
I've been reading a lot about calorie intake and bmr so I went on fat2fit and ran the numbers there. I am 5'5" starting weight 186, not sure CW as my weigh in is tomorrow. MFP says that I should be under 1400 a day, which is ok I can do that and have been most days. often even lower. However, I'm lathargic and just have no energy. The BMR on the other site says 1716 for weight loss.

My question is I maybe need to take a vitamin to help with energy? I want to exercise but I'm so tired when I get home I have a hard time doing anything. I haven't always been lazy I was actually in shape at one point in my life. Granted I'm a shape now but round isn't exactly the shape I'm going for.

If somebody or somebodies could give me some advice that would be great! I do have to say that although I haven't weighed in since starting back on MFP I do feel like I'm losing. I'm just tired.


  • jennys11
    jennys11 Posts: 118 Member
    Try exercising in the morning. That was always a great time for me. I eat 1200 calories a day, I don't eat my earned exercise calories. I don't even log my exercise because I don't want to eat what I've earned. I eat 1200 calories and 4 times a day. I do like this (and Jillian Michaels set up this schedule).

    Breakfast: 250 calories
    Lunch: 400 calories
    Snack: 150 calories (eat between lunch/dinner)
    Dinner: 400 calories

    Following this schedule will keep your metabolism going and your stomach satisfied.
  • rayo250
    rayo250 Posts: 1 Member
    You need to motivate yourself.... start with a small amount of cardio... brisk walk, excercise bike etc... 15 minutes is all you need to start.
    Wha's 15 minutes... but... You have to do it...
    You will find that once you start....after a couple of days.... you will not be so tired... will start feeling better... and want to do more.
    The first step is yours.
    (i have dropped 22 lbs since January...feel much better and have a ways to go)

    YOU are in charge... you just have to start...
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Maybe try increasing your calories a bit for a few weeks and see if that helps. It may help with the energy. Have you been for a checkup with your doctor lately? Could be something medical for feeling tired all the time.

    I agree with starting to do small amounts of cardio if you aren't already. Just get up and do it. Promise yourself that if after you have done 10 minutes you can stop but you must do at least 10 minutes. I usually always end up doing more.
  • janstacey
    janstacey Posts: 24 Member
    i have fibromyalgia and am always tired but i started by walking , am now running and feel more steps...good luck