

  • I guess I'll work it out!
  • ok so i'm back. I got absorbed in comfort eating at the end of the school year. I packed 20 keyboards, 16 guitars, 12 samba drums plus 25 boxes of various musical stuff as our school building is being knocked down and we are moving into a new one in september. the caterers served buffet food. did i resist.... no did i go…
  • If you have a conventional juicer don't put wheatgrass through it as it doesn't like it too much as also you lose loads of the juice and goodness. I have a hand grinder thingy for my wheatgrass. Dead basic model that I got with a wheatgrass growing kit and its excellent, a little elbow grease is needed but a tray of…
  • Hi, Its nice to know there is a good uk presence. a lot of it seems USA people. I am currently in a plateau, i lose a couple of pounds and then have a pig out. don't know how to find the balance. I am trying to be as raw foody as possible.
  • oh yeah. I'm no expert on the healing properties of all of these foods - green juice equals alkalisation = goodness! Rocket, parsley, cilantro (corainder) basil etc all put in juices give a superb flavour and are incredibly nutritious. I have a vegi garden so have a lot of herbs to pick as well as kale which is bloody…
  • Its day 10 people! With juicing it depends whether you are using it as a specific detox or to replace meals. If its a have instead of normal food than you need at least 3 litres of juice. Its best to start with a green juice in the morning. Any combinations are good, adding as much fruit as you need (apples and pears are…
  • and yes pretty much to the salad and blend it up! If you google raw soups you will find a variety to give you a starting point and then you can experiment (or try new recipes)
  • looking in my lovely raw book: raw koftas = (4 people) 1.5 cup sunflower seed sprouts 0.5 cup almonds parsley coriander 1 tsp curry powerder 0.5 tsp cumin pinch cayenne 1/2 courgette 2 gloves garlic ginger nutmeg honey whizz together and dehydrate for 4ish hours sauce = sundried toms, tomatos, 1/2 zuccini, 1/2 cashew plus…
  • I had another indulgence yesterday with raw curried koftas balls and curry sauce (first time in a while over calories....). Very very very nice - my husbands designing the menu at the minute which means quite a lot of nuts! Its my turn at the end of the week!
  • how have you got sores?! that doesn't sound great. I like tomatoes, cucumber and mango chopped small and wrapped in lettuce leaves. My snack was just normal dates and cacao powerder though if you're struggling to find that you could use coco powder i suppose and put it in a blender with water till its a thick texture and…
  • I've just tried that cacao, dates whizzed together for fudge with a banana - OH MY GOD I am in heaven!!!!!
  • well that snap back almost kinda happened today. That's what happens when you don't transition and have a blow out before going raw! Me and my lovely other half agreed that eating a cooked meal every 3/4 days to stop the bad cravings the way forward and I got to go for a yummy chinese and an amazing bar near us. Having a…
  • woo hoo 2 days completely raw! only 6 more to go and I'll beat my personal best!!!! I'm actually enjoying this healthy kick..... just the maintaining it that I always struggle with. I have just started Bikram Yoga which is yoga done at 110f or 45 celsius for us british people The only thing I am slightly concerned about is…
  • I love juices for breakfast - the one I normally have is a dan the man special: 1 lemon 3/4 hot green chillis 1 cucumber 1 bunch celery 1 bunch coriander (cilantro for yanks) 1 bunch parsley I also throw in a load of kale that I have growing in my garden. oh and some ginger! Its amazing!!!!
  • mindelicious for sprouting try chickpeas, lentils, aduki beans, lima and pinto beans plus black eye beans. I think the only ones I would avoid would be kidney beans as some people say the toxins in them are so strong that eating htem raw will upset your stomach even when sprouted. I love sprouted stuff but have a bad habit…
  • Hey I am definitely up for this challenge. I am intending to go 95% raw for the next 90 days (the 5 percent to allow for condiments etc!) I have been toying with raw for a while and haven't really committed to anything and am getting frustrated at not losing weight and hate the feeling I get when I eat rubbish food! I love…
  • honestly if that were my body fat right now I would be really happy. There is a fine balance between being fit and healthy and obsessive I feel. I know this as I know that I can be insecure about my body shape and am my own worst enemy. judging by your photo, you have very good muscle tone so really have nothing to worry…
  • honestly if that were my body fat right now I would be really happy. There is a fine balance between being fit and healthy and obsessive I feel. I know this as I know that I can be insecure about my body shape and am my own worst enemy. judging by your photo, you have very good muscle tone so really have nothing to worry…
  • in People!! Comment by sailady June 2010
  • sprout lentils, chickpeas, mung beans, adzuki beans instead of cooking them if you want protein although you do get it through leafy greens - it is the amino acids rather than protein that your body needs and this is found in plenty in veg. Raw houmous is amazing! once you try you'll (probably) never go back!
  • my favourite green smoothie is banana, mango, coconut water with some spirulina which is a 'superfood' that makes it green, but you can add celery, lettuce, spinach. Anything green! A great smoothie is celery, cucumber and coconut meat and water for during training. I take that on bike rides and it is really hydrating.…
  • Have people come across Dan the Liferegenerator on YouTube. He is 95% raw and is a really inspirational guy. Apart from having tons of recipes, he is a funny and intelligent person whose thoughts always keep me going. He is the reason my husband and I are trying to transition to being raw foodies! we did 100% raw for a…
  • I wouldn't go with sprouted raw brown rice but thats my personal taste, sprouted wild rice which isn't a grain but a type of grass is really really gorgeous and nutty. Grains that are sprouted are really good and filling and a great way of creating different texture in salads etc.
  • I've used map my run before to work out calories and MFP is about right for me if just slightly under. The danger may be overestimating how hard you worked during your exercise
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