What to eat for my cleanse



  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Read the book called "Eat Clean" by Tosca Reno ... I believe this is what you are looking for.

    It will give you a list of foods.

    It focuses on nothing processed/minimally processed.

    Eggs are ok to eat. Breads are ok to eat as long as they are whole grain. Lean meats (turkey, chicken, fish) are fine to eat. Milk is fine to drink as is tea and black coffee. Fruits and vegetables (less of potatoes). Brown rice, beans of any kind etc.

    You don't need to cut out gluten and eggs etc unless there is an allergy/medical issue.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Don't do a silly 21 day or x day "cleanse"... Just bin the junk, eat clean and work out.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    What are you trying to clean? I like simply green

    I love Simply Green! That stuff gets stains out of EVERYTHING.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    What are you trying to clean? I like simply green

    I love Simply Green! That stuff gets stains out of EVERYTHING.
    Isn't it....Simple Green?
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    What are you trying to clean? I like simply green

    I love Simply Green! That stuff gets stains out of EVERYTHING.
    Isn't it....Simple Green?

    Yes, but I didn't want to correct him. I knew what he was talking about.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    What are you trying to clean? I like simply green

    I love Simply Green! That stuff gets stains out of EVERYTHING.
    Isn't it....Simple Green?

    Yes, but I didn't want to correct him. I knew what he was talking about.
    Leave it to me to be "that guy". :bigsmile:
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi! I read some of your food diary and I feel if you simply change your way of eating your body will be cleansed and much happier. You eat a lot of processed foods and a lot of calories every day. I recommend lean meat like chicken (baked or grilled), fish (baked or grilled), and lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Salads with very light dressing or even lemon juice for dressing. WATER and NO sodas. Eating these things vs what you are now will cleanse your body.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member

    This is awesome advice about eating and dieting.

    The author mentions orthorexia nervosa. Essentially it is a form of eating disorder where one becomes so restrictive about their eating and food choices in an attempt to eat "clean" that they develop bad habits and become malnourished due to the restrictions. That's one thing people don't always think about. A highly varied diet can protect from missing out on important nutrients. Cleanses are the opposite of Highly Varied.
  • Have you ever eaten quinoa? It's a gf, grain. It cooks like rice and is good hot or cold. My family loves it with vegetables and a little salt. Most regular grocery stores carry it in the health food section. It's a great product for everyone regardless of health goals. Full of protein and fiber...
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Another very reasonable and balanced approach can be found at www.dietaryguidelines.gov
  • If you are tryig to eat healthier and not trying to do a "cleanse" and you love meat, eat it!! Eggs are very good for you. Brown eggs tend to have less cholesterol. We eat salmo like its going out of style too. Although I can't stand the frozen bags of fish. Grill with salt and pepper and a little oil so it doesn't stick. Yum! Rutabega can be very hearty and delicious in soups or cooked in fresh greens. Also turip greens with the turip root cut up is good. I cook with lean ham but I'm sure there is something else you could use.

    Vegetables roasted or grilled in aluminum like potatoes, mushrooms, onion, bell pepper, tossed in lemon juice, fresh dill and a little ex virgin olive oil, salt and pepper is very good.
  • Pooterly
    Pooterly Posts: 61 Member
    Hi! I read some of your food diary and I feel if you simply change your way of eating your body will be cleansed and much happier. You eat a lot of processed foods and a lot of calories every day. I recommend lean meat like chicken (baked or grilled), fish (baked or grilled), and lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Salads with very light dressing or even lemon juice for dressing. WATER and NO sodas. Eating these things vs what you are now will cleanse your body.

    Yes, that is what I am trying to do. Thank you! I know my faults and I am trying to fix them.
  • Pooterly
    Pooterly Posts: 61 Member
    Thank you everyone for your input. It has been very helpful especially the external links. :)
  • Pooterly
    Pooterly Posts: 61 Member
    Another very reasonable and balanced approach can be found at www.dietaryguidelines.gov

    Thank you! I will check this website out!
  • Pooterly
    Pooterly Posts: 61 Member
    Have you ever eaten quinoa? It's a gf, grain. It cooks like rice and is good hot or cold. My family loves it with vegetables and a little salt. Most regular grocery stores carry it in the health food section. It's a great product for everyone regardless of health goals. Full of protein and fiber...

    I have never had it before. Is it hard to cook? I will have to go look at the grocery store to see about it then. I have to make a trip to get some brown rice and orange juice anyways...
  • Pooterly
    Pooterly Posts: 61 Member
    What are you trying to clean? I like simply green

    I love Simply Green! That stuff gets stains out of EVERYTHING.
    Isn't it....Simple Green?

    Yes, but I didn't want to correct him. I knew what he was talking about.
    Leave it to me to be "that guy". :bigsmile:

    LOL! You guys are so funny!
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member

    So personally, I am a big fan of the cleanse I did last June called "Clean" (http://www.cleanprogram.com/)

    It's No
    gluten, red meat, processed food, eggs, unnatural sugar, caffeine, alcohol, dairy, nightshades, corn, soy, or "mucous forming foods" like bananas.

    You also have two liquid meals a day -- not juices though, high cal/protein smoothies or soups. There are a million recipes on the site and in the forums and the community there is amazing. It's very difficult and 3 weeks long, but you feel great after and it really helps jumpstart your eating habits. I felt cleaner afterwards and lost about 8 lbs, most of which was water weight.

    The biggest things I gained out of it were learning that I don't need to eat a million things a day to feel full, I can eat a lot less and still feel healthy and full. Also, I learned a lot about how gluten makes me feel and to this day I still avoid gluten, dairy, processed foods, soda, and red meat as often as possible because I feel healthier when I do.

    Do not buy into their talk about how you have to buy a kit to do the cleanse though. It does make it easier, but I personally didn't like the idea and did it entirely naturally. I did however buy some of the supplements that they recommend, I'm not sure that I felt any different because of them though and they were expensive.

    I highly recommend doing Clean!!! Research it for a while and read his book, it really helps you understand the diet and why you do it.

    Good luck! Feel free to add me if you want!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Ugh, no cleanses, those are actually terrible for you.

    Why would you give up eggs? Eggs are one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

    As long as you have a liver, and at least one kidney, you do not have any toxins in need of "cleansing."

    If you want to eat healthier than you are currently eating, just start eating healthier. That's all there is to it.
  • lyninit2winit
    lyninit2winit Posts: 70 Member
    I did a liquid fast and detox. I used GNC Maximum Greens Super Green Formula Complete and Maximum Fruits Complete Powder with juice to sub for my meals for one week. Then I slowly added raw fruits and veggies the next week and the next week i went to cooked veggies n fruits then the next week i gradually added lean meat like chicken n fish. It was a while before I added other meats and it worked great.