Fat vs Non-Fat products



  • bxtr87
    bxtr87 Posts: 17
    I do non-fat. I find it perfect for me and my goals. One problem, though, is the fullness factor. I've found making sure the product is higher in satiety-inducing (but better-for-you-than-fat) things like protein and fiber helps this though. Good luck!! Hope this helps.:wink:
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    The old idea of fat being the root of all that's evil has been debunked. Even saturated fat has been shown to be nowhere near as bad as we thought it was. The only really bad fat is trans fat. So, what's the point of eating less filling, less tasty, and possibly less healthy (due to higher sugar or other additives) fat free foods? If it works for you and you still get adequate fat in your diet, then that's fine. But you may do better by eating real foods and just eating less.
  • beccacoug
    beccacoug Posts: 24
    I tend to be whole foods girl bc the labels on the non fat items, as everyone else has mentioned, are scary.

    I recently read an article (and I'll try and find and post) written by a world renowned heart surgeon. The newer shift in heart disease causes, he believes as well as many heart docs, is not from fats and fatty foods but from the swelling of our arteries. A reaction of sorts to refined sugars and synthetic foods. Plaque build up in the walls is happening bc the walls swell trapping the fats and cholesterol that should flow through normally. Basically the article stated that unnatural substances in the body are to blame for the epidemic of heart disease, not whole milk and hamburger meat. The diets that they have been putting folks on for years and years are what in turn are slowly killing them. Low fat, non fat is mostly replaced by man made, modified "recipes".

    I'm making small changes in my life. I drink my coffee black. I skip the chips. I did weight watchers after each pregnancy and I found myself making horrible food choices just so I could eat more. I would choose a wheat bread of 100% whole grain or wheat because there are 30 more calories and a little more fat. I try to do the whole foods thing now. Lara bars are high in calories but they have like 5 ingredients and are a great fast food beakfast or snack. I do like tortilla chips. I am a sucker for nachos so I look for the chips that are more natural not the fake olestra or weird baked ones!

    Good luck with your journey and life style!
  • beccacoug
    beccacoug Posts: 24
    The old idea of fat being the root of all that's evil has been debunked. Even saturated fat has been shown to be nowhere near as bad as we thought it was. The only really bad fat is trans fat. So, what's the point of eating less filling, less tasty, and possibly less healthy (due to higher sugar or other additives) fat free foods? If it works for you and you still get adequate fat in your diet, then that's fine. But you may do better by eating real foods and just eating less.

  • waltfan
    waltfan Posts: 1
    Read the label and see what the added in to take out the fat. Some products are fine but some add chemicals to make up for the lack of fat. This is true of a lot of non organic fat free yogurts. Read the label on yoplait vs. yoplait light. Your are probably better of indulging in smaller portions of the higher fat product or eating food that is naturally fat free.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    I do low fat to full fat..depepnding on what I find. The ingredients in non-fat stuff just scares me..Besides full fat stuff isnt bad for you..its the processed stuff that is...

    We stopped margarine and started doing butter. I do lowfat greek (hard to find full fat) cause its less carbs..and its good fat..its personal preference like everything else...

    Me too. I do some low-fat things some regular. It all depends on what it is. I do a lot of low-fat/non-fat dairy, because nothing else is added to it, they just remove the fat and I can get so much more food for my calories.

    Most other things, I eat "whole", non-defatted. Fat makes it taste better. I feel less deprived and more satisfied.