting back exercise calories, calorie deficiency, etc. but finually the light bulm came on......:bigsmile: i found…
  • weekly is best, since we an change from day to day, plus it keeps our mind focused on what we should do rather than that scale! besides, when you think about it, looking at it everyday does what exactly? you cant really "lose" much from 1 day! since i change so much in my weight even if i do nothing to my diet, i am going…
  • love this thread! i was asking the same thing recently. this is the conclusion i got. cardio is good for you, esp your heart. does it burn fat and muscle, depends. like someone mentioned before, it does at a steady pace. so i recommend to do anything in intervals or HIIT. you can do that with a stationary machine or a body…
  • wow, yea, i would get someone who isnt interested in all "her" stuff and is more interested in YOU. i mean you are payin for her. doesnt sound like she really cares to do for you what you are looking for. FIND A NEW ONE :)
  • oh ok, but i would never go over what i burned to "make up" for the ones i didnt eat the day before. i have a HRM, so i guess that is accurate for what i burn, so when it comes to calorie burns, do you, or should you eat ALL?
  • when you say "cardio on off days for CALORIE DEFICIT and recovery" what do you mean by that? thank you for your response. right now i eat 1200 plus MOST to ALL excercise calories (i have a HRM) so is that what you mean by not eating too little. i NEVER JUST EAT 1200. also on my cardio days, should i eat less calories, like…
  • wow you still on here helping people out! thats awesome, i figured you got too busy with your book and all. i had you as a friend on my old name. thank you for your response!
  • thank you ninerbuff. you are my husband's friend (bigrigpapa) and i am glad he has friends who know their stuff. thanks for the simple and easy understanding response!
  • thank you for this. that is what i am doing now. going heavy, which being that i am pretty weak right now and this is new for me, it isnt much, but instead of the 8s for bis i am going for the 12s or 15s. i know it isnt heavy enough if i can do 10 reps without struggle. i'm not worrying about bulking up like a dude, just…
  • [/quote] Yes, it is discouraging, but keep in mind that just because the scale isn't budging, it doesn't mean you're not changing the composition of your body. Muscle and fat weigh the same, but muscle is denser than fat (you know this already, I'm sure), so you might not be losing weight but you could be losing inches.…
  • what do you mean weekly calorie intake the same? i dont understand that
  • i dont even know what that is!!!
  • never heard of that. what exactly is that?
  • thank you for responding. i love seeing the results of lifting, TIGHT skin, clothes fit better, SORE and you just FEEL good, but when you see that scale still stay the same, then it gets a bit discouraging.
  • HA! thanks! it was coming from a trainer or with someone with experience so thats what i was looking for. i guess my biggest question is to lift heavy or not?! i heard lifting heavy = muscle strength but low weight high reps = toning. but then i wrote another message board and they all said GO HEAVY, so i'm just trying to…