Simple question. When do you weigh yourself?

Are you a scale addict like my and do so every morning and sometimes in the middle of the day? :blushing: Do you have a set schedule of once a week or every two weeks? Every other day?

Just curious. I need to stop hoppin' on it every day. :ohwell: haha


  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Every Monday Morning as soon as I get up. Nekkid. That's my recordable day, but sometimes during the week I will check my progress. I just don't record it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Morning, butt naked after I use the bathroom.
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    Every Monday Morning as soon as I get up. Nekkid. That's my recordable day, but sometimes during the week I will check my progress. I just don't record it.

    Agree :smile:
  • MrsMonologues
    First thing in the morning after using the restroom. I am trying to weigh myself only once a week, but it is so hard! My weigh in day will be Saturday (if my last workout was Thursday, as I read it was not good to weigh yourself the morning after you work out), or Sunday (if my last workout was Friday).

    It is so tempting to look during the week, but it gets disappointing due to fluctuations!
  • MrsMonologues
    First thing in the morning after using the restroom. I am trying to weigh myself only once a week, but it is so hard! My weigh in day will be Saturday (if my last workout was Thursday, as I read it was not good to weigh yourself the morning after you work out), or Sunday (if my last workout was Friday).

    It is so tempting to look during the week, but it gets disappointing due to fluctuations!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Every single freaking day and twice a day. I have found it extremely helpful to be honest. Like for example, last week on Thursday I weighed in at 166lbs (which would have given me a +2lb loss for that week) but on my official weigh in day, Friday, BAM, I weighed 170lbs. TOM was around the corner so I knew what the culprit was. So far, I've been juggling between 169bs and 170lbs since Friday. TOM is visiting so it is reflecting on the scale. Had I weighed in only once a week and saw a 4lb weight gained, yeah, I would freaked the freak out!!! I went back to one month ago (I keep track of my daily weight entries since I started this journey) and surely enough I saw weight gain on the days prior to and during TOM.

    By the way, I am on my last day of TOM and surely enough when I got on the scale this morning it was down to 167lbs from being 170lbs all weekend. I was feeling really bloated and I still feel a little bloated so yeah, I hope to see good numbers come tomorrow or next when Aunt Flo has packed up her sh#t and left the house.
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    Morning, butt naked after I use the bathroom.

  • dianichole73
    dianichole73 Posts: 49 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. I like to know where I am at and it helps me to stay on track. The period of time when I didn't weigh myself is when I gained the most weight.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    6:30 AM Wednesdays.

    I teach a 5:30 AM BodyPump class, I hate eating before this class so I wake up, put on my clothes, grab my coffee, teach my class, weigh myself, then eat as I get ready for work. This ensures that I am pretty consistent in my variables.
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    Everyday makes me sad because you can't see a big difference or worst, it might have gone up, due to water retention or other factors. I get on the scale only on Fridays.
  • abeachlady
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    once a week every tuesday, as soon as i get up naked and make sure ive been to the loo before!

  • ktmccorkell
    ktmccorkell Posts: 79 Member
    I weigh every morning naked and after the bathroom, but I only take Fridays weight to log. I feel that I am more acountable if I see my weight everyday.
  • crystalmichelle82
    morning intermittedly during the week, its not something i focus on b/c i am trying to build muscle & therefore i am surely going to gain weight but i dont wnt to be hard on myself. I do it before my 5am workout and before i shower of course, i am dry w/o clothes on.
  • misty_meadows15
    I weigh myself when I get up every morning. :)
  • ohi1073mysoldier
    haha, @abeachlady you have to sometime to know that you've lost those 20 pounds! {congrats btw (:}
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    Once a month, on the third week.
  • ohi1073mysoldier
    Every Monday Morning as soon as I get up. Nekkid. That's my recordable day, but sometimes during the week I will check my progress. I just don't record it.

    HOLY BOOBS, lmao thanks! I'm the same. Strip down so it's verrry accurate.
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    I check mine once or twice a week. Usually I weigh in on Thursday or Friday, to see how well I did during the week. Then again on Monday, to see how bad I was over the weekend. LOL
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    Whenever I'm nekked through out the week and always on Friday Mornings. I just go into the bathroom when I'm in the middle of getting dressed for the day sometimes and I step on there. If it's lower than my current weight I'll track it on here, if it's more I'll drink more water and try not to eat so many carb and kcal heavy foods. I never weigh myself when I first get out of the shower, but most of the time I do it right before I get in the shower. :-) Every one is different. Find what works for you!