building on top of fat



  • Fight2bFiT
    Fight2bFiT Posts: 48 Member
    Most people know the terms Bulking and cutting. In a bulking cycle most people will gain large amount of muscle mass with some body fat. In a cutting phase most people will burn lots of fat and some muscle. But what many few people understand is the term recomp. cycle, short for recomposition. Recomp is putting on lean muscle mass while simultaneously burning fat. Best of both worlds, but somewhat tricky to accomplish.

    Exactly right!
    Spike84 and Spike Diet is a recomp plan. I have both dropped lots of bodyfat and gained muscle. The more muscle you build the more fat you burn.
    You do have to trick your body but it's much easier than you think, you just have to follow the program the way I wrote it.
    wow you still on here helping people out! thats awesome, i figured you got too busy with your book and all. i had you as a friend on my old name. thank you for your response!
  • Fight2bFiT
    Fight2bFiT Posts: 48 Member
    Muscle doesn't burn fat specifically. Increasing muscle mass does increase your BMR but it isn't as drastic as a lot of people think unfortunately.

    I can tell you from experience that it is a lot better to do strength training & cardio while eating at a suitable level to create an overall calorific deficit to lose weight. If adequate protein is consumed and you continue to lift heavy then the majority of weight lost "should" be from fat (which is what you want :smile:)

    I did it the silly way with lots of cardio and low cals and lost a lot of weight quickly and a LOT of muscle as well. It has taken me quite a while to build back the strength and to get a healthy metabolism again. This is how you can end up yo-yo dieting if you're not careful.

    Re what is heavy: I consider myself a beginner until I can deadlift 400lbs, squat 300lbs and bench 225lbs. As such I do a beginners program consisting of.

    Squat 3 x 10
    Bench press 3 x 8
    Bent row 3 x 8
    Military press 3 x 8
    SLDL 3 x 8
    BB curl 3 x 8

    Do this 3 times a week. Progressively add weight.

    Cardio on off days for calorie deficit and recovery.

    visceral and subcutaneous: One is fat around the organs and one is the fat under the layer of skin.

    when you say "cardio on off days for CALORIE DEFICIT and recovery" what do you mean by that?
    thank you for your response. right now i eat 1200 plus MOST to ALL excercise calories (i have a HRM) so is that what you mean by not eating too little. i NEVER JUST EAT 1200. also on my cardio days, should i eat less calories, like half of my burned calories, since i'm not doing anything too crazy?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Here is an example for me. My maintenance being 2100-2200 cals. To lose weight I would be doing this:

    Mon: resistance training, 2200 cals
    Tue: cardio, 2200cals (or slightly less if you want)
    Wed:resistance training, 2200 cals
    cardio, 2200cals (or slightly less if you want)
    Fri:resistance training, 2200 cals
    Sat:2200cals (or slightly less if you want)
    Sun:nothing specific

    So the theory goes that if you eat at maintenance cals and you create your calorie deficit via exercise. Cardio will generally burn more cals than resistance training. Say 300 for resistance and 600 for cardio.
    Deficits would be:
    M: 300
    T: 600
    W: 300
    T: 600
    F: 300
    S: 600
    S: 0
    Total for 7 days: 2700cals

    So if you wanted to aim for the 1lb of fat per week loss then eat a bit less on cardio days to get to 3500deficit. (Note that 3500 deficit will not automatically equal 1lb of fat loss)

    If you have more weight to lose (higher BF%) then you can create larger deficits and provided that resistance training is done and adequate protein intake (I aim for 1g/lb of BW but others say 1g/lb of lean body mass) then the majority of weight lost should be from fat. As you get closer to goal weight, the deficits should become smaller to ensure weight loss is from fat.

    So to work out what you should be doing, I would need to know your maintenance cals. So BMR & activity level.