I gain anywhere from 1 pound to 5! I don't try to control it. I'm too lazy ;) I just expect it. And also there are studies that have been done that when menstrating, women should consume extra up to 300/day! But some folks suggest to drink extra water and eat less salt to control the water retention. Ps.…
- husband asks me if I need to eat something! I can be quite the bear when hungry :0
I tend to be whole foods girl bc the labels on the non fat items, as everyone else has mentioned, are scary. I recently read an article (and I'll try and find and post) written by a world renowned heart surgeon. The newer shift in heart disease causes, he believes as well as many heart docs, is not from fats and fatty…
Bring those pictures to work and remind them of how you looked 23 lbs ago! You look fantastic! 23 lbs is a lot of work - keep it up (although you don't appear as though you need to lose anymore!)!!
Well written. I hope I always stay fat on the inside too! I grew up skinny and oblivious to the norm of being confident. About the same time you made a change to become healthy and reep my benefits, I became sedintary and blew up. I've seen both sides now and you are spot on! Congrats to you!
Don't forget plastic bags for dirty diapers and trash!
You may want to bring more water. 2 water bottles doesn't sound like much for that period of time. When we hiked with our little ones (and I'm talking 3 and 1 year old twins), I would wear a camel back and just share that with the kids rather than packing juice. You can usually hang the bag on the carrier. We would hike…
As well as everything mentioned above, sometimes jerky and meat sticks can be good for a quick protein fix. They are high in sodium but it's a good mix up. There are several brands that make turkey as well as beef. Turkey is a great source of protein btw (I believe one of the highest out of poultry). Also, if you're eating…
Def going to try! Thanks!
I have 4 small children. They eat what we make or they don't eat. My husband and I love to cook, love to eat and I'm sure it may be genetic. But more so than not, it's bc we enforce the rule that they try it. They don't have to eat it all but must try it. I've thrown aways many servings of squash which stinks (to waste…
I totally understand you wanting to wait to add baby #5. I have 4 also (5, 3 yr old twins, almost 2). When you have them back to back like that, it can be crazy. BUT not as crazy as strangers critisizing your want for another child! People are so strange. Anyway, I tend to agree with some of the other folks. If you want…
Bummer to hear that! Chipotle is actual real whole food and so freakin good. I love taco bell although the thought of it is does that work? My body is confused...Maybe it is trained eating. I grew up on whole foods as my mom was hippy like in her eating habbits and us poor kids took the brunt!
[/quote] I would SOOOOO love the mommy lift! Don't think it's gonna happen for me, though...the hubby is very anti-surgery. Go for it! :) [/quote] I think that's totally cool your husband feels that way. I'm not anti anything and infact, will probably have a tuck after I shake the fat off! I had 4 babies in 3 1/2 years…
Hey, there! I'm a sahm of 4, twins in the middle! Mine are 5, 3, 3 and almost 2. I've been a part of mfp for a good bit but have had a slow go at shaking of the rest of my baby fat! I do need more friends to keep me accountable and maybe help me find ways to tweak weight loss. Would love to be added as a friend! I'm 5'5,…
I've posted a couple of (what I thought) were humorous, maybe dry, replies to my "friends" logs here on mfp...crickets... I welcome some humor. God knows this mama needs it! I embrace the pinch on the back of my arm in regards to bad grammar. To lay or to lie...sit and set... Good luck with your journey. Would love to be…
I started workig out at a gym 7 moths ago. I had never really been iside a gym!! I started at the treadmill. Headphones, water ad I started walking. Over several days, I learned how to use the machine. Switched it up to the elliptical which I find to be a great workout with a good calorie burn. Since I had very low muscle…
True. If I actually get to have any (I'm a sahm of 4, 5 years and under), I get the beef. It is heavenly and not terrible if you get a small and plan the day around.
It's very easy to cook. You can actually add some into your rice. Then just learn to play with it by adding veges and herbs
Pho is amazig! The chicken is lower in calories is still very yummy. I love to add all the sprouts, herbs, jalepenos and some of the sauces (sriracha, hoisin). Most places will add veges if you ask (for a little charge). Spring rolls are very good too. Not the fried one of course. Sometimes you can order and fill and roll…
If you are tryig to eat healthier and not trying to do a "cleanse" and you love meat, eat it!! Eggs are very good for you. Brown eggs tend to have less cholesterol. We eat salmo like its going out of style too. Although I can't stand the frozen bags of fish. Grill with salt and pepper and a little oil so it doesn't stick.…
Have you ever eaten quinoa? It's a gf, grain. It cooks like rice and is good hot or cold. My family loves it with vegetables and a little salt. Most regular grocery stores carry it in the health food section. It's a great product for everyone regardless of health goals. Full of protein and fiber...
Hi, I'm a GA girl. Married with 4 kids; 5, 3 year old twins and an almost 2 year old! Can't quite shake the weight from the last baby. Busy too with my little ducks as I'm also a SAHM. None of mine have started school yet but I do have a large network of friends who also homeschool. Hat's off! Good luck in your journey. I…