I can't eat this much & lose weight

dulcy Posts: 69 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm going under my calories everyday simply because I know if I eat more than I am at the moment I will not lose the weight.:frown:
I'm eating 3 meals a day typically 2 weetabix for breakfast with skimmed milk, a low cal soup & banana for lunch & then for dinner something like chicken veggies & rice, or a small portion of a pasta dish. Whatever the rest of the family are having, just a smaller portion as we eat pretty healthily. If I need to snack I have an apple or a calorie counted bar such as special K under 100 cals. I probably have 2-3 cups of tea or coffee a day & the rest of the time drink water or sugar free squash.

I'm supposed to aim for 1200 cal a day, but I walk everyday so add that on for exercise, usaully around another 300 cal is added, but most days I'm still just under 1000 cals. If I eat more I'd be eating for the sake of it:noway:

I keep getting the starvation mode warning, but like I say if I eat more a) the weight won't come off & b) I'll be eating just for the sake of it, as I'm not hungry!!

Just in case you need to know I'm 5'7 tall and about 148lbs hoping to get down to around 130lbs

Any suggestions or advice?? xxx


  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    At that height and weight, you are very much in the ideal range. Granted, your frame may be small so losing more weight won't hurt, but you need to really get into the stickies on this forum and read about properly fueling your body, and why it's very hard to lose the last few pounds. Eating less than 1000 cals a day WILL put you in starvation mode. With so little weight to lose, you need to aim for no more than 500 cal deficit a day, maybe less. Please take some time to read the stickies and educate yourself more on this subject.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Yes, you can. You have to find foods that are higher calories that are still healthy. For example: almonds are high-cal, are GREAT for you, have healthy fats to HELP you lose weight... fruits are typically higher up in calories but extremly good for you and won't fill you up too badly if you need to just sneak it in. Try peeking through my diary. I'm also at 1200 calories and exercise everyday save for my rest day on Fridays so I'm typically at LEAST at 1400 and try to eat most of my exercise calories.
  • panther87
    panther87 Posts: 78 Member
    Yes you need to eat at least 1200 calories. I am no diet expert or nurtionist, I am a nurse and your body needs at least that much. It s great that your exercising and you dont have to eat those calories. but maybe try some Carrot/celery stix for a snack with small amt of peanut butter, hummus or low fat dip/dressing. Maybe trying to eat smaller meals but eat 6 times a day. Say eat 200 calories for breakfast lunch and supper and have 2- 200 calorie snacks. that way you have your 1200 calories. Or you could omit a snack and have those calories with your supper as you eat with your family. I hope this info comes helpful for you. Good luck!:smile:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Read these posts, it will explain why you should eat all of those calories.

