Serenavictoria Member


  • I'm on the second one myself, I enjoy them. You have to get through the first quarter of the first book though before it becomes interesting, though. The second is pretty good, thus far. Didn't take as long to pick up, but is it a book of really high good parts and some really boring parts.
  • I met my ex husband (great guy btw, but we didn't work out unfortunately) online. And technically I moved across the country for a friend I met online (our friendship didn't last either... Turns out we didn't mesh well. I don't like drinking, she loves it, I was no fun). I think meeting people online is so much easier then…
  • See? You're already ahead of the game. Bako is where all the ex meth heads come to die.
  • Haha, Meth CA. Classic.
  • The Zelda theme song, my notification is the Final Fantasy victory jingle, and my text message is the Zelda secret found jingle. I'm a nerd. Just kidding, I'm awesome.
  • Bakersfield... It sucks here. Haha. I would kill to live in Mariposa.
  • Does biking help with this? I do it for my cardio, about 50mins now and I can do little over 10miles. I am not much of a runner, although I would love to be. My joints and very heavy stomach don't really allow me to run, hell I can barely walk at 3.5 miles
  • I love tuna. Canned or in steaks. I was on a strict diet from my sensei in 2003 (and god was I in the best shape of my life then). I had to eat at least one can of tuna a day. I would still do that, I love tuna. Over greens, in a sammich, straight from the can... But unfortunately the smell of canned tuna makes my…
  • Cigarettes, sex and fried chicken. Tattoos and piercings.
  • I want to be a size 9 or 7. I want to have confidence. I want to be able to buy a pair of jeans that fit correctly without have to spend 50 bucks on a pair. I want to have energy and to be active. I want to play with my son, run around with him.
  • What a fantastic idea! Making them ahead of time, thing. I had a breakfast burrito today. 2 eggs, a half a cup of spinach and some kimchi (I love kimchi). 231 calories. And sooo full. Haha. I have no idea the inches. I don't have a ruler/tape measure. Just says "Large" on the package. I do know it has 12g of fiber. That…
  • Fried chicken. Love the stuff..... Mmmm. Also wing stop wings. Great, now I want some.
  • I never thought of skyping to RP! Fantastic... You... Right there, I love you! ****ing brilliant.
  • I'm just starting out... 5'4", 26 (27 next month), and I have a two yr old. Starting weight, 220, I "should" be 120... I want to be like 135. I hope I can reach my goal!
  • I think they spend too much money time and effort on graphics. You lose game play and storyline. For instance, Uncharted 3. I was disappointed with the game, but it was a beautiful game.
  • Well tried to post a picture but that didn't work. Guess I'm no fun at all.
  • What about a glass of low sugar/low cal/low carb (can't remember what they call it) of V8 fusion? My "dad" has diabetes. Cinamon capsles help him, and eating at the same time everyday also helps. His doctor told him to take Cin capsles, I say try them to help with the diabetes and then you can maybe eat some more fruit.
  • I had a spinach salad today with s cut up apple and turkey breast in it. With olive oil and balsamic dressing I mixed. It was delicious. I also had snap peas on the side.
  • Reader Rabbit... Commador 64. Hahaha. Followed by Eagles Nest and Castlevania on it. I never beat Guantlet... But my father and I would play for hours on it. I don't think there was an end to that game. Haha.
  • Forgot about Illusion to Gaia! Good game! I love character development and the characters in the game in general, as well as story line. They don't have to be pretty games visually just as long as the story and game play are good. I think I have to fall in love with at least once character before truly enjoying the game. I…
  • Chrono Trigger is my fav. I owned the snes, the ps1 and the DS version. Suikoden for PS1. I wish they would re-release that. Lunar silver star story, amazing. Had it for ps1 FFVII and FFVIII. 8 is my fav, I love squall. Sorry guys. I just love the FF series in general. FF Tactics was good. EarthBound for snes. Wish they…
  • I agree. They spends so much tinge with visuals. And they added a 3d effect to the game. I don't care about 3d. Just give me my game back. its like I loved the god of war series (my dogs name is Kratos), and the last one just killed my game play by making so many cinematics. I do love Dead Space 1+2. Those were good. And…
  • I like both... Although I will say Wars. Although, I feel like Lucas just can't get enough money from us... The new special secret add on directors cut star wars in 3D! Buy it now! And I did but the new blu ray box set. It also creeps me out when coyotes dress like luke and leia. That's your sister, gross. And JarJar? Ugh…
  • I want it, but I can't afford Skyrim. I also then for sure would not be working out... Or leaving the house, ever. Haha. something funny, my friend had a drinking problem and then he got skyrim. He doesn't drink nearly as much now, only went out like twice in two weeks. That is awesome for him. He spends his hours playing…
  • Thank god I'm not the only one. The game is visually beautiful. but the story was lacking a bit and the game play, not much of it. There weren't nearly as many puzzles either. I felt cheated, really.
  • Me, I have. I was disappointed in 3 though...
  • Short skimpy little slutty sexy halloween costumes! Hahaha. J/k. I really just want to be able to wear clothing I can afford. And wear decal shirts without cracking the picture by stretching it over my bod. I have this Bettie Page shirt that I don't wear cause I crack her face. I would love to fit in it again.
  • Of course I've been told this. And you can try to not let it bother you, but after awhile, it wears on you. Of course I love me for me, but I still want to feel pretty. I'm sorry anyone has called anyone ugly. Its a mean thing to say. And beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone is beautiful in some way. I hate the…
  • Oh that is no good. I know two people who are allergic to fruit. Not certain kinds... But just fruit. Okay they can eat some fruit but are both different, one can eat bananas and the other would die, and I think one can eat blueberries while the other can't. One lives in NY (where I grew up) and one in CA (where I am…
  • I love curvy girls. I want to be curvy, I don't want to be stick thin. I looked my best at a size 9, 140lbs. I want to be healthy, not stick thin. I love hour glass figures the most. I want to look like a woman, not a teenager. But I have to be healthy first. Also, my curves are just all stomach. I'm a circle with a double…