

  • The winner is Ueropa!!! Congrats! You did a great job!
  • Goodjob losing 6 pounds!!
  • WOW! Today was the last day of the challenge and im looking for weigh ins!! Hopefully everyone lost a bunch of pounds! By the end of today we will see who lost the most :) Congrats everyone!!!
  • Eating Tip: Special K products. Special K has a variety of products than can help you lose weight including cereals, granola bars, protein bars, and shakes. They also have a 2 week challenge that helps you lose a lot of weight and all you have to do is buy the food from the grocery store!
  • Hey everyone! Just so you know I am back from my trip so I will be logging again. I have a feeling I gained some weight. But the person that lost the most so far is sespick losing 4 pounds! Wow! Great job and cant wait to see Thursdays weigh in :)
  • Fitness Tip #3: Yoga! Yoga is an awesome excersice to do. It builds strength, flexibility, balance, and self awareness. One of the best things about yoga is you can find it anywhere. I am not a member to a gym since I have a lot of gym stuff in my house but I download apps onto my iPhone for yoga. The ones I currently have…
  • Hey everyone! Its weigh in day! You can edit your comment, make a new one, or message me your new weight! Thanks everyone and I hope we see some progress. One week left! 9/1: 141.5 9/8: 140.5
  • Fitness Tip #2: Bike! If you are a member to a gym or have a stationary bike, or even a normal one, ride it! I have a stationary bike and I ride it and it has helped me build muscle and burn the fat. The best part about it is you can burn a lot of calories in just a little bit of time. Yesterday, when I road the bike I did…
  • Where do you see how much sodium intake you had? or how do you know if you went over? What is the average amount of sodium a day?
  • I want to join!!! :) cant wait! TUES - Sodium : didnt join yet ~ Challenge:didnt join yet WED – Sodium: Y/N ~ Challenge: THU – Sodium : Y/N ~ Challenge: FRI – Sodium : Y/N ~ Challenge: SAT – Sodium : Y/N ~ Challenge: SUN – Sodium : Y/N ~ Challenge:
  • Eating Tip #1: If you are eating at a buffet place or a home cooked meal dont take as much as you think you need. Take less and get up if you need more. If you have a lot of food on your plate you tend to eat it all when you dont really need that much food. LETS DO THIS! TIME TO SHED THE POUNDS! :)
  • I am going to do fitness and eating tips once in a while so here is the first one :) Fitness Tip #1: Find a pool! No matter indoor or out, you can always tread water with or w/out a noodle. Walk back in forth in the water. Do leg lifts against the wall or even swim a couple of laps! At a lot of gyms with pools they have…
  • I have all of my weigh ins except for one so the challenge is officially closed since the 1st day has started :) Lets do this!
  • You can Join :)
  • Thanks everyone for joining and I am SO excited to see the end results. I am going to try to eat a lot of 'filler' foods. Oatmeal is great because it fills you up and has low calories. (and its good for you) I usually go over on sugar everyday so I am going to try to eat less sugars too :)
  • Yay! Thanks everyone! Lets all get under our calorie goal for these 2 weeks! Also, there is an app called Nike Training Club that has tons of workouts for every level if you have an iPhone. This app has helped me strong and fit! :) I love it and I highly recommend it :) Goodluck everyone!
  • OK everyone! Please edit your old comment or make a new one with this in it: 9/1 : 9:8 : 9:15 : And also please fill the first one in... If you dont want other people in the group to know then you can just message me :) Thanks, Im ready to lose some weight!
  • Hey everyone! Its time to start putting your starting weight! They are due at 5:00 pm tomorrow September 1st :)
  • Im in:) SW - 141.5 lbs (Thursday Sept 1) Week 1 - xxx lbs (Thursday Sept 8) Week 2 - xxx lbs (Thursday Sept 8 15) Week 3 - xxx lbs (Thursday Sept 22) Week 4 - xxx lbs (Thursday 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Saturday Oct 1)
  • Im in!!! Starting weight: 141.5 Goal: 125
  • Note to Everyone: I forgot to say this at the top but if your first weigh in on Thursday September 1st is not in by 5:00 p.m you will not be included. Thanks and Goodluck! Lets change some lives :)
  • hey everyone! lets all set a reward for the end of this challenge if we accomplish it. how about we get that reward if we lose 4 pounds? or a reasonable amount that you think. here are some rewards that you can make up for yourself: I have seen some people put ipads, ice cream cones, a nice lunch out, a new phone case, new…
  • Oh, and just so you all know.. I will be posting some exercises once and while that help me lose weight. I hope you all follow through with this great challenge! It will be fun! :) If you have any questions please ask them! :)
  • added all of you :) in my house haha! its a necklace of mine :)
  • Thanks for making this group! please add me in it!!! my goal weight is 127. 09/01: 09/05: 09/12: 09/19: 09/26: 09/30:
  • Please help me. I have been doing this for around a week and have actually gained 2 pounds!:( I am always under my calorie intake but too much on the sugar. I exercise a lot but cant seem to shed the pounds. I track all of my food and drinks and I do not drink any alcohol. I weigh around 140 and my goal is 125-130, but I…
  • I need some help:/ I have been doing this for a week and have actually gained 2 pounds! I have been under the calorie intake and exercising a lot. I weigh around 140 and want to get down to 125-130. It seems like I am going over on the sugar. I do not drink at all. Please Reply!
  • I am sorry that i am writing this in here but how do I post something in the message board? Sorry