Simple question. When do you weigh yourself?



  • MrsPike07
    MrsPike07 Posts: 160
    I usually weigh myself the same day of the week, when I first wake up after using the bathroom. But, I do weigh myself usually daily to keep track of my progress as well. It seems to keep me accountable and aware. :happy:
  • OKmac3
    OKmac3 Posts: 192 Member
    I weigh Friday mornings after I shower, butt naked
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    I hop on it almost every morning, after I've woken up and been to the loo. I'm not addicted because I don't have to get on it, it' just there so I may as well. Once I'm dressed I leave it till the next day, so on days like today where I was woken up by a knocking on the door and dressed before I went to the weigh in for me. ame with tomorrow probably as I'm getting up early. I like weighing myself daily because I'm not focused on the number the scale gives me, that just shows me what effect the foods I'm eating are having, which is why I know pizza balloon my weight, even if I only have 1 slice and am hitting only 1200cals! My focus ha always been the tapemeasure, I'm more bothered by inches than pounds, so I can weigh every day and it won't really effect me unless it's just one of those days.
  • DeenaSteelerGirl
    I am addicted to weighing myself. Someone needs to hide my scale.. lol. But when I do weigh in.. it is nakked in the AM.. 1st thing. After a pee .. of course... :happy:
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    Same here! :wink:
  • hannydee
    hannydee Posts: 246
    Trying to only weigh myself once a week on my home scales, in the morning, before food and drink and after toilet.
    Also try to weigh myself at the gym every 4 weeks so I can see any progress with regards to body fat % etc. Also I trust those scales more than my home ones!
  • ohi1073mysoldier
    Trying to only weigh myself once a week on my home scales, in the morning, before food and drink and after toilet.
    Also try to weigh myself at the gym every 4 weeks so I can see any progress with regards to body fat % etc. Also I trust those scales more than my home ones!

    Ahhh good point! I should start weighing myself at the gym.
  • bhagavatilad1
    I try to weigh myself once a week every Friday morning at work. Since I don't have a scale but I can't wait sometimes so I go to HEB on Thursday morning instead and I weigh again on Friday and reenter the results if they are better, but I like to do it first thing in the mornings after I've been to the restroom and not had anything to eat or drink.
  • dtennis22
  • Zyhon
    Zyhon Posts: 13
    Morning, butt naked after I use the bathroom.

    I Agree
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I still can't get out of the habit of weighing myself daily. I do it every morning about an hour after I wake up. Of course I've already been to the bathroom and haven't consumed any liquids yet. (naked of course!) That's when I find it the most accurate. It is misleading to do it after a workout. Sometimes its much lower because of the water loss from sweating. That's just IMHO.
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    Every morning! Get up, pee, scale! I only record it when it goes down, though. ;)
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Every morning, Bathroom Scale, I wear my PJs or underwear and don't stress it. I record every Friday up, down whatever, that is what goes on here. I sometimes hop on throughout the day as well. My fiance who does not work out or anything weighs himself almost daily as well. Scales are dangerous addictive things.
  • vlc1979
    vlc1979 Posts: 227
    Every 3 weeks I go see the health coach and get weighed. I don't own a scale for fear of becoming a scale addict
  • vbaby
    vbaby Posts: 13 Member
    i weigh in the morning... the scale keeps when in check :smile:
  • Missmissy0003
    Missmissy0003 Posts: 250 Member
    I love to weight myself and look so foward to it everyday. I weigh almost everyday, first thing in the morning, before getting dressed and after using the bathroom. But if I have one bit of food or a swallow of water, I will not weigh myself because I know it will show up and then I start becoming obsessive/disappointed. I work night shift and on those days when I come home in the morning, I do not weight myself. The only time I weigh more than once a day, is if I did not eat or drink for a couple of hours after waking up, then I might weigh again, but that is the only time.
  • dzniki1029
    I log my weight on Fridays. So if I mees up on the weekend I have the rest of the week to fix it. I weigh other days too, but only recrd it on Fridays.
  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    Every morning when I wake up. I plot it using the hacker's diet website to look at the long term trend.
  • leannemcc
    I weigh every morning naked and after the bathroom, but I only take Fridays weight to log. I feel that I am more acountable if I see my weight everyday.

    Pretty much this!
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    I'm glad it's not just me that gets up every morning, pees and then jumps on the scale. Even though sometimes it can be really frustrating that way (seeing it go up rather than down, or only down a small amount)... I can't help but check it every morning.