


  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I was walking my dog in an adjacent neighbor last summer and passed a group of teenagers hanging out at the community gazebo. My dog is adorable and one of the guys started making kissy noises at Lexi. One of the skinny, twitty teenage girls in the group looked at him with a confused expression on her face and then was like "OHH there's a dog!!" (apparently she didn't see Lexi at first cause of the bushes). Yeah....cause I'm just so fat that no one would ever make cat calls to me.

    Another two (also big girl) friends and I were walking to the car after a night at the bar. We had had a GREAT night. We were about to cross the street but had to wait for a car to pass. As the car passed, a punk *kitten* dip$hit hung halfway out the car and hollared "Hey! why don't you take your fat a$$e$ home?!?" Then they circled around the parking lot to REPEAT IT a second time as we were walking to the car.

    Another time years ago....I was crossing campus at school on a deserted weekend to drop off some paperwork. I was the only person at a crosswalk and there was one car with 3 guys in it. They had their windows down and started cat calling to me. Then they started laughing and one said "thats just wrong." I was dressed like crap, I know that, but still.

    There are *kitten* in the world. There will ALWAYS be *kitten* in the world. You will never get away from them. Even if I was my goal weight, people will still be rude and negative cause instead of dealing with their own unhappiness, they insult other people.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    LOL...not at you but the what i thought of when i finished reading the other posts...

    seriously, you should have said, you just wait you skinny little *kitten*, you too will struggle with your weight someday...good luck with that....

    or you could have said, with a big smile on your face, you should see where i came from and just wait until you see me in the future...i'll be running your *kitten* off the boardwalk....

    as hard as it is, let it go as ignorant bad parenting and then take a breathe and realize what they think/say means nothing to WHAT you have accomplished so far and where you are sucks but the best thing you can do it move on....
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    That was so hurtful, rude and uncalled for!

    Mean people suck!

    On a good note, some day they'll probably wake up and realize how hurtful that was because THEY'LL have weight to lose.

    I was skinny at 18 =o)))
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    They may get it some day; they may not. Doesn't matter.

    I wouldn't give it a second thought.
  • sailady
    sailady Posts: 26

  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Mean and stupid people will always find a way to be mean and stupid. This wasn't about you, they just wanted to act out and you were there.
  • peggy60
    peggy60 Posts: 40
    Some people are TRULY ignorant!!! :mad: Ya know I honestly believe that "What goes around, comes around, Karma, Reap what you sow" How ever you want to say it! To bad you could not seem them in a few years...ya never know what is going to happen in your life....lose a job, someone you love,an illness that will trigger off the unhealthy eating patterns....when this happens to them I hope that someone says something to them and they picture your face and know how it truly feels. Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    Mean and stupid people will always find a way to be mean and stupid. This wasn't about you, they just wanted to act out and you were there.

    I agree! If you were a skinny supermodel they would've had something to say. Bottom line is, you were out there doing what you needed to do to get where you want to be. It takes an ignorant person to not be able to see that and to even think it's their place to tell you what you need to do. I do like that you stood up for yourself for the first time and confronted them. I am also shocked that you were able to control yourself enough to react the way you did! I'm like the rest of these would not have been a pretty picture!!! For what it's worth......we're proud of you! Keep up the good work!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Just pray for them, like my new favorite song, that a flower pot will fall off a window sill, there breaks will go out going down a hill.

    I am so sorry.

    OMG this IS the perfect song for this thread! So glad you mentioned some keywords so I could Google it, it's so funny, it's perfect!:flowerforyou: :laugh: Y'll should take a quick look as it will put a smile on your face after having to deal with those immature girls.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member

    Just ignore it-consider the source.
    Sorry that happened to you:flowerforyou:

  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    They may get it some day; they may not. Doesn't matter.

    I wouldn't give it a second thought.

    I agree with this.

    I also think you did the right thing. You used the anger as fuel to get your blood flowing. Dont let it drag you down. I always think of what I should have said in situations like that but usually saying nothing is the best. Let her remain ignorant and move on. Be the better person.

    You are doing great on the weight loss!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    At least you confronted them..........I would have slinked away and cried (well maybe not NOW...but before)

    I am proud of you for standing up for yourself.

    You are a better person by double than those little brats every hope to be

  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Oh the little twats!! Just wait, one day, their day will come with their skinny little teenage a$$es blow up and they won't have the character it takes to do something about it. Keep on keeping on girl!
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    This is the seond post I have read today about people being snotty. WTH is wrong with people. We are breeding a society of moral-less, inconsiderate, snots. :mad: She shouldn't have even concerned herself with what you were doing in the first place, but realizing that she had said something so offensive in your ear shot should have apologized. Whats with the lose some weight comment; what the heck else did she think you were trying to do? :explode:
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    I am sorry you had to go through that :flowerforyou:

    I just think our society is going to hell in a hand basket and apparently these young girls parents have NOT done their job!! You did very well with how you approached the situation. Your doing great with your weight loss , don't let it bother you because as someone here already said apparently those girls have some major self-esteem issues and they had to make you feel bad so they could feel good but in the long run they are the ones who are hurting themselves. The little brats will one day learn and very well may be in the same shoes in the future :bigsmile:
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    Oh the little twats!! Just wait, one day, their day will come with their skinny little teenage a$$es blow up and they won't have the character it takes to do something about it. Keep on keeping on girl!

    couldn't agree more!! keep on doing what your doing and forget about them. some people are just so ignorant
  • SaveTheDrama
    Don't let it bother you! Just wait until they get older and life hits em. I bet their 18 year old waists will spread a little if you get what I am saying. Then down the road they will be the ones having to listen to some young ignorant kid talking bad about them. Karma:flowerforyou:
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    Oh my goodness you definitely have a LOT of self control :noway: ABSOLUTELY not happening in my case because I would have punched her and then what else. This life is all about walking away and letting this stupid people feel all the better about being stupid and I truly believe these people never learn their lesson until someone puts them in their place! I swear I am boiling right now, boiling!!! :explode:
  • Taliko
    Taliko Posts: 82 Member
    I would have lost it on that little @#!#$!@#.
    You were right to ignore her though! Good for you!
    And really, you were out for a run and she tells you to lose weight, hah! Stupidest thing to say ever, wtf else were you trying to do?
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    Those little *****es were probably just walkin around trying to look cute. They don't know a f*ing thing about dedication or hard work. People like that don't even deserve a response. F them