  • If you notice when you complete your meals and exercise for the day, if you have not eaten 1200 calories, it says that you should be careful because that is not healthy. No one, no matter the size, should eat less than 1200 calories a day, you have to have all of your nutrition to remain healthy. I suggest just making healthier choices with less sugar and less carbs if you are not already doing so, because at 1200 calories a day you will lose weight if you maintain some exercise. Being healthy is also important. 3 balanced meals a day and a healthy snack with some exercise will definitley start to work. GOOD LUCK!
  • Actually I have found that eating more small meals during the day keeps me full. I even eat when I am not hungry. Basically your body stores fat and if it gets hungry at all it will store fat and that is very difficult to get off. Eating every couple of hours will keep your belly from telling your head that it is hungry therefore you will pass more wastes out of your body and eventually you will lose weight. Honestly if you are 5'7" tall and want to get down to 130 lbs wouldn't you be underweight? I am 5'4" and currently weigh 144 lbs and my goal is 135 lbs. Keep in mind that everyone has different shaped bodies. Mine is apple shaped so I need to take off in the middle (stomach and butt). I work out regularly as well. Walking and Yoga Booty Ballet and burn on average 600 calories total. I don't eat the total 1200 calories a day either but strive to have less than 200 left at the end of the day. I agree it is hard but you will make it. Strength training helps too! Good luck!
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    as tempting as it is to go under, you can't keep it up forever. Also, by going under 1200, you're messing with your brain at that point. I say, play around with carbs vs protein and watch your sugar intake but stick with the 1200 calories.
  • Crunchytxmama
    Crunchytxmama Posts: 169 Member
    Why do you think the weight won't come off if you eat more?
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    What are your ratios? Increase your protein intake and get rid of ALL processed food. Including flour products. You will be surprised the difference it makes.
  • dawnieqt
    dawnieqt Posts: 26
    I've never been able to lose weight by eating more than 1000 calories a day. My mother always said it was my metabolism. I think as long as you are eating the right foods and not eating just to be eating because myfitnesspal.com tells you you should... you should lose weight. I'm going to use this site to help me figure out what foods ARE the right foods to eat... What foods help keep me more between 800 and 1000 instead of my goal of 1250 a day. I also enjoy that the site tells me how many calories I am burning by exercising everyday. I pay no attention to the "extra" calories I am awarded to eat because of how much I exercised that day. I personally don't think this site will help everyone in the same way. Play with it just to help keep you on the right track. I just started a week ago and I've already lost 5lbs. But the first 15lbs always come off fast for me. The first month will be easy and then I'll really have to start watching everything I eat and bumping up my exercise routine! Good Luck! I wish you much weight loss success!!! :)
  • nicolel18
    nicolel18 Posts: 17
    You and I were pretty much about the same size at one point. I am 5'6" and now weigh 138 lbs. I started at 157. I have my goals set at 1200 calories and sometimes with my exercising I end getting an extra 500 calories I can eat. If my goal is 1200 cals and I get to eat 1700 cals because of exercising I will actually only eat up until about 1500-1600 cals. Just because calories burned/eaten are an estimate. I understand you dont want to eat just to eat but from what I have learned is that your body will go into starvation mode if you dont enough calories. I have learned this first hand. I know everyone is different but I have had more success when I stay close to my 1200 cal goal which requires me to eat a little more when exercising. Sometimes I am under it. I eat oatmeal in the morning with blueberries and strawberries. I usually have 2 snacks during the day which would be either fruit, veggies or nuts. I eat about 200-300 calories for lunch and a decent dinner around 400-500 calories. maybe less. I drink only water during the day besides one cup of coffee. I go to the gym right after work and then eat dinner when I get home. I have found that I need to have a small snack (usually fruit or something light) a few hours after dinner. When I dont I actually gain weight because I wouldnt be eating breakfast until about 10am the next morning.
  • dulcy
    dulcy Posts: 69 Member
    Thank you everyone:flowerforyou:
    I feel like I've had a good talking to, by my Mum!! Which is a good thing!:blushing:

    I think I'm so scared of the weight not coming off that I've got my body used to not eating that much. I eat healthily, even when I eat too much, which is what's caused the weight gain. I've been on this site before, so know it works if you stick to it.
    I very rarely eat processed foods, almost everything is from scratch.
    I'd kind of forgotten about nuts! They're one of my favourite snacks, so I think I'll go back to those & try & bump up my calories in that way as well as maybe eating more fruit & raw veggies. Maybe if I aim for my 1200 a day & not worry about the exercise calories for now. I probably don't snack enough & maybe I could add fruit to my breakfast??

    You've given me loads of great ideas & I really appreciate your input xx:heart:

    Oh and my healthy weight range is 126 - 154lbs (although that doesn't take into account body frame/shape etc)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I've never been able to lose weight by eating more than 1000 calories a day. My mother always said it was my metabolism. I ...

    Once reason your metabolism could be slow is because you are not eating enough. Eating nutritious food will enhance your metabolism allowing your body to burn more calories consistently throughout the day. If you are exercising your body needs the fuel or will will probably loose more muscle than fat.
  • dawnieqt
    dawnieqt Posts: 26
    Thanks Eric... I will keep this in mind. I've always had a problem with my weight and it just seems 1250 is so many calories. I have read some other posts on this site today and I will do my best to eat my goal and the extras. Thanks again.
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    hey Dulcy ...

