smanning1982 Member


  • Sometimes that will happen to me then all of a sudden the next week I will lose that plus an extra pound or two, maybe water retention or you very well could be gaining muscle. Take measurements that is better to keep track of than pounds. Also if aunt flow is about to visit that could be it. I always gain a pound or two…
  • If you are eating only 1200 calories and burning 1000-2000 you realize that you aren't netting 1200 calories a day right? You're netting 200 calories or under. That is basically an eating disorder. You're body is probably in starvation mode
  • 1000 calories before exercise? So even if you only burn 200 calories your net is like 800 calories? That's way too low, you're poor body is probably holding onto every tiny thing you put in your mouth now :( Boost up to 1400-1600 calories, stick with the exercise
  • When I crave chocolate I eat a fudgesicle. So good and creamy and only 40 calories!
  • Im reading this as I am drinking a nice ice cold diet pepsi, and it's soooooo good with all that aspartame in it, and IDGIF LOL
  • I have 2 cups of coffee a day and measure out 5 tablespoons of fat free creamer in each cup. It comes to 300 calories for my 2 cups coffee with fat free creamer! YES YOU HAVE TO LOG IT
  • KEEP AT IT! I also have never been a runner. When I started C25K I also thought I'd die. Like I thought I quite possibly really could be having a heart attack! Those 60 second runs were freaking terrible!!! Push through it! I promose it gets better. I had to repeat several weeks starting on week 4. Several months now and I…
  • Fudgsicles! Only 40 calories for a fudgesicle! I have one every night!
  • I have been married for 14 yrs and have 4 kids with my husband. Just by knowing that people may think how great that is. Then I tell you I met my husband when I was 14 and got knocked up at 16 and got married at 16. Some might judge. Yes, I was one of the crazy out of control having sex and getting drunk and high everyday…
  • I think you should start getting used to counting just calories and maybe grams of fat with staying at or below both. (That's all I ever do and as long as I stay at or below my calories I lose weight) Once you do that for a while if you are concerned about the rest of the macros take one at a time and focus on it as to not…
  • Well I have fake boobs and I love them. I don't care who knows, I tell everyone hahaha
  • I never ever log unintentional exercise, even though I chose sedentary also yet I have 4 kids and we do A LOT. I always see my friends logging 2 hour of cleaning, housework 700 calories, or after I know they went grocery shopping they log walking 3 miles an hour for 30 mins, 85 calories or whatever. More power to them I…
  • I couldn't live without my diet pepsi. Oh how I love my diet pepsi. Only in an ice cold can though, its gross from a soda machine LOL I drink 4-6 cans a day, I can't go without it!
  • I have about 2 cups of coffee every morning, with fat free french vanilla creamer and within a half hour of drinking it I am on the toilet, every single day. If I don't drink my coffee I don't go! I would try to drink a good 3-4 cups if you can and see if it helps!
  • I did HCG on and off for a year. Using the shots and giving myself shots in the stomach everyday. I had horrible migraines, was sleepy and weak. It was just terrible but I was deperate to "lose weight fast". Every single time I gained back more than I lost. Lots of people told me how unheallthy it was, I just didn't care.…
    in HCG? Comment by smanning1982 April 2014
  • I've lost almost 25 lbs (5'5 from 178 down to 154 so far) and people just started noticing. Just a few people. Im hoping these next 10 pounds will really start being noticeable :D
  • No. 1-2 lbs per week is healthy. 5-7 lbs a week is an eating disorder, and once you eat again you'll gain it all back faster than you lost it anyways.
  • Well I for one will definitely think about eating more ladies now ;) hahahaha
  • When you begin a new workout routine your muscles get little tears in them which fill up with water to repair the muscles. Which is normal and good. That extra water weight can make the scale go up, even if you're losing fat. Once the muscles repair themselves it'll go back down. Don't give up the exercise.
  • If you switch to diet coke that should do the trick. Maybe stop climbing the stairs, it's obvious to me that you must be gaining muscle, and since muscle weighs sooooooo much more than fat, that is your problem
  • And why exactly are you with him? You have two jobs, hes not there, you are basically doing the single mom thing anyways and when he's there he obviously isn't even attracted to you (sorry but from what you said it's the truth). You seriously need to up and leave while he's away. Get on with your life. Get heathly for YOU…
  • You've only been with this guy for 6 months and you're already noticing his weight as unattractive? I bet you anything he had just lost weight to find a girl, and when she was found gave up the diet and became his "normal" self again. If after only 6 months you are starting to find him unattractive, you should probably…
  • Open up a seperate savings account for your boobs. Once alll your weight is gone and you're happy with your goal weight and body reward yourself with a nice shiny set of new boobs! I got a boob job about 8 years ago and love them! Went from a small B cup to a DDD!
  • WOW! You seriously don't even look like the same person! You look so amazing! Very inspiring!
  • Channing is so completely effing HOT! I just want to be sandwhiched between him and Ian Summerhalder and I'll be set. And OMG his moves on Magic Mike, made me all tingly down there ;)
  • You don't want to chop off a limb, it's too noticeable. What you should do is remove body parts that is not as noticeable. Maybe cut off the butt cheeks and toes. You can also remove any organs that you won't be needing. After that, juice cleanse for several days and you'll be good to go!
  • I read this on CNN, it's so ridiculous. It's just police taking it to a personal level. Those police are going to be the laughing stock of the town!
  • Well, I figured if I order a Diet Coke with my double bacon cheeseburger it's definitely gonna help keep those pounds off!