skippieone Member


  • I go to Disney Parks once or twice each year, my tips: If you haven't already, check out the menu's in advance. At the Magic Kingdom I highly recommend going to Pecos Bills - they do salads with chicken or beef and lots of different styles of burgers...just don't eat the rolls and tortilla chips. Ask them not to put them…
  • Guinness. I know I'll likely take some flak, but it's a lowER carb option and it tastes like beer versus whatever it is that Michelob Lite tastes like. (Mind you I am not an extreme low carber and I like beer. Could be the Irish/Scot in me.)
    in Beer Comment by skippieone March 2016
  • Best tip I ever got for storing a partial avocado...put in a bowl and cover with chopped/sliced red onion. It seems to work as we've been able to store for multiple days without it turning brown. However, it doesn't work with other onions (I tried) AND you have to like the taste of onion because it does carry over into the…
  • If it's Bacardi 151, it's in the database... :)
    in Wine Comment by skippieone December 2015
  • Delurking to say that I bought 2 of these: Lunch-Pak-Carrier-Reusable-Container just for that purpose! I love the fact that they have a snap in icepack and that they fit perfectly in my bike bag...this way I can pack a decent lunch/snack for DBF and I when we go on long rides!
  • This is what I just bought. I told the pro at the local shop that I wanted to be able to mostly do road rides, some possibly lengthy, but that I also wanted to be able to take it on our local "rails to trails". I also told him I didn't want to have to sell my…
  • Me! Doing Concept II's Mud Season Madness Challenge right now...5000m daily for the month of March and starting tomorrow, the team World Erg.
  • Fabulous! I just bought a new road bike, it's still at the shop right now...but soon (when the snow melts and there's not as much salt on the roads) I'll be on it and cruising. I can't wait. I hope I have the same sort of success! Congratulations!
  • You don't need a mixer with Pyrat! Just an ice cube and a glass! It is fabulous on it's own. If you must coke.
  • Me too!! Love this!! :laugh:
  • Haggis (note my AV), blood pudding, rocky mountain oysters (sparingly), alligator, kangeroo, goetta...not trying the duck embryo anytime soon though.
  • :smile: I have's not trashy and it has meaning...but I don't intentionally show it off either.