

  • HAH! Of course not!! I eat healthy all day long! I just notice that I lose more weight on a day to day basis when I include strawberries in my diet! I bought a bucket of strawberries from a strawberry farm down the road about 3 weeks ago and during that weekend I lost 3 lbs and wasn't even working out a lot. I went a…
  • I normally eat them as my morning snack... a cup of halved strawberries with slices of banana.
  • I had no idea she had a food guide for the 30 day shred! May need to take a trip to the bookstore!
  • I never gave my weight... CW 233 I started yesterday... only lasted 10 minutes! IT KILLED ME! Today, I pushed through and made it to the end of Level 1! I'm so proud of myself and can't wait until tomorrow to give it another try. I was super sore today just from the 10 minutes I got though yesterday. I can only imagine…
  • HOLY COW! I decided to go ahead and start instead of wait until Monday once I had my hand weights. After about 10 minutes I thought I was going to die (even without the weights). Also realized I DEFINITELY need a sports bra! This DVD is kicking my butt! I will try again tomorrow and hopefully make it through! I have to…
  • MEXICAN FOOD!! We have the best mexican restaurant here and I crave it at least twice a week (or more)! Even if I try to eat something I think might be low in calories I always end up gaining a pound back the next day!! :( Any suggestions on low calorie mexican recipes I can make at home??
  • Just got the DVD! I'm ready but scared at the same time! I've never done a workout dvd before... I'm not an intense exerciser but I want to be. I plan on taking a look at the DVD tomorrow but probably will not get the chance to actually start until Monday the 17th. I need to buy hand weights and I have classes all weekend.…
  • My name is dawn... my parents called me dawnie when I was little and I added the qt=cutie in my teens. dawnieqt has been my screenname since I was about 13 years old signing onto AOL with dial up!!!! :)
  • You're right! I weighed myself again and it wasn't the same weight as before... a pound lighter! Must've been my dinner I was weighing! :) I'm still kinda let down, even according to my old scale I haven't lost any weight this week. :(
  • Measuring meat by the palm of my hand doesn't sound like a bad idea... I'll keep that in mind. If I had a scale, I wouldn't have a problem measuring by ounces, of course. Maybe I should look into buying a small one for the kitchen.
    in meat Comment by dawnieqt May 2010
  • 8 FLUID oz are in a cup... I think it's different when it comes to solid foods. But I could be wrong... :ohwell:
    in meat Comment by dawnieqt May 2010
  • I looked it up on google once it was suggested! It sounds DELICIOUS!!! I don't think I've ever seen it at my grocery store but I'll be sure to look closer next visit! Thanks!!! :)
  • I'm looking for a penne rigate. I normally use Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Whole Wheat and it is 180 calories per 2 oz as well. Isn't that only about 1/4 cup of pasta? Spaghetti squash? What's that?
  • Thank you so much for this suggestion! I was talking to my husband about toning up last night considering the extra skin that losing weight may leave behind. I was curious if there was an advantage to strength training over cardio and I think you've answered that question for me. Thanks again!! :)
    in Exercise! Comment by dawnieqt April 2010
  • Wow... that was uncalled for. I want to exercise or I wouldn't have posted this thread in the first place. I have every intention of trying to fit something in. Whether it be walking or in home workout via workout dvds. I was only curious if I went a while without having the time to fit something in would that cause me NOT…
    in Exercise! Comment by dawnieqt April 2010
  • Unfortunately, I only get 30 minutes for lunch. :( And most days I'm too busy to even leave my office... I eat while I work!
    in Exercise! Comment by dawnieqt April 2010
  • Thanks... I'm really lost when it comes to protein, carbs, etc... I've only ever been used to counting calories and/or carbs. I just wanted to be sure a small overage wasn't going to hurt me in the long run! Thanks guys!! :)
  • anywhere from 15 to 30
  • Thanks Eric... I will keep this in mind. I've always had a problem with my weight and it just seems 1250 is so many calories. I have read some other posts on this site today and I will do my best to eat my goal and the extras. Thanks again.
  • I've never been able to lose weight by eating more than 1000 calories a day. My mother always said it was my metabolism. I think as long as you are eating the right foods and not eating just to be eating because myfitnesspal.com tells you you should... you should lose weight. I'm going to use this site to help me figure…