Clean, fresh, RAW Challenge for JULY!!!



  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    I stocked up!!! Organics, Coconut water, raw honey, fruit and more and more fruits, fresh and frozen, vegetables, lots, in fact DH said I fill the grocery cart with only fresh produce :D and then we have to go a few days later lol. Carob powder, never tried it before and wanted to for a long time also want DH to try as chocolate has so many additives we are allergic to in general!! More raw sunflower oil for Oil Pulling, raw extra virgin olive oil for salads etc.
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    YAY RMC!!! So glad you finally found something you can eat!! When we are sick or injured its just natural for the body to fast & so your lack of hunger was dead on. Thanks for sharing that recipe Sailady! Is that from Ani Phyo? Your job sounds like a ton of fun - I'm sure very busy but always something new. Maybe get one of those personal water jugs you can carry around and don't have to worry about filling it up every couple of minutes. Ummbinat!! I am so jealous of all your goodies!! I really need to go stock up but I hate leaving the puppies alone. I've been eating frozen bananas, dates, & stuff from the garden for like a week now & something different would be really fun. I do need to make Sharon123's Citrusy Avocado dip so I might be off for a quick run to the store tonight. Hope you all have a magnificent Wednesday!!
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    YAY RMC!!! So glad you finally found something you can eat!! When we are sick or injured its just natural for the body to fast & so your lack of hunger was dead on. Thanks for sharing that recipe Sailady! Is that from Ani Phyo? Your job sounds like a ton of fun - I'm sure very busy but always something new. Maybe get one of those personal water jugs you can carry around and don't have to worry about filling it up every couple of minutes. Ummbinat!! I am so jealous of all your goodies!! I really need to go stock up but I hate leaving the puppies alone. I've been eating frozen bananas, dates, & stuff from the garden for like a week now & something different would be really fun. I do need to make Sharon123's Citrusy Avocado dip so I might be off for a quick run to the store tonight. Hope you all have a magnificent Wednesday!!

    I wish I had nice soft dates they were out of them at the store!!!! I love dates and eat them as a snack all the time even before this challenge. DD (toddler) does too. We usually snack on them with raw almonds. I might just have a look at that dip you mentioned as I never buy avocados I don't know what to do with them. Yesterday I ate some sliced with lemon juice but maybe that is bad food combo?

    I just had a delicious drink for breakfast: you can see my review although I did use raw honey not sure what sweetener would be good on a raw vegan diet.
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    Sort of strangely yesterday I ate raw grape tomatoes which tasted bitter with all the fruit I have been eating, anyway I felt a little sore on my tongue after that! Maybe we get used to the foods we are eating.. and they were red but not organic so maybe not vine riped :x
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39

    I find them easiest to use after if I freeze them peeled and sliced in a freezer bag.
  • Naokoheart
    Naokoheart Posts: 161
    I'm in,I did this before on my own accord,and I felt so light and energetic,I need that bounce back again,
    plus I feel bad for relapsing so badly,I'm going to keep doing my research and push on for more then a month!
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    I'm in,I did this before on my own accord,and I felt so light and energetic,I need that bounce back again,
    plus I feel bad for relapsing so badly,I'm going to keep doing my research and push on for more then a month!

    Good stuff. Me too God willing.
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    I made this delicious Creamy Avocado Gazpacho raw:
  • Naokoheart
    Naokoheart Posts: 161
    Hmm I am going to check that out now :)
    I am going to roll my calories up to maintenance like Freelea suggests
    on 30BananasaDay and get on with it. I have already ordered a case of bananas
    and mangoes to get onto the mono-island.
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    Coconut water is sooo delicious :D
  • Naokoheart
    Naokoheart Posts: 161
    Very true,I wish I had more access to the fresh one though,I just bought the bottled one from my local asian supermarket,I am going to check the fresh fruit market for fresh baby green coconuts tomorrow!
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Sometimes grape tomatoes do that to me as well. I have noticed a big difference between the ones that I grow & the ones at market - same type (I planted a tomato from them) & grown in same environment but theirs never taste like tomatoes while mine are delicious...I guess its the difference between love & chemicals.

    Great to have you Naoko!! Mono-island sounds great - I've been thinking about going bananas lately. As soon as I have some ready I think I will as well. Great to have a fellow 30bad'er here!!

