mrpearson253 Member


  • Yeah, bump to the getting your feet analyzed to make sure you get the right type of shoe for how you run (whether you need more cushion, if you run on the outside edge of your feet or the inside, etc.), but my personal preference is for Asics. I'd say go to one of the fancy stores and get fitted, then use the brand, model,…
  • LMFAO's Sexy and I Know It...and that Carly Rae Jepsen song...*hangs head in shame*
  • Do most things lefty, even scissors (adapting to the right handed world I guess), bat, throw, play tennis, but I eat with mostly with my right. Go figure. But the only left-hander in my entire family...on both sides!
  • Southern California...Orange County B-)
  • Welcome, this seems like a good place to be then...lots of like-minded people all here for the same reason. :) Just keeping track of things was a good start for me, being aware of just how much (and how often) I was eating. I was a serial snacker, I'd get home from work and snack my way through dinner time, then more…
  • Yeah I'm in total agreement, too much salt in my diet too. Even skews my weigh-ins sometimes if I'm not paying attention (having salty stuff the night before type of thing). I've been using sea salt (more flavor and you can use less) and it seems to work nicely.
  • Sometimes if I eat too much salty stuff my weight will push up a pound or two...hang in there and don't give up. Mark
  • I think you may be right in the Zoloft theory. It's likely muting a lot of what (extra) energy you should be feeling having lost the weight you have so far...fatigue is one of the major side effects of it listed on their own website. How to fix it? That I don't know but at least knowing the cause could be a step in the…
  • I think that's the reason most of us are here...we need motivation (and sometimes accountability!). :) Mark
  • Think we all could use a little motivation otherwise we wouldn't be here! Welcome and take it one day at a time. :) Mark
  • Only if your skin has lost it's elasticity will it not 'stretch back' as you lose weight. I've only seen a guy with droopy skin once, and he lost a bunch of weight quickly.
  • Quite true, every little bit helps! We didn't end up heavy overnight, and we won't slim down overnight either...just don't give up! :D Mark
  • I'm guessing someone made them go search it when they were newbies so they're just passing the buck on that one. :) Mark
  • No worries, you like what you like. Do you keep track of your water intake too? I absolutely HATE drinking water by itself but I add these little Crystal Light packets to them for a little's honestly the only way I drink nearly enough water each day. :)
  • I can promise I won't talk smack about anything you're eating...not even sure I could see what you eat each day as I'm still very new to the site. (The online tracking thing I used before was Weight Watchers). I'd just ask how things were going or what sort of activity/exercise you'd done. :) Simple and general. :D
  • As long as it isn't lingering or sharp pain I'd push through it. Some of it is your body's muscles not being used to what you're doing with them. If it's more than a nagging pain go easy with it, otherwise the big key is to stretch before and after. I'm as guilty as the next guy of not doing that but it really helps in the…
  • I'd say keeping the temptations out of the house was a big step for me. I've been on Weight Watchers before and that was huge...if I don't have chocolate chip cookies in the house I'm less likely to eat a bunch! And MFP's smartphone apps are great if you can snag one (they're free too!). They've even got a bar code scanner…