

  • You can also eat lean beef on reset. I'm having steak tonight! Anyways I am on my 15 the day. Wrapping up reset tonight. I did an extra day because I was pretty bad one day this weekend so I figured I had to make up for it. Anywho I am down 10 lbs and 10 inches overall! Love this program
  • Today is my last day on reset of the pink method. So far I am down 10 lbs and 10 inches overall! It's day 15 for me today (did it an extra day cuz I had a bad day on the weekend) anyways 5 of those 10 inches is from My waist alone!
  • Way to go!! Sounds and looks like your on you way to your goal! Keep it up :)
  • Manitoba, I am a registered massage therapist.
  • Thank you everyone for answering! I feel better lol I am a picky eater so I was a little worried if I followed my own plan it would throw the results off a bit. P90X and turbo fire look awesome. Those are in my future plans but I think I need to work up to that lol! Glad to see your all getting results!
  • You can check out a sports check if you have one near you, i found some on their website so you could always get from their too. they have the suunto and the polar, im about to go run out right now actually to see if my local one has the suunto M4, if not ill be ordering online! Hope that helps a little :)
  • You look great!
  • I didnt like that either, the new ww program is a little different as to calculating points now, they take into consideration fats, carbs fibre and protein, but i see your point on sugars and that. I just track for both sites as i have apps on my phone for both so i find it easy enough!
  • I am currently doing ww! I havent been on it long but i am down 7 pounds on it so far. I have had weeks where i have been up but during those weeks i had surgery (2 in the last 2 months) so I cant say for sure if its the surgery that got me up or the program. I have this last week been tracking for both ww and this site…
  • I'm in the same boat and I fully agree! No more crap
  • You look so amazing and what a motivating story! Thanks for sharing!
  • Hello! I'm new around here too! Sorry to hear about your toe :( but at least it's only a week! Your health and healing is important so that you can get back on track! Hope it heals soon for you! While your healing and outta commission exercise wise just try to eat as healthy as healthy as you can and you will feel better…
  • Thanks so much! I'm hoping to have fun while doing this :)