need help getting rid of belly fat and love handles

Ive been focussing on strength training with only abt 15 - 20 min of light cardio per workout and also trying (not always so successfully) to keep my calorie intake at 1200 ( during the week ) and somewhat controlled on the weekends.

I feel my body toning up in a lot of places but not my lower belly and love handles (and in the back in that same area).

Any tips for food or exercise to blast some of that?

My sisters wedding is in 2.5 weeks so Id love to slim down that area a bit more for my new dress!



  • MHunte
    MHunte Posts: 149
    You can't target one area and burn fat in that area and in 2.5 weeks you will not lose that much unless you starve yourself..(not recomended). If i was you i would get into incline walking at a mod to brisk pace.... Good luck
    Also try to eat alot of fish..... and you need more cardio than that, your body start's to burn fat after the first 20 mins... try doing 45 mins of cardio.
  • rs2174
    Thanks. Ive been at it for a few months, now just in the final stretch before the wedding
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    If your body is used to the strength training with a bit of cardio, shock it and do a lot more cardio now. Intervals would really help out. So do like 3.5 on the treadmill for 5 minutes, then up to like 6, then back down to 5 then up to as fast as you can handle, then back down to walking, etc. Most treadmills also have an interval program feature on them, so you could use that as well. Adding an incline would be beneficial as well. Just do stuff your body is NOT used to.
  • chasityann32
    to help with belly fat and love handles try doing pike crunches, side plank raises and 30 second - 1 minute ab holds along with unassisted situps. Also, make your cardio workouts more intense, like running at 3.5 mph for 2 minutes then increasing it to 6 or 7 mph for 1 minute, do that for 20 minutes. Also, if you are having a lot of refined and simple carbs in your diet, try cutting those completely out and get your carbs from complex foods and not consuming high carb foods after 2 pm. I hope this helps.
  • rs2174
  • MaryEffingPoppins
    MaryEffingPoppins Posts: 371 Member
    Try Zumba! 60 minutes of cardio and you'll have fun doing it!! I do Zumba and the Eliptical and burn about 1,000-1,200 calories in 90 minutes.
  • alltalk199
    cardio, cardio, cardio, spin cycle classes will work wonders, elliptical and intervals on rowing machine, feel the burn baby!
  • jodi_bannister
    jodi_bannister Posts: 90 Member
    Bump for later
  • Serenavictoria
    Serenavictoria Posts: 37 Member
    Does biking help with this? I do it for my cardio, about 50mins now and I can do little over 10miles. I am not much of a runner, although I would love to be. My joints and very heavy stomach don't really allow me to run, hell I can barely walk at 3.5 miles
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    As you only have 2 and half weeks... I would keep doing what you're doing (which sounds good) and buy some undies that hold everything in so you look even more gorgeous in that dress - it's what all the celebrities do!
  • spiritedsummer
    Is swimming strength, cardio or both? Ive got 5 weeks to lose about 10lbs minimum but hate using the gym...