Workout videos... Do you follow their diet??

Alright well I'm expecting Turbo jam any day now along with hip hop abs, anywho I am just curious if one should actually follow the diet/nutrition plan that comes with the video or if following your own diet would still be good enough. What have you done and did you get results? (doesn't have to pertain to these videos, just a general question with any video!)
Thanks in advance!!


  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    absolutely not. I have never followed a workout diet program and have it work. the calories allotted seem like they are for a 200 pound male body builder. however, when i mix my own diet and a workout program video- great results
  • 2dayirun4me
    2dayirun4me Posts: 336 Member
    no way i have food allergies and cant eat certain foods.
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Ive done Ripped in 30 two times with some modifications and none of the times did I follow the diet plan. I still eat on a deficit but I eat less carbs then suggested and I take one cheatday every week, and I still loose around one pound a week.
  • erinfreck
    i have hip hop abs too and when i was dieting it was awesome.... it wasnt any starving diet it just cut out your sugars.... it really does work
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    I've done P90X a few times. The only part of their diet plan I followed was the ratios they suggested for each of the three 30 days phases. The P90X nutrition plan doesn't plan a caloric deficiet so Ihad to drop about 500 calories off what they suggested.

    I still ate at the 50/30/20 protein/Carb/Fat ratio but at about 500 calories less than what P90X would have had me eat.

    The key is to make sure you're fueling your body with quality foods.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I have pulled recipes from the books that come with the programs and they are really good. Most of the recipes are aimed to get you to eat around 1600-2000 calories and that will vary on the program you choose. For example, Turbo Fire aims for 1600-1800 calories which is what I eat on my work out days, I eat back my calories. P90X is a high protein program and it outlines a high calories diet to help you build muscle and Chalean Extreme focus' on low fat/high protein because it's goal is to help build lean muscle and lose body fat.

    Browse the nutrition guilds and you'll probably be adding some new foods into your diet.
  • vmrink
    I'm doing Turbo Fire and don't follow their diet plan and I'm still losing. I follow MFPs suggested calorie goal and that's good enough for me. No complaints.
  • sryan8408
    I say it depends on your body type and how you work with food. The average man could do the workout plan and diet no problem and lose weight BUT me being 5ft and not much weight to lose I wouldn't lose on the program they provided. Just do what was working for you without the dvds and stick to that. Probably your best bet. Have fun with hip hop abs, Shaun T cracks me up in those videos lol.
  • Lastlove
    Thank you everyone for answering! I feel better lol I am a picky eater so I was a little worried if I followed my own plan it would throw the results off a bit.
    P90X and turbo fire look awesome. Those are in my future plans but I think I need to work up to that lol!
    Glad to see your all getting results!
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I have pulled recipes from the books that come with the programs and they are really good. Most of the recipes are aimed to get you to eat around 1600-2000 calories and that will vary on the program you choose. For example, Turbo Fire aims for 1600-1800 calories which is what I eat on my work out days, I eat back my calories. P90X is a high protein program and it outlines a high calories diet to help you build muscle and Chalean Extreme focus' on low fat/high protein because it's goal is to help build lean muscle and lose body fat.

    Browse the nutrition guilds and you'll probably be adding some new foods into your diet.

    Ditto. There are good recipes in the meal plan and I incorporate those, but I don't follow the plans themselves.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Nope. The diets are ususally messed up nutrition wise.

    This article has a section that compares the diets of Rushfit, P90X and Insanity... none of them are perfect. At all.