My first week of eating healthy and working out went very well and I lost weight... But I am now struggling a lot more then I was the first week with having my husband eating burgers, chips, tacos, and just overall unhealthy foods every day right in front of me. The weekends have been especially hard for me with going to the in-laws for dinner and they are some of the most unhealthy people that I know. They put gravy on everything, never make a salad with dinner and if they do its caesar and just covered in bacon and cheese. And the only veggies that they make are corn and sometimes peas. And of course there is ALWAYS the temptation of having a beer before dinner.. Wine with dinner and then another beer after dinner again.

Please HELP ME!!!! I'm just REALLY struggling!


  • LunaLotus3
    LunaLotus3 Posts: 2 Member
    Not having the right kind of support at home is super annoying. When you can't control what type of food is eaten, all your left with is controlling your portion sizes. Portion sizes can be more important than the actual food you are eating. While eating healthy is always better, eating less is helpful and effective, too (I am not talking about starving, obviously).
    Do some research on the types of alcohol with the lowest calories, carbs, etc., and try to stick to the "healthiest" one.
    So, watch how much of that deliciously bad food you eat, be picky on your alcohol, and throw in an extra 30 minute workout the day of or the next day.

    Most importantly, don't stress yourself out! You are only human and it is TOTALLY ok to not eat perfectly.. no one can :)

    Good luck! Feel free to message me anytime.
  • janstacey
    janstacey Posts: 24 Member
    I totally agree that when you cannot control what is served, portion size does help....i know the frustrations of having no support at home, I know I am worth living healthier and I will do it for me and no one else and quite frankly if they don't get it or support it, well so be it...keep focused on your goals because only you can make the choices and changes for yourself....keep reaching out to those who will support you!
  • amberly084
    Thank you sooo much! It's great to be on here and have other people to keep me motivated and on track! :)