janstacey Member


  • I actually purchased a walking at home DVD that you do in your own home. It is a terrific place to start...the one I got was a Biggest Loser DVD....it has 4 levels and I found it extremely helpful when I wanted to focus on becoming healthier....on my sore , tired days I can pop it in the player and do what I feel is best…
  • Hi...I am trying to lose and tone as the mother-of-the-bride. My daughter , her fiance and myself are all focusing on losing and toning...my daughter is not needing to lose but wants to keep where she is as they altered her dress quite tight at the waist. My future son-in-law has lost around 40 pounds and I am down about…
  • Welcome to our group! When I first saw a specialist i was told to begin with walking, he had me going 10 minutes per day, increasing week by week ( slowly) so i got up to a minumum of 30 minutes per day. I saw another specialist who told me I can do whatever I want for exercise but I need to learn to listen to my body and…
  • I totally agree that when you cannot control what is served, portion size does help....i know the frustrations of having no support at home, I know I am worth living healthier and I will do it for me and no one else and quite frankly if they don't get it or support it, well so be it...keep focused on your goals because…
    in HELP!!! Comment by janstacey April 2012
  • got through an entire 40 minute Jillian Michaels DVD....so proud of myself...what an incredible workout!!!
  • so I did day one, then got some weird soreness in my leg so took 2 days off....did walk ( or hobble) , now the leg feels good so here I go again...reallly hope I don't aggravate ti cause I really want to take part in this challenge...
  • hope this group will help you!!! we are in this together because we "get it"...
  • so glad to read everyone's posts, I really need a support system, living with fibro is so hard because you look 'normal" and people don't understand the struggles. Just when I feel like I am getting somewhere and on the right track I have done something to my leg and will have to just do my slow walks for now. I really…
  • day 1 done...just about killed me!!!! thanks jillian! lol
  • I would love the use of a spreadsheet!!!
  • sooo excited to start this today.... here's the dirty details chest 39 1/2 waist 32 hips 40 1/2 R thigh 25 1/2 L thigh 25 1/2 R arm 13 L arm 12 1/2 current weight 175.2 I know I can do this with a group effort....thanks for starting the group...super pumped, off for a walk and back to tackle Day 1!!!!
  • will get weight & measurements in a.m. before I begin the challenge. Have done 10 days of Level one 30 day shred, but have couple other DVD's I am excited to use.....I know they work, lost 1 inch of my hips from doing level 1 for the 10 days....here's to looking good ladies!!! p.s. I am 50 with some health issues, so if I…
  • don't beat yourself up too much...most of us have been emotional eaters at some time...I agree that maybe you are trying to deprive yourself too much too quickly...keep your calorie counts up high enough so your cravings will die out....the depression and binging should go away when your body is not deprived....I try to…
  • that is amazing....you must have walked into the store with your head held high...outdated or not!!!
  • I have heard so much about it I decided to start today...parts were tough but overall it was great...might feel it bad tomorrow but I really enjoyed it and plan to keep at it...good luck to you all, if I can look half as good as those ladies on it I would be thrilled!!!! keep smiling :)
  • talk about 2 steps forward and 3 steps back, woke up this morning hardly being able to move, went for a 25 minute walk but definitely won't be as active today as i would like to be.....really dislike these days!
  • my sister gave me a book last year on clean eating for fibro...i try hard to stick to it, not perfect but better than i used to be...my goal is to feel well enough to cut down on my meds, ridiculously expensive and a big cause of my weight gain...i am so glad to find others going through these daily struggles, i hope we…
  • hi Natalie...think you will love MFP..i have only been here for a week and i love it,feel free to add me....janstacey
  • glad to hear from you, i know for me it's all about baby steps, i used to be quite active and when my symptoms were at their worst ,2 years ago, i had to start with small walks gradually building up the time....there are days it is a struggle but i know if i don't go i will feel worse...i have been able to do a little more…
  • i have fibromyalgia and am always tired but i started by walking , am now running and feel more energized....baby steps...good luck
    in Confused Comment by janstacey March 2012
  • i got a message that said hadn't ate enough and needed to eat more or my body might go into starvation mode, i am watching my intake and trying to keep it higher
  • love Hungry Girl...thanks!
  • I actually joined last summer but in my normal fashion I gave up. My daughter's fiance joined and has lost 35 pounds so with the wedding coming up, here i am again. I have some health issues that make my attempts at weight loss even more difficult but i am determined to succeed this time. I am looking forward to reading…