

  • I have those days too. Seems like Sunday evening is the worst. I'm really good as long as I stay home, alone, and stick to my plan of exercising and correct amt of calories. When I go out, or am around other people, I get a little nervous and start regressing back to the old habits. I've only lost a few lbs, but last year,…
  • Welcome to a great support system for losing weight. We really care here.
  • Protein shakes are great and low cal.
  • Since your family needs to lose weight too, and the holidays will soon be here, maybe, just maybe, they would like a weight loss challenge. A money pot works with most people, at least for 2 or 3 wks. Then they can find their own support system...oh hey, maybe MFP???? If they agree, weigh in with a certain amount of…
  • This is the place to truely be honest about food intake. Sometimes it's not pleasant, but I have never seen anything but positive support with the friends I have chosen on this site. Usually they are more supportive than I am to myself, so at least it's out there, and I don't have to hide it. Hey, if it gets real bad, you…
  • I allow myself a light yogurt, (80 cal) or a snack an hour or 2 after dinner. Then subconsciously, the kitchen is closed for the evening. If my ways always worked, I wouldn't need to lose weight, so am gaining new insight from everyone here on MFP! Good luck this weekend everyone....weekends are sometimes a little harder…
  • Welcome! This is a wonderful site and a great support system. We certainly all have our set backs, but we are also here to support one another throughout it all. We will reach our goals!! Autumn
  • I just learned today 4 grams of sugar = 1 teaspoon. So a pie that's 44 grams of sugar, take a glass and put 11 teaspoons of sugar in. Doesn't take long to realize that's a LOT of SUGAR! Not healthy. A coke is about the same. When I'm nervous, I want to eat. That's crazy.
  • Hi Samantha, I'm just like you, and understand completely wanting to eat ALL the time! Last year, I got some appetite suppresants from a weight loss clinic and lost 25 lbs. I didn't even think of food, was amazing. Not sure if you are overweight enough for a dr to give them to you....but could be worth a phone call. Also,…
  • Last year, I stayed in Taiwan for a month and lost 8 lbs. How did I do it without planning to? Their way of eating is very different than ours. They eat A LOT, but it's veges, soups, fish, chicken, tea, very little salt or sugar. Beef is not that readily available. Once I decided to order a "Texas filet" as the large sign…
  • Seems the more veges I eat, the less meat I want. Now to the point of only wanting fish, I can't imagine knawing on a piece of beef. When my children were small and I was married, I tried it for 6 wks, but it was very difficult as my husband wanted beef. Now, I am finally able to eat what I want, which doesn't include…
  • Hi, I'm struggling with an alcoholic in my life. Here's my story....I gained 15 lbs this past year. Can't believe I let myself go, but after a racquet ball injury last Jan, started laying on couch, watching tv, and drinking wine. What a loser. So now, something clicked and I decided this week, to get back in to shape. I…
  • Personally speaking, I feel so much better without alcohol, and am able to do the elliptical much longer as well. A few years ago, I had a personal trainer 3 days a week. She said it didn't matter how much I worked out, I would not lose much weight while still drinking daily wine. An alcoholic told me, either drink or eat,…
  • Hi Wendy, I just started this program too,and have also entered a local weight loss challenge. Sounds like you may be lonely at night when everyone goes to bed, so you turn to food as your friend. Everyone that's overweight has done that at some time. Be sure and save a snack that is low calorie for night time. Also, I'm…