    Read your post and i feel totallly the same way...i am also eating under 1000 cals and exercising and have been for about a month and no weight will come off.

    I lost weight last year and im wanting to lose those extra pounds!!!

    I feel like the more i eat the weight may creep back on....even though MFP suggests i should eat more! ah.

    let me know how you get on. I am also going to try and bump the calories up.

    Great topic you have raised! x
  • bksteve26
    bksteve26 Posts: 216 Member
    Eating when trying to lose weight is not to satisfy hunger anymore. You need to think of it more as a process, as fuel. Its very important that you eat all of your calories. You dont have to eat your exercise calories, but you need to at least get close to 1200 every day. Sometimes I try to mix it up and ill do 1000 one day and 1400 the next just to keep my body guessing so it doesnt get comfortable, but there are definitely healthy options that can add extra calories. When i did weight watchers last summer I was constantly stuffed. I ate more on that diet than ever before and I was rapidly losing weight. Its really important to distinguish between what your body needs and what your mind wants. Dont get those two mixed up!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So, here's a little experience for you.
    5 years ago I lost 40 pounds. Essentially by starving myself. I was eating 1400 calories a day (Of lower quality foods. I ate a lot of "low fat" and "diet" stuff... didn't know better) and was walking probably somewhere around 30-40 miles a week. I plateaued around 210 for a month. There was no way I could decrease what I was eating (since I was eating the wrong stuff) without being extremely hungry all the time. I gave up. And then gained about 60 pounds over the next 4 years.

    Why couldn't I get past that plateau? I wasn't eating enough!

    This time, I started out eating 1200 calories. Lost almost all of that 60 pounds I had just gained in about 4.5 months. Then, BAM, mega-plateau at the exact same weight as last time. This time, thanks to the sticky posts on MFP, I knew what to do. So I started increasing my calories and slowly but surely the weight started coming off again. I'm still struggling to find the right calorie intake. I'll increase it & then a week or two later drop a crazy amount of weight and then plateau again so I increase my calories again and then a couple weeks later drop a ton of weight and then plateau again for a couple weeks & increase again. I've gone through the cycle 3 times now. I've gone from eating 1200 calories a day regardless of exercise to 1330 calories a day plus about 50-75% of my exercise calories (which usually equals 1500-1900 calories a day depending on what exercise I do). Guess what-- I just dropped weight again this week for the first time in 3 weeks 2 days after having 4 "off" days in a row when I ate about 2200 calories each day!! :noway: So, it looks like I'm *still* not eating enough.

    No wonder I'm the lightest I've ever been as an adult. I don't think I would have ever figured out I needed to eat *more* to continue losing weight.
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    Thanks for the advice people- i am so happy i joined this site!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Its really important to distinguish between what your body needs and what your mind wants. Dont get those two mixed up!

    Very well said.

    EAT TO LOSE. all these people here who are successful weight-losers cannot be wrong. The posts by educated members should be given more credence than those who are

    1. Not able to lose weight
    2. Have made 2 or 3 posts, and are agreeing to NOT eat

    Please read these:







  • auttyfrmca
    auttyfrmca Posts: 125 Member
    I totally feel the same way...in fact I'm feeling aggravated today!:explode: I kept my calories under 1200 for the first two weeks and lost 4 pounds. Well I started freaking out about what everyone is saying on here about starvation mode and everything so I upped my calories and I gained 3 pounds! My day to weigh is Friday so I'm going to actually wait until Friday (I have been weighing on wed with my friends but for MFP it's Friday) I feel like when I eat more I gain more. I work out a BUTTLOAD. I do double workouts a couple times a week. On my "rest" day it's the day that I actually go for a long run (5-10) miles with a friend in the morning.
    It frustrates me a ton! I snack, I eat healthy. don't know what else to do at this point. They say my thyroid meds are right where they need to be....I'm not sure!
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