    BANANAS!!!! Cheap, versatile, good calories, easily digestible, tasty, easy on the go, and much better for you than those 100 calorie snack packs! Bananas are the only fruit/veggie that continue to ripen in every way after picking. I <3 them. I have 4 different stages for my bananas....GREEN!! these guys are holding, if I am low on ripe bananas I will put them in a brown paper bag or brown box with a ripe banana to get them ripe faster. RIPE!! These guys are just hanging out on the table or counter ready to be eaten. FRIDGE!! This is when I have too many ripe all at once and can't eat them fast enough. I just put them peel and all in the fridge....the peel will get brown but the banana will be fine. FREEZER!! These go straight from ripe to freezer (I don't freeze if they've been refrigerated). All I do is place peeled bananas on a cookie sheet, a layer of wax paper or platic wrap, more bananas, and wrap in plastic & then freeze. Once frozen I put them in bags (I do it this way so they aren't one big block of bananas - more individually frozen). Freezing isn't optimum however it is the prefered method of preserving since it does the smallest amount of damage to the fruit. Then if making a smoothie I throw in a couple frozen along with some fresh to make it a bit cooler. Always try to warm the smoothie in your mouth before swallowing - frozen foods are very taxing on the digestive system. Also make sure you "chew" your smoothies so that you are getting plenty of saliva mixed in. Saliva & stomach acid are buddies. When I have too many frozen bananas I get a bit mucusy - so obviously its not something you want to totally rely on but hey we are already doing so much - there is only so far you can go in this crazy world.

    We are one week in!!!!!!!! I am so inspired by all of you taking so well to this & really pushing yourselves!! You are all doing such an amazing job! You all definitely keep me pushing through!
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    what is oil pulling?

    tonight I made another cold soup it is really good but did hurt a little.
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Oil pulling is an Ayurveda practice that has endless benefits. It strengthens the gums, whitens teeth, pulls toxins out of the body & tones the mouth in general, some even say it increases the metabolism & makes you live much longer. Basically you "pull" unrefined cold pressed sesame or sunflower oil through your teeth and the oil absorbs the toxins & the act of it strengthens your mouth. There are a couple videos on youtube but you can also check out Ummbinat's post on recipezaar:;q=oil+pulling&amp;Search=Search

    I need to get back to doing it...I always keep up with it for a few days & then I forget...I just need to keep the oil in the bathroom instead of putting it back into the kitchen.
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    Woohoo I did all raw again today!!!!! I am still hungry though. I wish I had dates to eat with raw almonds. I am way below my recommended calorie intake on here is that really bad? I think you can see my diary.
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Great job Ummbinat! No I think you have it private...go to My Home, then settings, and then the third category is where you can change your diary privacy settings. If you are consistently under than your body may start to store instead of burn. I would just try to stick with how many calories you should be having otherwise you could get burnt out. I am way over today & I'm feeling really good!! going shopping for the pups!!
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    my mouth is starting to get a little better. able to eat more and more. Well maybe not eating, i am putting things in my blender.
    I am thinking of starting a juice fast tomorrow. Anything I should know?
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    I'm not a really big juicer but I would just say make sure you drink enough juice & hopefully you like the concoctions you come up with!! Keep us posted on your favorites!! Moreveggiesplease (Leah) does juicing & I think she just finished up a juice fast - she would be much more of an expert than me for sure.
  • sailady
    sailady Posts: 26
    Its day 10 people!

    With juicing it depends whether you are using it as a specific detox or to replace meals. If its a have instead of normal food than you need at least 3 litres of juice.
    Its best to start with a green juice in the morning. Any combinations are good, adding as much fruit as you need (apples and pears are good) to make it digestible.

    I love orange and grapefruit juice (4 oranges to one grapefruit) I dont know why but it goes really creamy and isnt bitter at all.

    Another favourite for a snak of mine is carrot juice and 1 lime (with or without rind). It actually tastes very silmilar to corona beer!

    Ginger is a great addition to many juices and lemon helps to keep the colour fresh particularly if you're not going to drink it straight away.

    I have litre sized jam jars that I take my breakfast juice to work in.
    People think i'm slightly crazy but it works!